gourmet restaurant

Chapter 610 Lin Yong's Dream

Chapter 610 Lin Yong's Dream

As soon as Jiang Yang got off the plane, Lin Yong was already waiting at the airport.

"Old Lin, why are you here?" Jiang Yang greeted him and said.

Lin Yong smiled and said, "Congratulations first, Master Jiang."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Old Lin, do you know?"

"How could I not know about such a big event. The Headquarters of the Chefs Association has already issued a notice. After all, the birth of every chef master is a very important event." Lin Yong said.

"Come on, walk with me?" Lin Yong asked.

"Okay, it just so happens that I haven't had a good chat with you for a long time." Jiang Yang laughed.


The news of Jiang Yang's becoming a culinary master spread, and naturally no one would doubt the news announced by the Chefs Association headquarters.

Looking at the news, Yu Qiquan couldn't help feeling a little emotional. His master taught three apprentices in his life, and two of them became master chefs.He is the only one who is still hovering as a first-level chef, unable to become a master chef for a long time.Jiang Yang was able to become a culinary master at such a young age. He found it incredible. When Jiang Yang was studying in Fenghelou, who would have thought that he would become a culinary master so quickly. It has only been a few years?
Chen Quanzhou was a little emotional. He was very proud of Jiang Yang's current achievements, but he was also somewhat inexplicably worried that his grandson would not be able to become a master chef because of Jiang Yang.Jiang Yang may become a shadow that the younger generation of chefs cannot surpass.

Liao Xiezuo was a little relieved. As expected, he was right about Jiang Yang.On the other hand, Liao Aiguo had a complicated expression on his face. The kid who followed him back then to learn cooking skills had already surpassed him.

"Hahaha, boy Jiang is good, and I can be regarded as a successor." Xu Zheng laughed loudly, and his laughter attracted the attention of many people in the kitchen.

When Long Yun'an got the news, he paused for a moment while chopping vegetables, and then continued chopping.He didn't seem to be affected in any way, but the rhythm of chopping vegetables was a little messed up.

"This Jiang Yang is really good. He has become a culinary master so quickly. This kind of talent is really enviable." Zhuang Li said with emotion.Ren Bao'e, who was on the side, couldn't help turning pale when he heard the words, with a complicated expression.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Wei Qi slammed his glass angrily. He never expected that Jiang Yang would become a chef at such a young age.Wei Qi understands what it means to be such a young chef.It is because he understands that he will be angry.After getting angry, Wei Qi picked up the phone.

Shen Peihong looked at the news in his hand with a wry smile, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.He also didn't think that there would be a day when he was wrong, no, to be precise, it wasn't wrong, but he didn't think that this day would come so soon.Perhaps, he should also think about how to build a good relationship with this young master chef.

Jiang Lao couldn't help laughing when he received a call from Yu Qiquan and the news that Jiang Yang had become a chef.He was brilliant when he was young, and he taught two master chefs when he was old. Mr. Jiang felt that his life was not in vain.

When the chefs received the news, they were either happy, emotional, or jealous, with various emotions.


Lin Yong and Jiang Yang's car stopped in front of a school.

Jiang Yang looked at the school in surprise, he didn't expect Mr. Lin to bring him here.

Naturally, Jiang Yang is no stranger to this school. This is the place where he took the second-level chef exam. It was also in this school that he met Mr. Lin.

"Let's go in and take a walk." Lin Yong said with a smile.

Jiang Yang opened the car door and accompanied Lin Yong into the school.

"Time flies so fast. I still remember the scene when you took the chef exam here." Lin Yong smiled, his tone full of emotion.

"Yeah, I also remember that I transferred campuses with you back then." Jiang Yang said.

Lin Yong smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Now is the time for class, and there are few students on campus, most of them are in the classroom.

"Is this school beautiful?" Lin Yong asked.

Jiang Yang nodded and said, "Pretty."

"Then do you want to come to this school to be a teacher?" Lin Yong asked with a smile.

Jiang Yang was taken aback by Lin Yong's words. He didn't expect Lin Yong to invite him to be a teacher.

"Mr. Lin, how can I be a teacher? You see me like this. Being a teacher is not a mistake for the children." Jiang Yang said quickly.

"There is no priority in learning, and the best is the teacher. You are a master chef, why can't you be a teacher? Of course, I don't want you to stay in this school all the time. I just want you to come over and teach the children when you are free." One class." Lin Yong said.

"This..." Jiang Yang hesitated.

"Xiao Jiang, what is your dream?" Lin Yong asked suddenly.

Jiang Yang froze for a moment, why did he suddenly ask about dreams?

"My dream should be to become the best chef." Jiang Yang said.

Lin Yong looked at Jiang Yang and exclaimed, "It's a good dream."

"I also have a dream. I want to change the status quo of the chef world. Xiao Jiang, you are an ordinary chef. You should know how difficult it is for a chef like you without a teacher to improve your cooking skills." Lin Yong said.

Jiang Yang: Difficult...?I'm hung up.

Without waiting for Jiang Yang to speak, Lin Yong said to himself: "The inheritance of culinary skills should not only be in the hands of a few people. Culinary skills only rely on the inheritance of masters and apprentices, and one day it will decline. In fact, there are very few people now. Some people are creating dishes, and they are all gnawing at their roots. Cooking skills must be spread so that more people can learn advanced cooking skills. Only in this way can cooking skills flourish.”

Lin Yong sighed again and again, and Jiang Yang became inexplicably worried.

"However, it is not an easy task to spread the profound culinary skills. Many people are stubborn and stick to the rules. Some people even prefer to put their culinary skills in the coffin rather than reveal them publicly." Lin Yong Speaking of.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. How many culinary skills in history have disappeared like this?
"My dream is to make culinary skills no longer just passed on from master to apprentice, but to make him like knowledge that can be learned everywhere. This school is my effort. Unfortunately...only relying on my efforts is not enough Yes, I also know that I can't realize this dream, so... I think you can take over this school after me." Lin Yong said.

Jiang Yang was shocked by Lin Yong's words. Is this going to give him a school?
Of course, this is not a good thing like a pie in the sky.Jiang Yang is very clear about what such a school means, it means a responsibility, a heavy responsibility.

Lin Yong waited for Jiang Yang's answer, Jiang Yang was silent for a while before he said: "Old Lin, can you let me think about it?"

Lin Yong smiled and said: "It's natural, after all, this is not a small matter. You can think about it slowly, I can persist for a few more years, as long as you give me the answer at the last moment. If I persist in these years, you will Think slowly and take a good look at the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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