Chapter 258 A Wonderful Night

Zero hour
Quietly getting up, Yi Lingyuan came out from the bed.

Covering Yuigahama Yui who was about to run to her own bed with a quilt, Yi Lingyuan slipped out softly on tiptoe.

As soon as I went out, I felt the cold wind at the end of the corridor.

It has already entered autumn, and the night wind in the mountains is even more unbearably cold.

Yi Lingyuan tightened the coat she was wearing, first went to close the window on the inside, and then walked down the stairs in small steps.

The lobby was still a little cold at night, and the old man still couldn't see his eyes, and sat there without the slightest movement.

"This old man is looking for a comfortable place to sleep."

While saying this, Yi Lingyuan took off his coat and put it on for the old man.

Standing here, Yi Lingyuan was a little hesitant. It was his first time here, and he didn't seem to know where the atrium was.



There were footsteps on the other side of the stairs.
Rubbing his eyes, Nakano Sanjiu was about to go to the bathroom downstairs.

"Ling Yuan?"

Nakano Sanjiu looked at Yi Lingyuan who was standing not far away in surprise.


Nakano Sanjiu felt a little upset seeing Yi Lingyuan misidentified the person again, but her current attire was indeed exactly the same as Nakano Wuyue.

Nakano Sanjiu was about to explain, but saw Yi Lingyuan walking over quickly.

"I'm still wondering who gave me the note, so it was you in May?"

Hearing Yi Lingyuan's words, Nakano Sanjiu's pajamas disappeared completely.

(Wu Yue’s note from Ling Yuan? No, Ling Yuan didn’t know who it was. He thought it was Wu Yue because I was dressed like Wu Yue.)
Nakano Sanjiu was not in a hurry to speak but just looked at Yi Lingyuan, wanting to see what was going on.

"Since we met here, we will not go to the atrium."

Yi Lingyuan took a few steps forward, and was very close to Nakano Sanjiu, both of them stepped on the shadow of the moon passing through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The shadows of the two people were stretched obliquely and finally merged into one under the moonlight.

"I feel that your emotions before are quite strange. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Looking into Yi Lingyuan's serious eyes, Nakano Sanjiu saw Yi Lingyuan's appearance when he came to his home for the first time, as if traveling through time and space.

That time, the two people looked at each other in the same way between the stairs.

However, maybe after graduation, I will never see the owner of these breathtaking eyes again.

Thinking of Yukinoshita Yukino's pride when she talked about her marriage contract with Yi Lingyuan, thinking of Nakano Erino's courage that never flinched when chasing happiness
Nakano Sanjiu took a deep breath and asked Yi Lingyuan seriously:
"What kind of relationship does Ling Yuan think he has with us?"

"I am your teacher and your partner. I will do my best to guide you to find the path you want to take."

"What if I say: 'I've found my sunshine'?"


"What do you mean May?"

Nakano Sanjiu's words turned Yi Lingyuan's confusion into shock and pain.

"That's the end of our relationship!"

Impulsive, unbelievable, the important person in my life wants to terminate the relationship with me.

Yi Lingyuan felt that his sanity was gradually disappearing.

"I did neglect you during the summer vacation, but we will still see each other every day after school starts."

"Without me, will you really be able to cope with the next winter exam?"

"We clearly said that it is an eternal sextile!"

It was the first time that Yi Lingyuan treated a girl so rudely, grabbed Nakano Sanjiu's arm forcefully, and questioned with a low growl.

"Please look at us with a renewed relationship!"

Nakano Sanjiu's words made Yi Lingyuan quiet down.

"Ling Yuan, please face up to our relationship as a boy!"

"I don't want Ling Yuan to always regard us as students and partners."


"I like Ling Yuan!"

Before Yi Lingyuan could refuse, Nakano Sanjiu closed his eyes and kissed her.

After feeling the clumsiness and youthfulness of the other party, Yi Lingyuan discovered a more important problem.

Nakano Wuzuki didn't feel like this when she kissed herself!
(Who is this false May in front of my eyes?)
The Nakano family themselves seem to have kissed Nakano Mayzuki, but if you play with her little feet, you should be able to tell if it is Kazuka.

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan skillfully put his hand where it shouldn't be.

Before he had time to feel the softness, the sudden weightlessness hit Yi Lingyuan.

Accompanied by an intimate touch between himself and the wooden floor, Yi Lingyuan then felt the pain in his back and the back of his head.

Looking at the pitch-black ceiling above, Yi Lingyuan fell into thinking about life again.

who am I?
am i there?
Why am I being beaten again?

The old man was wearing his coat, and his lips moved. Yi Lingyuan really couldn't hear what he was saying.

Reluctantly using his right arm to support himself, the old man cooperated with him and lowered his body to hear his words in the air.

"Before you get married, don't go too far. Otherwise...kill you."

Now Yi Lingyuan can only nod obediently to show that she understands, without any objection.

The skills of the old man of the Nakano family are really strong. In comparison, a certain janitor who doesn't know what to do for a living is obviously much worse.

Yi Lingyuan looked back, and as expected, the fake Wuyue who confessed to herself and took advantage of her has long since disappeared.

With a thought, Yi Lingyuan asked the old man:

"That. Do you know that the one just now is one of their quintuplets?"

"You need to discover this by yourself."

(Could it be that this old man can't tell his granddaughter apart?)

"I can tell the difference."

It should be Yi Lingyuan's thoughts subconsciously said out again, and the old man lightly refuted him.

"As long as there is 'love', you can tell who they are."

Throwing away these words, the old man sat back to his previous seat, his thick hair covering his eyes, and he didn't know whether he was asleep or not this time.

Full of doubts, Yi Lingyuan stepped up the stairs lightly, and returned to his room cautiously on tiptoe.

Quietly closing the door, the sound of the door lock bumping was particularly loud in the night.

Seeing Yuigahama Yui's bad sleeping posture changing again and again, Yi Lingyuan made the quilt for her again.

Just lying back in his bed, Yukinoshita Yukino's voice in his ear made Yi Lingyuan shiver.

"Where have you been, you feel cold?"

"No, I went to the bathroom."

In order not to wake Yuigahama Yui, the two whispered in their ears.

As soon as Yi Lingyuan finished speaking, he found a warm and soft body slipped into his bed.

"It's appeared! Yukinoshita Meowna?!"

"What's that called?"

Complaining softly about Yi Lingyuan's address, Yukinoshita Yukino squeezed into his arms honestly.

"I'm just helping you warm the bed, don't be so surprised."

"If you talk like this without you, how can I sleep in the future?"

Yi Lingyuan took advantage of the situation and rubbed against Yukino's neck, sniffing the faint fragrance of her body.

at this time,

In the courtyard of the hotel


"Hiss~~~It's so cold"

Nakano Wuyue put her arms around her and stomped her feet vigorously on the spot.

"Why hasn't Ling Yuan come here? Didn't he see my note?!"




(End of this chapter)

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