Chapter 605 Exogenous Branches
"You are a very good chef and deserve my respect. However, I am very disappointed. I came to China to look for a chef who could make me fail, but I couldn't find one." Kitagawa Jin said in fluent Chinese .

Chen Cuyi glared angrily, Bei Chuanjin's words were too provocative.It seems to be mocking, none of you Huaguo's younger generation can defeat me!
Immediately, Chen Cuyi sighed again, it was a fact that they failed, even if Beichuan made a provocation, he still had the capital to do so.

"I hope your last chef won't let me down." Susumu Kitagawa said.

Chen Cuyi couldn't bear it any longer and said: "Don't get complacent too early, even if we all lose, it doesn't mean that the younger chefs in Huaguo are not as good as you, there are many people who are worse than me."

As soon as Chen Cuyi finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. No matter what he said, it sounded like a meaningless roar.Sure enough, he shouldn't have paid attention to Bei Chuanjin, he should have stepped down directly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Cuyi said this, Bei Chuanjin's eyes lit up immediately.

"Really? Who is it?" Kitagawa Jin asked.

Chen Cuiyi didn't want to say any more, but for some reason, Chen Cuiyi said it out of nowhere.

"As far as I know, Jiang Yang is better than me."

After Chen Cuyi finished speaking, he ignored Bei Chuanjin and stepped down directly.

Bei Chuanjin muttered to himself alone: ​​"Jiang... Yang..."

Here, Chen Chuyi got off the stage, Gao Yu came over to comfort him and said: "You did your best, he is only a few years older than us, if we reach that age, we must be stronger than him."

Chen Cuyi couldn't deny Gao Yu's comfort. Beichuan Jin was a few years older than them, but how could they guarantee that they would be able to surpass Beichuan Jin when they reached that age?
Liao Lili gritted his teeth and walked towards the stage with strides.He knew that his cooking skills were not as good as Bei Chuanjin's, but could he admit defeat?cannot!Even if you know you will lose, you must try your best to compete!
Liao Lili stood on the stage, Bei Chuanjin looked at Liao Lili and said, "How are you compared to the chef just now?"

Liao Lili frowned, wondering what Bei Chuanjin meant, mocking himself?
"Hmph! Even if I'm not as good as you, don't think I'll give up easily." Liao Lili said.

Bei Chuanjin shook his head and said, "I don't want you to give up, I just want Jiang Yang to compare with me."

Now Liao Lili was completely stunned. Is Jiang Yang's reputation so great?It has been spread abroad, and some people asked him to come by name.

"Jiang Yang is not here, I will be your opponent." Liao Lili said.

Bei Chuanjin still shook his head and said: "You can't beat me, let Jiang Yang come, I can wait for him."

As soon as these words came out, not only Liao Lili, but everyone was stunned.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was leading the Japanese participating chef stood up suddenly and said, "Mr. Beichuan, hurry up and compete, don't make the other side wait too long."

Bei Chuanjin frowned, feeling a little displeased.

"Senior Gu Chuan, we made an agreement before coming here, and I must compete with this Jiang Yang." Bei Chuan Jin said.

Hearing this, Gu Chuan Hachiro couldn't help frowning secretly.

He was very clear about Bei Chuanjin's temper.Often go its own way, regardless of others.

Gu Chuan Hachiro said calmly: "Mr. Beichuan, if you want to compete with Chef Jiang Yang from Huaguo, you can do it after the exchange match. I believe that the chairman of Huaguo will be happy to take you Go find this Jiangyang chef."

Furukawa Hachiro also had no choice but to persuade Kitagawa in such a gentle voice.

"Senior Gu Chuan, if you force the competition like this, I may not be able to perform at my level, and I may lose the game then." Bei Chuan Jin said lightly.

Hearing this, Furukawa Hachiro almost cursed, this Kitagawa Shin dared to threaten him!He secretly became ruthless, and after returning to China this time, he must make Beichuan look good.

But now he can't get angry, otherwise Bei Chuanjin will really quit, and he will lose the exchange match, and he will have a hard time going back.

Gu Chuan Hachiro looked at the master who came this time as if asking for help, but the master had a good chat with Ren Pengcheng.Doesn't seem to care at all about what's going on here.

Hachiro Furukawa was in a dilemma, he didn't want to agree to Susumu Beichuan's request, but he was also afraid that he would let him down.

Bei Chuanjin stood there calmly, without any sign of worry.

"Hey! Are you looking down on me?" Liao Lili felt very uncomfortable, Bei Chuanjin's attitude clearly looked down on him.

Bei Chuanjin looked at Liao Lili and said, "That's right."

This answer almost made Liao Lili lose his mind. Such a straightforward answer caused him to suffer a critical blow of [-] points.

Hachiro Furukawa seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Even if I agree, will Chairman Ren agree?"

Guchuan Hachiro decided to kick the ball to Ren Pengcheng, the president of the Huaguo Chefs Association.

Gu Chuan Hachiro was not worried that Ren Pengcheng would agree. The reason why he did this was because of ulterior motives.If Ren Pengcheng agreed, then it could be said that Hua Guo proposed the substitution. Even if he lost, Hua Guo's face would not look good.

Ren Pengcheng can naturally see Hachiro Furukawa's intentions. He is obsessed with cooking, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand.He has gained a lot from the experience of going out in these years.

"It's fine for Mr. Gu Chuan to decide, we have no objection from Huaguo." Ren Pengcheng said with a smile.

Furukawa Hachiro almost gritted his teeth, this old fox!
Bei Chuan stood on the stage with a look of reluctance, which made Gu Chuan Hachiro even more annoyed.

"Mr. Beichuan, the Jiangyang chef must be far away, and he must not be able to come here now. Even if he does, he will definitely not be in time for the game." Hachiro Guchuan had no choice but to say this.

"It's okay, I can wait until tomorrow." Kitagawa Jin said.

Furukawa Hachiro clenched his fists tightly. If Kitagawa Shin stood in front of him now, he would definitely punch him hard in the face.The victory that has been achieved is unexpectedly complicated!

Hachiro Furukawa took a deep breath for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Susumu Kitagawa, I can agree to your request, but you must agree to me. Victory belongs to us, otherwise..."

Bei Chuanjin said lightly: "I will do my best."

"Okay! Then I'll ask President Ren to invite that Jiangyang chef over here." Gu Chuan Hachiro said.

Afterwards, Hachiro Guchuan went to discuss with Ren Pengcheng about the postponement of the last game of the exchange match.

Ren Pengcheng naturally had no opinion, it was almost what Hachiro Furukawa said.

In fact, Ren Pengcheng was overjoyed, and what the Japanese side raised naturally couldn't be counted on Hua Guo.

The matter was settled in this way, the exchange match was postponed for one day, and Ren Pengcheng would send someone to invite Jiang Yang to the match as soon as possible.

When the matter was settled, they dispersed.Liao Lili was the only one in a daze, no one asked his opinion?

(End of this chapter)

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