Chapter 249
After finally waiting for Nakano Yihua and Nakano Sanjiu to leave, Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yotsuba hurriedly slipped away from this floor.

"Let's go eat something first, it's already night."


Seeing that Nakano Yotsuba bowed her head and still didn't get out of that shyness, Yi Lingyuan brought up what happened just now in spite of her will.

"Speaking of which, Yihua and Sanjiu picked out a lot of clothes, and they changed them many times."

"You don't have to worry about these details."

Nakano Yotsuba ran behind Yi Lingyuan and pushed his back complainingly.

"Let's go quickly, while Yihua and Sanjiu are still paying the bill."

Seeing that under the urging of Nakano Yotsuba, Yi Lingyuan wanted to walk out of the gate, who knew that the next second, Nakano Yotsuba would drag her by the arm and run to a nearby store to hide.

"I didn't expect Xiaoxue Nai to come out with me so easily."

"I just don't have anything important to do at home."

The pink-haired girl with a natural giant x and the flat-chested and icy character with black and straight, the two girls who are already beautiful together are even more eye-catching now.

"Really? I still have a lot of summer homework to do."

"Wait until the night before school starts, it will be really late, Yui, you have to pay attention. He is right about summer homework, scumbags, as long as you follow the designated plan, you can easily complete it."

"However, he didn't come out when he asked Xiaoyi before. He must be making up for summer homework."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Yuigahama Yui who was still waving angrily, and cruelly told her another possibility.

"I think scumbag Yi is more likely to be with that girl now."

"No, it won't be."

Although Yubihama Yui tried very hard to defend Yi Lingyuan, but the more he thought about it, the more he lacked confidence, and in the end he lowered his little head in dejection.

"Of course Yui, you can also think about the good side."

Yukinoshita Yukino's subsequent turning point made Yuigahama Yui's eyes sparkle with hope again.

"For example, being hospitalized in a car accident, being hit by a flower pot that suddenly fell from the sky, and accidentally falling into a well while walking."

"Well, Xiao Xue is better not to think in a good way, in fact, it's nothing to be with other girls, maybe it's just friends coming out together or something."

"Ale~~~! Ling Yuan~~~! Is this your new girlfriend?"

Yi Lingyuan, who was about to slip away from the aisle on the other side, bumped into Fujiwara Chika after a long absence.

The president with super fierce eyes, the accountant with super long bangs, and Miss Kaguya from the Shinomiya family.

After seeing Yi Lingyuan, Fujiwara Chika ran over happily jumping up and down.

"It's Fujiwara~~"

I don't know why Yi Lingyuan's heart always becomes brighter unconsciously when he sees this girl.

"Are you guys coming out to play too?"

"That's right, this time my gourmet hunter—Chika Fujiwara will lead Kaguya and the others to find the hidden ramen hidden in Chiba!"

"Oh oh oh =~~~ It's amazing, sounds like it."

Seeing Chika Fujiwara posing in a jojo standing pose, Yi Lingyuan applauded very cooperatively to join her.

"Of course, I am a person with gourmet cells!"

Fujiwara Chika proudly pinched her waist with both hands, enjoying Yi Lingyuan's flamboyant flattery without the slightest embarrassment.

Accountant Ishigami, Shirogane Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya, the only normal real men among the remaining three, said:
"I always feel that Fujiwara-senpai and this person are inexplicably compatible."

"Indeed, it feels like these two seem to be having a good time."

Baiyin Yuxing nodded as he looked at the two people who were flattering the other.

"It should be the radio waves."

Having said that, compared to the two people next to him, Kaguya Shinomiya felt a layer of gloom in his heart.

Shinomiya Kaguya is still grateful to this young master of the Yi family who helped him at the fireworks conference.

When they came in, it was reported that the owner of the Yi family had just concluded a marriage contract with the British diplomat's family.

But the drama is that the third lady of the Yi family has been in Chiba for a long time (?) It seems that she doesn't know about this, she has made a marriage contract between her nephew and the Yukinoshita family without authorization.

The gossip news of this kind of drama spread quickly in this small family circle, even Shinomiya Kaguya had heard of it.

(When you go back, you have to remind Qianhua well.)
"No, it's a couple."

Nakano Yotsuba deliberately walked a few steps away from Yi Lingyuan in order to prove the authenticity of what she said.

"Ah, that's right! Boom~!~"

Fujiwara Chika wanted to chat with Yi Lingyuan, but Shinomiya Kaguya called her to wave from not far away:
"It's time to go, Qianhua."

"Well, here we come~~!"

Waving at Shinomiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika apologized and was about to leave:
"Let's go first, remember to eat ramen together next time, Ling Yuan."

"Well, I see."

Seeing the figures of Fujiwara Chika and the others leaving, Yi Lingyuan caught Nakano Yotsuba's catkin without any explanation this time.

"For dinner, Yotsuba, do you have any recommendations?"

Nakano Yotsuba, who failed to break free twice, gave up the idea and said:
"No, no."

"Then you have to listen to me carefully."

last time at the coffee shop

Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yotsuba ordered several desserts and food.

"Clover should remember where this is, right?"

"Well, the last time I made a serious agreement with my father was here."

"At that time, Yotsuba was really handsome and handsome Ling Ran, his determination and courage surprised even me."

Speaking of this, Yi Lingyuan remembered the way Nakano Yotsuba flashed into the group without paying attention.

"Thanks to you, Ling Yuan, I was able to help Yihua and Sanjiu stay together."

Nakano Yotsuba felt a little unbelievable when he thought of his bold words and lofty ambitions at the time.

"It feels really dangerous. If we had relaxed a little more at that time, we would have never seen you again with Ling Yuan."

"In this matter, Yotsuba has contributed the most."

Speaking of which, Yi Lingyuan patted Nakano Yotsuba's little head very satisfied, and Nakano Yotsuba seemed to be enjoying herself very much.

"By the way, speaking of it, I still don't know what Yotsuba you really want?"

"this one"

Nakano Yotsuba put down the knife and fork in his hand, curled his hands and fingers in front of his face to hide the uncontrollable smile.

"I have already waited for what I want."

(At least today's Ling Yuan belongs to me.)
. . .

. . . . .

The next day
Nakano family

"Boom boom boom~~!"


The little brother in dark blue overalls took out a package.

"Hello, this is the new clothes that Mr. Yi Lingyuan bought in my store yesterday. Please sign for it, Miss Yotsuba Nakano."

After signing, just after closing the door, Nakano Yotsuba successfully felt the murderous intent of revealing her identity everywhere.

"Four leaves?"

"Siye is indeed with Teacher Ling Yuan."

"You too, Clover."

"That hentai!"

(End of this chapter)

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