My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 267 The Bathroom

Chapter 267 The Bathroom
"Green pepper meat bun."

"Shrimp buns."

Hearing a familiar voice from the female soup behind the railing he was leaning on, Yi Lingyuan answered without thinking.

"I said, why did you use such a strange code in May?"

"What's weird there?!"

"The meat buns with green peppers are not tasty at all, you should replace them with fresh meat."

"Are you a child! How much do you hate green peppers~~"

Nakano Wuyue, who was still a little shy in Nvtangtangchi, also gradually relaxed at this time, complaining about Yi Lingyuan.

Leaning on the wooden railing as relaxed as Yi Lingyuan, Nakano Wuyue felt that she could hear Yi Lingyuan's heartbeat in a trance.

"You said you met another me in the lobby."

"Yes, that pseudo-May said a lot."

Yi Lingyuan touched his lips and could still feel the feeling from yesterday.

"But in May, you secretly handed me the paper contract. Why did I go to the courtyard in the early morning?"

Gradually recalling what happened last night, Yi Lingyuan's expression was a little strange.

"Could it be that you actually want to confess to me too?"


On the other side, there was a splashing sound that was afraid of hitting the spring water.

"Hmm, cough, cough"

"You, what are you thinking about all day long? I never confessed to you so easily!"

"Ah, yes. How about my confession?"

Where Yi Lingyuan couldn't see, Nakano Wuyue's face turned red, and her lips were so tight that she couldn't speak.

"Don't, don't say such things so frivolously!"

Nakano Wuyue propped her hands on the stone platform in the hot spring, feeling that she had exhausted all her strength to say these words.

After being reprimanded by himself, there was no sound from the mixed bath behind him, and the whole space became silent and dead.

Can't help regretting what she said just now, Nakano Wuyue tentatively opened the topic again.

"You said [also] that fake May confessed to you?"

"Well, at the beginning, he said something like [our relationship is over], it really made me almost die from the pain in my heart."

Listening to Yi Lingyuan's emotional tone when he said this, Nakano Wuyue could probably imagine his mood at that time.

It's just that she didn't hear Yi Lingyuan's words about the real thing at noon, but Nakano Wuyue was quite upset about the intimate relationship between Yi Lingyuan and the two girls, and complained softly:

"You won't, at worst, go find your fiancée named Yukinoshita."

"Well, even if you say that, this kind of thing is decided by the family, and I can't help it. I don't know what my father and sister-in-law think."

While complaining in the same helpless tone, Yi Lingyuan silently said sorry to her father and sister-in-law.

I have no choice but to throw the pot away, and this is the best way I can think of in order not to be caught by the hatchet.

For the sake of her son's happiness, there is no other way for that indifferent Yi Xue to take a scapegoat to attract firepower.

"However, in May, you haven't told me the reason why you secretly stuffed the note with me."

No matter what Nakano Wuyue thinks now, the scapegoat has been thrown out, and Yi Lingyuan brought up the previous question again.

"Because their recent state has been very strange."


"Since the celebration party, the atmosphere between Sanjiu and Yihua has become strange. Yihua would always avoid seeing Nino, and Nino would always be inexplicably distracted, and she would look nympho from time to time. Smirking, the food at home will always become super bad during that time."

"Actually, it's because of the last point in May!"

"certainly not!"

The sound of splashing water came from Nakano Wuyue.

"So in May, you want to discuss these things with me, right?"

"Well, I don't want the atmosphere at home to be so weird."

"This kind of thing"

Yi Lingyuan patted the center of her brows with a headache, she still had some guesses about why they became like this, and as the culprit, she was helpless.

"This question is really too complicated. Let's figure out the incident of pseudo-May first. Do you have any special way to distinguish your sisters in May?"

"A special method? One flower and two people will feel different at first glance."

"Alas~~ But to me, the five of you are like playing cards in our king's game. Each of you has its own number, but it looks the same from the back."

"As long as there is 'love', we will be able to tell the difference!"

Why is this unreliable answer again!

At this moment, Yi Lingyuan realized that this was the family motto of the Nakano family, as long as there is 'love' it is enough.

Unable to bear a heavy sigh, Yi Lingyuan looked up at the eternal galaxy, feeling that this kind of thing is simply unscientific.

"But when it comes to Pseudo-May, I still agree with some of her words."

"Maybe it's time for me to look at you as a renewed relationship."

"Being able to live with you for so long and going through so many things, maybe we are no longer just teachers, students, and companions, but re-face your emotions as a boy."

"You guys finally understand a little bit."

Nakano Wuyue gently stroked the wooden railing behind her.

"From the first time I met you in the cafeteria, the first time I came to our house to write songs for us, the first time I stayed overnight because of Er Nai, the first time I taught me strange idiom explanations together, the first time I went over the wall because I was late , the first time to move out for you."

The gentle and moving voice behind him disappeared, making Yi Lingyuan a little worried and uncomfortable, but he didn't make him wait for too long, the wooden door of the mixed bathing hot spring was violently opened, and Nakano Wuyue ran over wrapped in a towel.

"Thank you!"

Yi Lingyuan soaked in the hot spring and looked at Nakano Wuyue who ran to the edge of the hot spring with a dumbfounded expression.

"How did you run in?"

"This is a mixed bath, so it doesn't matter."

Yi Lingyuan opened his mouth and still didn't say anything. He really had no reason to refuse this kind of benefits delivered to his door.

"I didn't expect Ling Yuan that you have helped us so much, and I have never thanked you properly."

Nakano Wuyue clenched his fist passionately, and that forceful movement made Yi Lingyuan worry that the pair of big white rabbits that were barely wrapped would jump out.

"Just let me rub your back!"


. . .

. . . . .

by the hot spring
There is a special shower for washing the body before soaking in the hot spring.

After calming down with enthusiasm, Nakano Wuyue suppressed the shame in her heart, and the shower in her hand was still trembling.

The two sat on a small bench one behind the other, Yi Lingyuan's naked body turned his back to Nakano Wuyue, and the towel on Nakano Wuyue's body behind him also slipped off, barely covering his lower body.

(End of this chapter)

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