gourmet restaurant

Chapter 625 Hot Pot

Chapter 625 Hot Pot
The dishes that Jiang Yang is going to cook include mapo tofu, fish-flavored shredded pork, twice-cooked pork, boiled cabbage, spicy chicken diced, sweet and sour fish, green pepper shredded pork, and the must-have Sichuan dish-Sichuan hot pot!
Jiang Yang's dishes are all representative of Sichuan cuisine. He did not choose to cook his own innovative dishes, because he is now representing the chef of Sichuan cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines of Huaguo.It is natural to choose dishes that best represent Sichuan cuisine.

In fact, hot pot is not very suitable for cooking now, because hot pot does not match this exquisiteness. It is a popular delicacy, a street food.No matter how tall the hot pot restaurant is, it is always full of fireworks.

The reason why Jiang Yang chose this dish is actually very simple. He saw so many ingredients, it would be too troublesome to cook all of them into other dishes, so he simply made it into a hot pot.

This hot pot is not a small hot pot, but a big pot with some small bowls around it, which can be eaten by many people.

As for the hygiene, Jiang Yang felt that it was good that he didn't change the bottom of the pot every two or three hours.

Jiang Yang is not worried about how many people can eat this hot pot. How much deliciousness can be cooked by the eight major cuisines of Huaguo?Who will stare at the hot pot they made?

Jiang Yang's task is to cook the most dishes, but it doesn't mean that Jiang Yang needs to cook many kinds of dishes, as long as the servings are large enough.

Yang Cheng also approved Jiang Yang's approach, they didn't force Jiang Yang to cook many different dishes.Because they can cook a variety of different dishes, but each kind of cooking is less, and the cooking speed is slower.

Another one, they all think that although Jiang Yang has become a culinary master, he is young after all, and his accumulation is still far from enough. It is understandable that he does not know many dishes.

Jiang Yang took care of the other ingredients. The first thing he wanted to make was the hot pot base.

There are many ways to make the hot pot base, such as the common ones with butter and clear oil.The so-called clear oil is vegetable oil, but rapeseed oil is generally used.Regardless of butter or clear oil, it is a red oil base.

The difference from the red oil base is the clear soup base. The so-called clear soup base is the hot pot base mainly made of broth.

Compared with the red oil base, the clear soup base is more diverse, such as tomato pot, mushroom soup pot and so on.There are also a lot of weird pot bottoms, such as lemon pots and the like.

Jiang Yang will not make any strange pot bottoms, what he wants to make is traditional butter pot bottoms.

The taste of hot pot has two aspects, one is the bottom of the pot and the other is the dish.

The importance of the bottom of the pot is self-evident. It can be said that whether the hot pot is good or not, 80.00% of it is on the bottom of the pot.The production of the bottom of the pot is quite a troublesome thing, which is a combination of various spices and seasonings.

A good hot pot bottom will taste very fragrant, even at the end, it will be very flavorful and not bitter.

Fortunately, the organizer has great powers and prepared all kinds of spices, so Jiang Yang can find all the spices he wants.

After hard cooking, a pot of spicy and delicious hot pot base will emit a unique fragrance, which gradually begins to permeate the deck.

"You should wait a day for your hot pot base to be delicious." Yang Cheng stood aside and said.

"Well, it should settle for a day, but now there is too little time." Jiang Yang said.

"Yes." Yang Cheng smiled.

"Cook well, come on!" Yang Cheng patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder, and returned to his area to start cooking.

Jiangyang's hot pot base has just been fried, and it's time to start tasting.Other chefs and tourists on the ship came to the deck one after another.

Jiang Yang didn't make breakfast, and none of the dishes he prepared were suitable for breakfast.

However, Cantonese chef Wu Bu Shou has made a lot of exquisite snacks, which are very suitable for breakfast.

Su cuisine chef Huang Huaixing and Zhejiang cuisine chef Lu Zhen also prepared dim sum.

Tang Jie was wearing Hanfu, with the belt fluttering under the sea breeze, like a fairy.

"It smells so good, it smells like hot pot!" Tang Jie said after taking a deep breath.

"I didn't expect to smell hot pot here, it's so good." Tang Jie said pleasantly.

The middle-aged man next to her who was seven points similar to her smiled helplessly: "Xiao Jie, eating hot pot is not good for girls' skin."

Tang Jie wrinkled her nose and said, "That's not true! I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, no, I will eat it today."

The middle-aged man looked at Tang Jie dotingly and said, "Okay, you can eat as much as you want, just don't eat too much, and be careful of diarrhea."

"I know, Dad, you are so long-winded." Tang Jie made a face at the middle-aged man and said, then bounced to the front.

The middle-aged woman next to the middle-aged man scolded: "Look at how you have spoiled your daughter."

"My daughter, it's good to be self-willed." The middle-aged man said.

"You!" The middle-aged woman gave the middle-aged man a helpless look.

Tang Jie went straight to the place where the hot pot was. She knew that in the early morning, she couldn't eat such greasy and heavy-tasting food as hot pot, otherwise her stomach would not be able to stand it.

But this doesn't prevent her from running over to take a look first, to find out the place, and come to eat hot pot later.

Tang Jie came to the Sichuan cuisine area, but saw Jiang Yang busy.

Tang Jie greeted: "Jiang Yang, why are you in the Sichuan cuisine area?"

Jiang Yang raised his head, and seeing Tang Jie, he smiled at her and said, "Why can't I be in the Sichuan cuisine area?"

Tang Jie pointed to Yang Cheng and said, "Isn't Master Yang Cheng a chef of Shandong cuisine? Could it be... your elder is actually not Master Yang Cheng, but a master of Sichuan cuisine?"

Jiang Yang didn't intend to hide anything, and said with a smile, "I'm the chef of Sichuan cuisine."

"Are you... a Sichuan cuisine chef?" Tang Jie pointed at Jiang Yang in surprise.

"What? It doesn't look like it?" Jiang Yang looked down at himself and said.

"No, I just can't believe it." Tang Jie said.

"But that's the truth," Jiang Yang said.

It took Tang Jie a while to accept this fact.She said to Jiang Yang, "It's hard for you to lie to me."

Jiang Yang froze for a moment, and said, "I didn't lie to you."

"No! You did. You didn't tell me that you were a master chef. I thought you followed your elders on board to increase your knowledge." Tang Jie said, accusing Jiang Yang of his crimes.

"I'm not lying to you. Master Yang Cheng is indeed my elder, and the other masters are my elders." Jiang Yang said.

"I don't care, you just lied to me." Tang Jie said.

Jiang Yang: ...

Sure enough, it's not okay to reason with women.

"The Hanfu you are wearing today is quite nice." Jiang Yang said.He didn't want to continue with that question.

Girls can't help but be overjoyed when they hear others praise their beauty.Tang Jie lifted the hem of the skirt, twirled it around and said, "It looks pretty, and I think it's my favorite piece of clothing."

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful." Jiang Yang praised, and he successfully changed the subject.

Unexpectedly, Tang Jie suddenly said: "Hmph! Don't think that you can cover up the fact that you lied to me by praising me."

Jiang Yang: ...

(End of this chapter)

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