My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 254 King's Game

Chapter 254 King's Game
It's still raining outside.

At this moment, Yi Lingyuan felt that the living room of the three of them was similar to the outside.

Yukinoshita Yukino still cared about Yi Lingyuan's previous answer.

That silent answer.

Yuigahama Yui, who could easily read the atmosphere, just looked down and played with her mobile phone, flicking her fingers on the screen, probably talking to her little friends.

Yi Lingyuan was drinking cold tea, so he could recall what kind of attack he suffered before.

The welfare plot of opening the door to kill always has to pay a price when meeting the aikido master Yukino Yukino.

It's just that Yi Lingyuan was still thinking about how to solve Yukino Yukino's current psychology.

I thought about using the two marriage contracts to restrain each other, maintaining a delicate balance for the time being.

But Yi Lingyuan felt that she had underestimated Yukino Yukino's determination.

In this way, if he wants to avoid getting hit by a hatchet in a showdown, Yi Lingyuan thinks that he should eat it up like he did with Eri Sawamura before talking about it.

Sensing Yi Lingyuan's malicious gaze, Yukinoshita looked at him and released a freezing ray.

Yi Lingyuan was defeated!
The problem is that this ice-snow-smart Miss Yukinoshita is not the tsundere and easy-to-understand Yinglili. If she wants to overthrow her, the difficulty factor can be said to be too high to be scary.


"Why is Xiao Yi sighing again?"

Yuigahama Yui, who was already absent-minded, immediately spoke up, hoping to revitalize the atmosphere between the three of them.

"Huh?. If you can't go out in this kind of weather, it feels a bit boring."

"So am I. It's hard for everyone to come out and sleep together, but we're going to be trapped in the hotel."

"I really want to create beautiful memories with Xiao Yi and Xiao Xue Nai~~~"

Yubihama Yui rested her cheeks in both hands and let out a long lament against the dark clouds and rain outside the window.


Yuigahama Yui's cell phone lit up, it should be her friend who replied to the text message.

[If it's rainy, it's better to play games in the room, Werewolf Killing, Three Kingdoms Killing, Monopoly and so on. 】

[But Yumiko, there are no such props here. 】

[Then play something that doesn’t use props, such as truth or dare or game of kings.Yui, you happened to take this opportunity to find out what classmate Yi likes. 】

Closing the phone, Yuigahama Yui's eyes lit up at once, and he made a vigorous proposal again.

"Xiao Xuenai, and Xiao Yi, let's play Chinese games together!"

"Game of Kings?"

Yukinoshita Yukino closed the book "Love Metronome 4", looked around hesitantly and said:
"But there are too few people in this game. There are only three of us who can easily know each other's identity."

Yi Lingyuan also agreed with this.

"If I were the king, no matter what command I said, it would be the two of you who would execute it, and the randomness of the game would be gone."

Just when Yubihama Yui was about to give up in dejection, Yi Lingyuan's words took a turn for the worse:
"Why don't we call Yihua and Sanjiu together."

"If there are eight people, this game will be very interesting."

It's not okay to stay here all the time and feel Yukinoshita's freezing rays. The three of us have to live in the same room at night, at least to restore Yukinoshita's mood before going to bed.

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan's executive ability instantly rose to a higher level.

"I'm going to call Sanjiu and Yihua over here."

There are not many rooms for people on the entire second floor. Go straight for a few rooms and then turn right. This corridor is separated from the middle by stairs, and the room in the large living room opposite is Nakano Kazuka and the others' room.

As soon as Yi Lingyuan walked past the stairs, Nakano Omaru pushed the door out and stopped at this narrow pass.

Probably confused, Yi Lingyuan saw Nakano Omaru who suddenly stopped in front of him and subconsciously said:


Nakano Omaru's face, which was visible to the naked eye, darkened several degrees, and that expression almost made him drive away.

"what did you just say?!"

"Ah, I mean Mr. Nakano."

Yi Lingyuan, who knew he had made a slip of the tongue, felt that he was telling Yuan back, and casually explained the purpose of his visit.

"We want to play games with Yihua and the others. It's too boring to stay in a hotel room in this weather."

Nakano Omaru stared at Yi Lingyuan for a long time, and Nakano Omaru felt that his heart was getting scared before he looked away.

"Besides you, there are two other members of your club?"


Seeing that Nakano Omaru did not veto his proposal, Yi Lingyuan nodded quickly.

"However, I hope that you will come to their room in May. There is more space for five people together."

(Big ghost, Ming is under your nose so you can rest assured.)
Inwardly, she complained wildly, but Yi Lingyuan was still impeccably gentle on the surface.

"Then we'll bother you in a while."

. . .

. . . . .

Nakano Sanjiu is familiar with Yuigahama Yui tentatively, and Nakano Kazuka who is in the same class as Yukinoshita Yukino is also tentatively acquainted.

