My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 87 Learning English with Spark

Chapter 87 Learning English with Spark
"Fantasy is no match for reality, and even the always gentle Ying Manji is finally forced to be blackened and become king by reality?"

Therefore, no matter how ashamed Yi Lingyuan was mentally, he still had to fill his growling stomach.

"The so-called reality is constantly running around in order to have a full stomach. There is no easy word in the world of adults."


"There is a saying in "Summer Wars" that is true: the worst thing in life, one is loneliness, and the other is hunger"


"That's why I don't go to morning exercise"


"Then Yuigahama, can you give me back the chopsticks?"

In an ordinary Lawson convenience store, there was a long and narrow table next to the glass window. Two couples who looked obviously students were sitting opposite each other, and they seemed to be talking in private.

Regarding this point, the clerk who had just finished the night shift and hadn't gotten off work was very hurt.Life is already so hard, it's so pitiful to have to eat dog food early in the morning.

"Wang Wang!"

The dachshund dog with the collar lay obediently at the feet of its pink-haired owner, and seeing Yi Lingyuan pick up a piece of sausage and throw it on the ground, he quickly ran over and swallowed it in one bite.

He fell into his stomach three or five times, wagging his tail cheerfully at Yi Lingyuan, and still took a very humane look at his idiot master.The meaning is probably: Hurry up and praise me, I was the one who brought you to find him.

Of course, neither Yi Lingyuan nor Yubihama Yui could understand dog language.

"What a coincidence, I will be lucky to meet Yuigahama without morning exercise today"

Yi Lingyuan looked sideways at Yubibin who was wearing a cool home clothes, feeling very incredible.

"Yes, I didn't expect that I would meet Xiao Yi when I suddenly wanted to go to a convenience store."

Yuigahama Yui glanced stiffly at his own Sabre, and showed that happy smile in an instant, holding the newly served juice, his eyes almost narrowed into crescent moons.

(Good job Sabre! Go back and give you another meal!)
"That's it." Yi Lingyuan doesn't have any mind-reading skills, but feels that Yuihama Yui seems to be a little overjoyed, and lowers his head again to concentrate on destroying the food in front of him: "Then we are really destined."

"Hee hee~~"

Pillowing his head on his arm, Yubihama Yui turned his face sideways with a smile, and didn't want to speak, just quietly watched Yi Lingyuan fill his stomach, if there was an invisible person quietly staring at Yubihama Yui Then that person will definitely find out that the girl's eyes are really shining when she looks at the person she likes.

"Hey, Duanzi, you look at me so strangely"

"Yubihama, Yubihama"

"Nayuhihama, don't stare at the meal, I feel uncomfortable all over."

"Well, then I'll sit somewhere else"

Saying so, Yubibin Yui got up from the stool, walked from the stool on Yi Lingyuan's left to the stool on Yi Lingyuan's right and sat down, and Sabre also changed positions with dog legs. Yi's footsteps lay on their stomachs and wagged their tails.

"Is this any different from before?"

"Yes, this time I'm looking at Xiao Yi's right side profile."

Chewing the pickles in his mouth vigorously and swallowing them, Yi Lingyuan paused, thought for a while and still didn't refute and continued to eat the bento silently.It's just obvious that without the usual refinement, it seems that the whole person has become flustered.

And the culprit of this incident, Yubihama Yui, obviously didn't have the consciousness in this regard, and stared at the shy Yi Lingyuan with her bright eyes resting on her own arms, and the smile and joy between her brows and eyes , anyone can see.

————————————————The dividing line of the convenience store———————————————

Watching Sabre, who was about to become a prodigy, led by Yuihama Yui to go away, Yi Lingyuan thought for a while and walked to the Toranoana Bookstore to buy some tutoring materials for the idiots of the Nakano family.

At this time of the morning, unless it is a holiday, there are naturally very few bookstores. Of course, there will be some students who come to read comic books, mostly junior high school students and high school students.

But this time there is only one high school student with dead fish eyes here. How can I say that, if he doesn’t look at his eyes, he can be regarded as a half-handsome handsome guy, but after the dead fish eyes with the finishing touch, there is an inexplicable strange feeling aura.As for the effect of this aura, it is probably the rare emptiness near the free reading material.

(It's really a thousand miles away)

Yi Lingyuan stared at this strange scene and sighed in his heart, only to notice that this person who was also wearing the Zongwu high school uniform squinted his eyes unconsciously when he was carrying a can of max coffee.

This man is definitely a good guy!
Yi Lingyuan decided so decisively in her heart, because people who like coffee with Max will definitely not be so bad.

(This person should be the kind of person who looks difficult to get along with on the surface, but is actually a great existence after making friends)
After carefully observing the dead fish-eyed high school student, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help nodding his head frequently, feeling more and more that his judgment must be very correct.

And the dead fish-eyed high school student who also noticed Yi Lingyuan's gaze also looked over.

With a positive expression, Yi Lingyuan smiled brightly at the man's gaze, and nodded slightly as a signal.

(This should be the nodding acquaintance of Legend!)

(This Xiancheng smile is so dazzling!)
The dead fish-eyed boy in Sobu's high school uniform put down the comic book and left the bookstore quickly without looking back, and Yi Lingyuan's gaze followed suit.

(Yes, the pace is very steady, the action is also very fast, and the steps are also striding. It seems that he is a very decisive person)

(The handsome guy in that class has been staring at me all the time. Could it be that he is upset after watching and wants to beat me up? This guy heard that I might not be able to play basketball a lot, so let’s run.)
"It's better to quickly find the textbooks "May Three" and "Wang Houxiong" for the five salted egg sisters."

Yi Lingyuan's eyes scanned the textbook area back and forth like a machine to accurately find out the required textbooks.

"By the way, it's time for Touma's English to be replaced with a more advanced textbook. Let me look for it. Sure enough, if you want to learn English, you should use "Spark"!"

 There will be a second update after eleven o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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