gourmet restaurant

Chapter 614 The Apprentice

Chapter 614 The Apprentice
"Reluctance? In your eyes, Yang Kaizhong, I, Lin Yong, are just such a greedy and powerful person?" Lin Yong suddenly felt an unknown anger, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Then you think Jiang Yang can't be the president of the Sichuan Chefs Association?" Yang Kaizhong asked with a smile.

"Old Yang, you don't have to provoke me. As long as Jiang Yang asks for the post of president of the Sichuan Chef Association, I can abdicate to him at any time. However, Jiang Yang wants it himself, not forcing it on him." Lin Yong Speaking of.

"Hmph! Don't you know what the state of a master is? Instead of letting Jiang Yang squander his youth, it's better to find something for him to do. I believe he is still very interested in the position of president of a provincial chef association." Yang Kaizhong Said with a cold snort.

"Old Yang, the same sentence, if Jiang Yang wants, I can give him the seat at any time. But if he doesn't propose, I will not force him to accept." Lin Yong said lightly.

"Old Lin, you... Forget it, if you want to do this, it's up to you, I just hope you don't regret it in the future." Yang Kaizhong sighed, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Lin Yong silently put down the phone, Jiang Yang's breakthrough made many people unable to sit still.That's right, for such a young master chef, there is still a long time in the future, who knows what he will grow up to be like.

Yang Kaizhong, who was far away in the imperial capital, put down the phone, and what was on his desk was Jiang Yang's information.All the information from studying with several culinary masters in Sichuan Province to becoming a culinary master are all in it. Looking at that photo, Yang Kaizhong felt very complicated.

In the past, he regarded Jiang Yang as a chef who could compete with Ren Pengcheng, and Jiang Yang did show this potential.But...it was too early for him to become a culinary master, so early that Yang Kaizhong couldn't rest assured that Jiang Yang would continue to grow like this.

If it is said that Ren Pengcheng still has a chef to check and balance, then when Jiang Yang fully grows up, maybe no one can contend.

Fortunately for Yang Kaizhong, Jiang Yang did not have a way to reach the realm above the master.


Xiangdongliu Restaurant, Jiang Yang decided to work in Xiangdongliu Restaurant for a period of time every day, because his small shop has not been renovated yet.Moreover, Xiangdongliu restaurant is his girlfriend's restaurant, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to help.

Jiang Yang came to the back kitchen of Xiangdongliu Restaurant. All the chefs here had heard of Jiang Yang, the young chef.

Regarding Jiang Yang, their emotions were a bit complicated.On the one hand, Jiang Yang should be respected, after all, he is a master chef.On the other hand, Jiang Yang was much younger than them, not much different from their children.

However, Jiang Yang's attitude made them less entangled. Jiang Yang didn't rely on his status as a culinary master to come in and point fingers at them, domineering.On the contrary, Jiang Yang was very polite to them and respected them in words.

It's that Master Jiang cooks a lot of dishes himself every day, which makes them a little puzzled.What are you working so hard to do after becoming a master?But this point also makes them admire.

The news of Jiang Yang sitting in Xiangdongliu Restaurant soon spread.Many old gourmets come here to taste the dishes of the new master Jiangyang.Different from the guests Jiangyang attracted before, most of the guests who came this time were extremely picky eaters.But their influence is also considerable.

I don't know what method the person in charge of this restaurant used to take advantage of Jiang Yang's cooking in Xiangdongliu Restaurant to bring Xiangdongliu's popularity to a new level.

The reputation of Xiangdongliu Restaurant is also faintly keeping pace with the old restaurants.

Of course, Jiang Yang didn't pay attention to these things. He is now working hard to cook more dishes and get more happiness points.

Jiang Yang stayed in Xiangdongliu Restaurant like this for half a month. During this time, Jiang Yang became acquainted with the staff in the back kitchen of Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

In fact, most of the staff in the back kitchen are quite familiar with Jiang Yang, only those staff who came to the restaurant after Jiang Yang left are not familiar with Jiang Yang.

On this day, Jiang Yang finished his work at noon and was resting.Suddenly, a young man rushed to Jiang Yang and knelt on the ground.

Jiang Yang was taken aback and jumped up from his chair.

Frowning, he asked, "What are you doing?"

The man knelt and said, "Master Jiang, please accept me as an apprentice, I can endure hardships and stand hard work."

"Get up, I won't accept disciples," Jiang Yang said.

"Master Jiang, I beg you, just accept me. I will study hard and I will not disappoint your expectations." The young man said repeatedly.

Jiang Yang's attitude was very firm, and he said: "I really have no intention of accepting disciples now, so stop kneeling."

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help showing a look of disappointment.

He recalled the jeers from his colleagues last night.

Last night, he suddenly said that he was going to worship Jiang Yang as his teacher, but just as he finished speaking, he received merciless ridicule from his roommates.

"What! Are you going to worship Master Jiang as your master? It's really whimsical. Why does Master Jiang accept you?"

"Yes, we still want to worship Master Jiang as our teacher, but will he accept it?"

"Don't think about useless things all day long. Work hard is the right way. If one day, Master Jiang is in a good mood and teaches you how to cook, then you will be very popular."

"To be a human being, the most important thing is to be down-to-earth."

The young man clenched his fists, he seemed to be able to hear the suppressed laughter of his colleagues, they must be laughing at him for being overconfident.

The young man stood up slowly, lowered his head and said to Jiang Yang, "Master Jiang, I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

Jiang Yang looked at the young man, and suddenly felt a little touched in his heart. How similar this man was to himself before!

For a while, Jiang Yang recalled what Lin Yong said to him at school that day.

The person in front of him is a chef without a teacher. It is really difficult to improve his cooking skills.

"Wait a minute, what's your name?" Jiang Yang stopped the young man and asked.

When the young man heard Jiang Yang calling him and asking his name, he couldn't help but stop and said, "My name is Yin Li."

"Yin Li, right? Although I can't accept you as an apprentice, if you don't mind, I can teach you some cooking skills at ordinary times." Jiang Yang said.

This Yin Li made Jiang Yang feel compassion, and he decided to give him a chance. As for how far he can go, it all depends on himself.

Yin Li couldn't help being shocked by Jiang Yang's words. He was desperate, but Jiang Yang's words made him feel that there was another village.

"You... are you telling the truth?" Yin Li couldn't believe it.

Don't talk about him, others can't believe it.Especially those colleagues who laughed at Yin Li couldn't believe it.At the same time, there was a trace of sadness. At this moment, they wished they could replace Yin Li.

"Of course, but how much you can learn depends entirely on yourself." Jiang Yang said.

"Yes! I will definitely work hard!" Yin Li immediately excitedly said.

Jiang Yang smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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