Chapter 650

"Jiang Yang? Why are you here, kid!" Xu Zheng's voice was still so loud, and he seemed to be arguing.

Jiang Yang smiled. Although he lived a life enjoying the rest of his life, his personality has not changed.

"Old Xu, you live a comfortable life!" Jiang Yang laughed.

Xu Zheng looked down at himself, and said with a smile, "Hahaha, I didn't say that, I don't know how many people have thought about it these days."

Jiang Yang stepped forward.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but I'm getting younger and younger." Jiang Yang said.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and I haven't seen anything else. This mouth is a lot sweeter. In fact, I am not young at all. It's just that I don't have so many bad things, and my mentality has improved a lot." Xu Zheng said.

"That's congratulations to Mr. Xu." Jiang Yang said.

Xu Zheng looked at Jiang Yang for a while, and said, "Stop talking about those useless things, kid. Tell me, what are you looking for?"

"Hey, nothing can be hidden from your old eyes." Jiang Yang laughed.

Xu Zheng cast a glance at Jiang Yang, snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! How can you hide from my old man with your flirtatious brat? You don't usually come to see me, but it's only a problem if you suddenly find me for nothing."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang immediately apologized with a smile and said, "This is my fault, I will always apologize to you! I will definitely come to see you often in the future!"

Xu Zheng didn't really want to do anything to Jiang Yang. After all, Jiang Yang was not his real apprentice, so naturally he couldn't ask for it like a real apprentice.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. I heard that you have become a master chef. Let's go home and show me your hands." Xu Zheng said.

"Come on!" Jiang Yang responded immediately.

The old and the young walked slowly back to Xu Zheng's home.


Xu Zheng pushed open the somewhat old door and made a piercing sound.

"I'm the only one at home, so it's a bit chaotic." Xu Zheng said.

When Jiang Yang walked in, he saw only one person's daily necessities.

"Old Xu, do you live alone, where are your children?" Jiang Yang asked.

After asking, Jiang Yang felt a little regretful. His words were abrupt. This is someone else's family business. His asking like this may make people unhappy.

Xu Zheng was not unhappy, he sighed and said, "The children are all outside, and my wife passed away early, so there is no one else at home."

Jiang Yang nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Xu Zheng pointed and said, "That's the kitchen, and there are also ingredients, just look at it."

Jiang Yang looked at Xu Zheng's finger and said, "Okay, wait a moment."

After speaking, Jiang Yang walked into the kitchen.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, Jiang Yang was a little surprised.The kitchen and the outside feel like two worlds. The kitchen is clean and spotless, and the kitchen utensils are still shining.Although the outside of the kitchen cannot be said to be very dirty, the cleanliness is definitely less than one-tenth of the kitchen.

Jiang Yang looked at the kitchen utensils. The kitchen knives were shiny, and the frying pan was clean without rust. It looked like it was used frequently.

There are a lot of ingredients, and each ingredient is neatly arranged.And there are not many types of these ingredients, enough to make dishes for two or three people.

The seasoning is also very complete, in addition to some common seasonings and spices, there are some uncommon seasonings and spices.Regardless of the quantity, the variety alone is not far behind the back kitchen of a restaurant.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yang decided on the dishes.

What Jiang Yang planned to cook was a fish-flavored shredded pork dish, which was his famous dish.A dish of twice-cooked pork and a dish of fried peanuts.

Jiang Yang's cooking speed is not slow now, even if it is a master-level dish, Jiang Yang is young and strong, and he is not slow to cook.

Xu Zheng was sitting on the dining table outside, smelling the aroma coming from the kitchen, he couldn't help but nodded.

Soon, Jiang Yang came out with the dishes.

Xu Zheng was amused when he saw it.

"You have the heart, and made a fried peanut." Xu Zheng said.

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "Old Xu, please taste."

Xu Zheng was naturally not polite. He looked at the fish-flavored shredded pork and said to Jiang Yang, "Is this the dish you became a master at the beginning?"

Jiang Yang nodded and said: "Well, that's right, I became a master chef when I was cooking this dish."

Xu Zheng picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth to taste it carefully.

What he tastes is not only the taste of the dishes, but also the emotions contained in the dishes.

A long time, Xu Zheng said.

"That's right, with this dish, no one will question your status as a master chef."

With that said, Xu Zhengyou tasted the other two dishes.

"This time the pot-fried pork is quite delicious. Although it is not a master-level dish, it can be considered a top-notch dish below the master-level." Xu Zhi praised.

"Your knife skills are not inferior, these two dishes are quite a test of knife skills." Xu Zheng said.

Jiang Yang said: "You taught me well back then."

Jiang Yang's words scratched Xu Zheng's itch.

"Hahaha, that is! Hahaha!"

"Come on, sit down and have a drink with me." Xu Zheng turned around and took out a bottle of wine and said.

On the bottle is written: Guojiao 1973.

Jiang Yang shook his head again and again and said, "Mr. Xu, I won't drink the wine. I have to drive later. I'll drink tea with you instead of wine."

Xu Zheng said: "Big men don't even drink alcohol, it's boring! Forget it, let's replace the bar with tea."

Jiang Yang smiled wryly, he really doesn't drink alcohol!

The two sat facing each other, eating food and drinking wine (tea).

"This peanut is not bad." Xu Zheng said.

Xu Zhi smiled, he knew that Xu Zhi loved to drink, so he specially made this dish of fried peanuts.

This dish is extremely simple to make, but it is a good dish to accompany wine.

Fried peanuts are the most test of heat, when the oil temperature is six layers hot, pour the peanuts down.Deep-fry until the skin of the peanuts is slightly browned. After removing it, add salt and shake it quickly, so that the temperature of the peanuts drops rapidly.

Pay attention to two points when frying peanuts. One is that oil temperature control is very important. If the temperature is too low, the peanuts will not be crispy. If the oil temperature is too high, the peanuts will burn before they are cooked.The second is to cool down quickly, which is the key to crispy peanuts. If it is cooled slowly, the peanuts will be soft but not brittle.

Although it is only fried and the seasoning is only salt, fried peanuts are not a good dish.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Xu Zheng said.

"That's right. I'm a teacher in a culinary school. I want to teach students some knowledge about knife skills. It may involve some things that your old Pao Ding Jie Niu knives. So I'll ask your old opinion first. "Jiang Yang didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point.

"Cooking school? The one run by Lin Yong?" Xu Zheng asked.

Jiang Yang nodded.

"Oh! That's it!" Xu Zheng said while eating peanuts and drinking wine.

"Then what do you mean by old age?" Jiang Yang asked cautiously.

"You can decide for yourself." Xu Zheng waved his hand.

"I decide by myself?" Jiang Yang froze for a moment.

"That's right, I taught you, it's your stuff, if you don't decide for yourself, why should I make it for you!" Xu Zhi scolded with a smile.

Jiang Yang nodded.

Xu Zhi said again: "Actually, what the few of us taught you, I never thought that you would never teach it. Since I taught you, I hope you can carry it forward."

It was the first time Jiang Yang heard of this, so he couldn't help being a little surprised at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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