gourmet restaurant

Chapter 612 Special Level 1 Chef Qualification Certificate

Chapter 612 Special Class Chef Qualification Certificate
It has been a week since we had dinner at Meng Wanqiu's house that day, and the relationship between Jiang Yang and Meng Wanqiu has also made a breakthrough.

Although the two used to be good, Meng Wanqiu was always worried that her parents would not agree to her being with Jiang Yang, but now she no longer has that worry.

As a result, the relationship between the two became even closer.Of course, it was still impossible for Meng Wanqiu to spend the night outside.

Apart from the relationship between the two, there was another thing that made Meng Wanqiu a little happy.That is, her Xiangdongliu restaurant's business suddenly improved a lot, and there were a lot of posts praising Xiangdongliu restaurant on the Internet for no reason.

When this happened at first, Meng Wanqiu was in a daze, she didn't know what happened.Later, after investigation, it was discovered that Wei Qi was behind the scenes. The difference was that Wei Qi had no hidden intentions this time, which made it easy for Meng Wanqiu to find out.

Wei Qi is promoting her restaurant online?Meng Wanqiu was very puzzled, why would Wei Qi do this?Could there be some conspiracy here?
This made Meng Wanqiu worry for several days, until "Color and Fragrance" published a news-Jiang Yang became a master chef.

When Meng Wanqiu saw the news for the first time, she was really surprised.After she ran the restaurant, she was no longer the little girl who knew nothing about the chef circle.

Meng Wanqiu is very clear about what a master chef means. Her restaurant was targeted unscrupulously at the beginning simply because there is no master chef in her restaurant.

In this way, all of Wei Qi's actions can be explained clearly.


Jiang Yang has been a little restless recently. The sealing knife technique has ended, and it was over when he went to participate in the exchange game.

He is playing now, he is bored and wants to find something to do.

The chef will eventually return to the kitchen. Jiang Yang misses the kitchen and the time when he was cooking in the kitchen.

His plan to open a store was shelved before, but now he thinks about it again.But just picked up the plan, but thought of a problem.

Is he going to be a chef in a big restaurant or a big restaurant?Or work as a chef in a small humble restaurant?
If it was Jiangyang in the past, he would definitely choose to open a big restaurant without hesitation.But since he became a culinary master, his mentality has changed a little. He doesn't have such a desire to open a big restaurant.

On the contrary, it was this small restaurant given to him by his parents, which made him feel the most warm and friendly.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yang decided to continue to open a small restaurant.It's just that he doesn't plan to continue the business with the original decoration. He plans to redecorate and use the money he planned to use to rent the store.

After deciding on this matter, Jiang Yang finally felt at ease.To be reasonable, he is still not used to big hotels and restaurants, and lives comfortably in his own small restaurant.

Regarding the decoration, Jiang Yang planned to ask Meng Wanqiu for help, not because he wanted to see Meng Wanqiu, but because he simply wanted to discuss with her.


Lin Yong was smoking. He hadn't smoked for a long time, and he would only smoke one when he was really worried.

There is a red book on the table, which reads: Qualification certificate of special chef.

The reason why he was struggling today was because of the phone call he made with Chen Quanzhou a week ago. They were a little worried that Jiang Yang would go to extremes.

Diverting energy is a good way. They also used this method back then to avoid the pain of not being able to improve their cooking skills.

But he couldn't bear it. Jiang Yang is so young, he should have a higher achievement in cooking.Lin Yong couldn't bear to let him divert his energy from culinary skills.

He was a little bit confused. Is it a good thing for all the chefs to be trapped in the Master Chef and not be able to break through?

The Chefs Association has guarded the masters for so long, is this approach really right?

Such a question flashed in Lin Yong's mind, but he didn't know the answer.

The cigarette had already been extinguished, and Lin Yong held the cigarette butt between his arms, and did not put it down for a long time.


Jiang Yang approached Meng Wanqiu to discuss his redecoration of the small restaurant, and Meng Wanqiu naturally readily agreed.

And she told Jiang Yang that she would hand over the decoration to her and promise to return Jiang Yang to a different hotel.Jiang Yang also agreed.

After discussing business matters, the two got bored together for a while, but since Meng Wanqiu was in the company, it would not be good for the two of them to be bored for too long, so Jiang Yang bid farewell and left.

Back at the door of the store, Lin Yong was already waiting there.

"Old Lin, why are you here? What do you need from me?" Jiang Yang greeted him quickly.

Lin Yong smiled and said, "I'm giving you something."

Jiang Yang was surprised: "What? Please deliver it yourself."

Lin Yong took out a notebook and said, "That's it, just a certificate."

Jiang Yang took it, and glanced at the cover, it was: Special Level Chef Qualification Certificate.

"Why is this? I remember that I didn't take the test." Jiang Yang said puzzled.

Lin Yong smiled and said, "There is a master culinary certificate, so there is no need to take the exam."

Jiang Yang nodded and put away the certificate.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Do you know how to improve after reaching the Master Chef?" Lin Yong asked a question.

This question made Jiang Yang stunned for a moment. He was about to answer, but stopped again.His answer was: Practice non-stop as before!

But since Mr. Lin asked this question, it means that the answer to this question must not be like this, otherwise he would not have asked at all!
Jiang Yang thought for a while, and said, "I don't know, does this chef master have some special way to improve?"

Lin Yong suddenly sighed and said, "Oh, if there is such a method, it would be great."

After finishing speaking, he laughed at himself and said: "Don't mind, people like to sigh when they are old. Master Chef can be said to be a brand new realm, which is different from before, but this realm has a flaw, that is There's no best way to progress."

Jiang Yang was stunned when he heard that. Is there no best way to improve?What does it mean?
I only heard Lin Yong continue to say: "In this realm, everyone has a different way of improving. I will tell you my way of improving. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Jiang Yang pursed his lips. He understood what Elder Lin meant, but it was precisely because he understood that he was a little confused.

Yes, confused.

There is no specific way to improve in this realm, so how should he improve his cooking skills?Jiang Yang was a little confused.

Lin Yong couldn't help sighing again when he saw Jiang Yang's appearance, it was the same as he was back then.Back then, he was full of vigor and high spirits. After becoming a culinary master, he was still ambitious and wanted to climb to a higher culinary peak.

When he first learned that there is no specific path to progress in the realm of master chef, he was equally confused.

Everyone yearns for a culinary master, but how many people know that this realm is more about despair.

(End of this chapter)

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