Chapter 628
Time passed quickly, and so did the time for the Hua Guo Cuisine session.

Jiang Yang has also completed the task, and there will be nothing else to do next.

"After a day, how is it?" Yang Cheng patted Jiang Yang's shoulder and said.

"A little tired." Jiang Yang said truthfully.

"Hahaha, with so many people, you must be tired." Yang Cheng laughed.

Jiang Yang nodded.

"By the way, that John Daly who came to see you today, do you know who he is?" Yang Cheng asked.

Jiang Yang was a little puzzled, John Daly was John Daly, could it be someone else?

"A cook?" Jiang Yang asked tentatively.

Yang Cheng laughed, and said: "Yes, he is indeed a chef. But this chef is not simple. John Daly is the most famous chef in country F, and was called the world's strongest chef by Michelin magazine. Someone gave him Crowned with the title of God of Cooking."

"God of Cooking?" Jiang Yang was surprised.

No one in Huaguo dares to call him the God of Cooking, but John Daly is actually called the God of Cooking?
Yang Cheng said: "John Daly's culinary skills are of course not a god, and the title of chef's god is somewhat reluctant. However, being able to be named the title of chef's god also shows that John Daly's culinary skills are strong. It is said that last year, someone $[-] for a meal made by John Daly."

"One hundred thousand dollars! So much, so he agreed?" Jiang Yang asked, his voice raised several degrees.

"No!" Yang Cheng shook his head and said.

"No!" Jiang Yang said in surprise.

$[-] for a meal, but was rejected?If it were him, let alone one hundred thousand dollars, he would do it even if it was ten thousand dollars!
Of course, Jiang Yang didn't say this, otherwise he would appear to be open to money.

However, it is really a lot of money!

"All in all, being able to build a good relationship with John Daly will be very beneficial to your future international development." Yang Cheng gave Jiang Yang a piece of advice.

Jiang Yang nodded. After listening to Yang Cheng's introduction, he also knew how important John Daly was.

"Kenichi Hagiwara, did you come to see you too?" Yang Cheng asked again.

"Yes." Jiang Yang nodded, but he was thinking in his heart, could it be that Kenichi Hagiwara is also very good?

"You don't have to pay too much attention to him." But Yang Cheng said something that surprised Jiang Yang.

"Why?" Jiang Yang was very curious.

"This Hagiwara Ken talks about the first generation president every day, and it can really annoy people. When he said that the first generation president, he looked like a fan of your young star chasing fans. Anyway, it was very annoying." Yang Cheng Speaking of, it looks like he's suffering from it.

"Brain... residual fans?" Jiang Yang asked tentatively.

"Yes, that's the one. Talk about the first president every day, as if the first president belonged to Japan." Yang Cheng was a little annoyed as he spoke.

Jiang Yang: ...

It seems to be the same, Kenichi Hagiwara and Susumu Kitagawa seem to respect the first president very much.

"However, there is one thing to say, Hagiwara Kenichi's cooking skills are still very good, and he is also well-known internationally." Yang Cheng said.

"It's just too be a fan." Yang Cheng added.

After talking about John Daly, Yang Cheng talked to Jiang Yang about chefs from other countries one after another, so that Jiang Yang didn't know anyone.

Jiang Yang also listened carefully.

After about half an hour, Yang Cheng briefly introduced it.

"Okay, take a good rest, you've worked hard today." Yang Cheng patted Jiang Yang's shoulder and said.After speaking, Yang Cheng returned to the room.

Jiang Yang's eyes flickered, and then he went back to the room to take a shower, got dressed and went to the deck.He's here for an appointment.

John Daly seemed to have been waiting there for a while, and when he saw Jiang Yang coming, he walked up and hugged Jiang Yang enthusiastically.

"The night sky here is beautiful, isn't it?" John Daly laughed.

Jiang Yang nodded. He had watched the night sky here for a few days, but he found it beautiful every day.

The sky is full of stars, and the sea also reflects the starry sky. Wang Bo wrote in "Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng": The sunset and the lonely bird fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.Here, it is the sea and the starry sky.

John Daly held a glass of red wine and handed it to Jiang Yang, who took it.

"Jiang Yang, you are the most talented chef I have ever seen. I have never seen such a young master chef. Even when I was young, I was slightly inferior." John Daly said.

Jiang Yang: Why do I feel that you are praising yourself?
"Mr. John is humble. I am far behind you." Jiang Yang said modestly.

"But you will catch up with me one day and become a chef like me." John Daly said, Jiang Yang felt a strong confidence when he said these words.Even when he said that Jiang Yang could catch up with him, he exuded a strong confidence, that kind of confidence was - you can catch up with me, but you can never surpass me.

Jiang Yang smiled and didn't say anything to John Daly.

"Chef Jiangyang, I sincerely invite you to my restaurant, I will give you the highest treatment, and I will personally guide you in cooking, how about it?" John Daly said, he was confident that Jiangyang would agree.

Because no one can refuse his condition, he personally guides the conditions of cooking, John Daly believes that no chef in this world will refuse.

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. John Daly, I already have a place to work."

"Just quit your job. The treatment in my restaurant is definitely better than your previous restaurant. Moreover, I will personally guide you in cooking, which is an opportunity that many people can't get." John Daly said.

Jiang Yang still smiled: "I'm sorry, Mr. John Daly, I don't think I will go."

"Watt? What are you talking about? Are you sure you are right? Oh, Jiang Yang, my dear boy, you may not have heard clearly. I said that I will personally guide you in cooking." John Daly said to Jiang Yang The answer was astonishing.

"Mr. John Daly, I'm not wrong, and I heard your conditions clearly. But I still won't go." Jiang Yang said.

John Daly opened his mouth in surprise, as if he had heard the most incredible answer.

However, Jiang Yang's expression was firm and very serious.

a long time.

"Well, that's a shame," John Daly said.

"I'm also very sorry." Jiang Yang said.

John Daly stood up, picked up the wine glass and said to Jiang Yang: "Chef Jiang Yang, this bottle of wine is for you. I hope you have a pleasant night."

After speaking, John Daly left directly.

Jiang Yang took a fancy to the red wine on the table and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Senior Yang Cheng asked himself to have a good relationship with John Daly. Now it seems that this relationship may not be good.

Jiang Yang really didn't expect that John Daly would leave if the invitation failed.

Moreover, this John Daly seems a little overconfident.

Jiang Yang thought, looked at the night sky, and slowly sipped the wine.

(End of this chapter)

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