To Yi Lingyuan's surprise, Nakano Yotsuba and Yuigahama Yui, two natural fools with overlapping attributes, get along very well.

It was that Nakano Nino seemed to be very resistant to Yukinoshita Yukino, presumably feeling that she was greatly threatened.

It's a pity that fate is so interesting.

"If I don't want you to propose, I will regret it for the rest of my life, because you are my only one."

Seeing Nakano Nino who was kneeling on one knee and proposing to him, Yukinoshita Yukino just replied in the usual cold tone of rejecting those suitors:

"Currently, I'm not interested in doing things like Ji Ji, so I'd better ask you to be lonely for the rest of your life."

"Ha! I'm not interested either! Why do I have to be alone for the rest of my life, you vicious Snow Maiden."

"Because this is a king's game, if you complain, you should complain to the king."

Yuigahama Yui, the king with a shy smile on his face, pointed to the mobile phone placed in the center.

"This one was randomly drawn from the king game app sent by Ebina."


Nakano Nino stared at the pink phone angrily for a long time before sitting back beside Yi Lingyuan, feeling much better seeing her sweetheart by her side.

"Then we'll start dealing the cards again."

Now these eight people are forming a circle, and in the center of the circle are cards with numbers 3 to 9 and king cards with kings.

The reason why it is 3 to 9 is because Nakano Yotsuba and Nakano Kazuka searched for a long time in the hotel before they found this pair of damaged pokers. The two numbers 1 and 2 have gone to nowhere.

Next to a small stack of poker is Yui Hama Yui's mobile phone.

Her good friend Ebina Hime knew that she was going to play the king's game, and specially gave her an app called "The King's Game Punishment Collection", which would immediately extract what the king asked to do.

Of course, the king can also make some unreasonable demands.


Nakano Nino, who had just been punished miserably, showed his big trump card in this luck.

"Hmph~~~ Since I am the king, then you have to be careful."

While talking loudly like this, Nakano Nino cunningly leaned back and wanted to see the number in Yi Lingyuan's hand, but unfortunately he didn't see it.

Without doing anything, Nakano Ninao showed barely above-average acting skills, pretending to fall backwards and at the same time caught a glimpse of Yi Lingyuan's cards.

Originally, he wanted to continue to confirm the same thing when he got up, but Yukinoshita, who was in the way on the other side, directly supported him.

On the surface, he thanked Yukinoshita Yukino, but Nakano Nino didn't know how to complain about this threatening guy in his heart.

(Is it number 6? It should be number 6.)
After a little hesitation, Nakano Nino decided to take a gamble.

"How about number six,,,,,,"

After thinking about it, Nakano Nino still gave up on the idea of ​​kissing, Nakano Sanjiu's heart can be seen by Nakano Nino.

"Just give me a kiss on the cheek first."

"Who is number six?"

To Nakano Erino's surprise, it was Yi Lingyuan who said this, and the card he showed was [9].

On the other side of him, Yukinoshita Yukino with a cold expression looked at him even more weirdly and strangely.

"Your hobby really can't be women?"

If it was said that Yukinoshita Yukino thought it was an accident last time, then this time, this Nakano Nino pointed at herself.

The always clever Yukinoshita Yukino recalled Nakano Nino's strange behavior just now.
This is obviously pretending to fall backwards to look at his hand!
Yukino Yukino glanced at the excited Yi Lingyuan, and wanted to see the faces of the other four Nakano family's quintuplets.

(In this way, if one of the girls is excluded, there are still 4 remaining rivals in love.)
The news was not bad, Yukinoshita quickly kissed Nakano Nino on the cheek and then sat back to her original position, her expression still cold.

On the contrary, Nakano Nino blushed and vigorously wiped the place where Yukinoshita Yukino had kissed on his face.

(Too bad luck, really too bad luck!)

"Oh, it looks like it's mine this time!"

Nakano Yihua lit up the king in her hand at this time, and seemed quite excited.

"Since it's my turn"

Nakano Yika pointed his index finger on his chin, and made a look of thinking for a long time.

"Then I'll use software to extract it."

It's not that Nakano Yihua has difficulty in choosing, but she found that the [8] good card she marked was not in Yi Lingyuan's hands at this time, so it doesn't matter what she chooses to Nakano Yihua.

"Then [Number 7] tell me about your weight."


Everyone's eyes focused on Nakano Wuyue, who was blushing at this time, Nakano Wuyue who was stumbling.

"Ours is even divided into five equal weights, and I must be 50kg."

Nakano Wuyue waved his hands to try his best to prove that what he said was true.


The goofy Nakano Yotsuba among the quintuplets still wants to tell the truth.

"That's all right, five equals."

Nakano May showed a quite 'kind' smile to Nakano Yotsuba.

"Uh huh huh huh yeah."

 3000 words

(End of this chapter)

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