gourmet restaurant

Chapter 657 Tongue Shooting Notice

Chapter 657 Tongue Shooting Notice
Jiang Yang received a notice.

Notice about the shooting of a large-scale food documentary - the tip of the tongue.

As the most influential gourmet program in Huaguo, Bite of the Tongue can be described as a star chef maker.Any chef who is on this show will become famous.

Even besides the chef, the same goes for the dishes and kitchen utensils.

The tip of the tongue has such a big influence!

Shen Peihong also learned how to make food documentaries with the tip of his tongue. The effect was very good. At one time, he helped the "Diner" magazine out of the predicament and suppressed the "Color and Smell" food magazine.

However, the influence of Shen Peihong's gourmet documentary is less than one-tenth of that of the tip of the tongue.

One can imagine how huge the influence of the tip of the tongue is!

Of course, the tip of the tongue is also extremely cautious and strict in the choice of shooting.In addition to the requirements for culinary skills, there are also quite high requirements for the character of the chef.

Perhaps the influence of the tip of the tongue is also due to its strict requirements.

When Jiang Yang received the notice, his first reaction was disbelief, and his second reaction was excitement.

Jiang Yang still remembered that when he used to look at the tip of his tongue, he also imagined that he was the chef inside.Now that this fantasy has come true, how can Jiang Yang not be excited?
The filming took place in a small restaurant in Jiangyang, Rongcheng. This small restaurant, which has always been somewhat mysterious on the Internet, ushered in the most influential food record program - the eyes of the tip of the tongue.

A few days later, Jiang Yang waited for the arrival of the tip-of-tongue filming team.

For this reason, Jiang Yang does not plan to open the door today.

"Master, you didn't lie to me when you said that the tongue-tip filming team was coming, did you?" Yu Zhiyu asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yang had already told Yu Zhiyu that the tip of his tongue would come to shoot a documentary. At first, Yu Zhiyu was also happy for Jiang Yang, and asked him what kind of role he would play.

Is the second largest chef in the store?Or chef Jiang Yang's most capable apprentice?

In the end, Jiang Yang told him that he was nothing but an ordinary shop assistant.

Yu Zhiyu was naturally full of disappointment.However, he soon became happy again. Yu Zhiyu was still full of expectations for this shooting since he had never met the team that made a food documentary.

Although Yu Zhiyu's family is rich, he hasn't seen everything. There are so many things in this world that he hasn't seen.

It's hard to look forward to the day when the shooting team arrives today, but...

Jiang Yang said in embarrassment: "Well, I have been waiting for a long time."

Yu Zhiyu was a little speechless: "Master, you must not have misremembered the time, right? We waited from morning to noon, and we didn't see a single person."

Jiang Yang suddenly said: "Huh? It seems that I misremembered the time. They should have come in the afternoon."

"Master, I suspect you did it on purpose! If you misremember the time on purpose, you can not open in the morning." Yu Zhiyu said with a positive expression.

"Where is it? Zhiyu, you have to believe me, am I the kind of chef who doesn't like to open the door? I really remember it wrong." Jiang Yang patted Yu Zhiyu on the shoulder and said.

Yu Zhiyu: "Master, if you didn't say what you said just now, maybe I would have believed it! Now, I'm sure, you did it on purpose!"

"Ahem, I think it's time for lunch, why don't Zhiyu go back to eat first?" Jiang Yang said.

"Master! Is it necessary? Didn't I expose your purpose? You don't want me to eat here." Yu Zhiyu opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, it's okay if I let you eat here! You're talking like I'm Jiang Bapi, and I can't bear a meal. But you can go back after eating." Jiang Yang said.

"No, master, did you forget that you promised me to give me a shot?" Yu Zhiyu immediately called out.

Jiang Yang: "Come on, I'm really afraid of you."

The two of them had lunch, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, the tongue-tip shooting team arrived on time.

Before Jiang Yang walked out of the store, Yu Zhiyu greeted him warmly and said, "I've been looking forward to it for a long time, are you the tip-of-the-tongue shooting team?"

The director who came over this time looked at Yu Zhiyu with some embarrassment, and felt a little uncomfortable with Yu Zhiyu's enthusiasm for a while.

But they are all old foxes, the director immediately put on a smile and said, "Hello, hello, we are here to find Chef Jiang, I wonder if he is there?"

"Master, he's here." Yu Zhiyu said.

When the director heard Yu Zhiyu's words, his smile immediately became more sincere.

The director is also a member of half of the chef circle, and knows the weight of a master chef.Their tongues look good, but they must maintain respect in front of master chefs.After all, a culinary master can live without your tip of the tongue, and without a culinary master on the tip of your tongue, you will lose a wonderful part.

However, it doesn't mean that the tip of the tongue is not strong. Although people respect the master chef, they are not afraid of the master chef.

"Are you Chef Jiang's apprentice? You are really young and promising, and your future is limitless!" said the director.

"Hahaha, my master often said that too." Yu Zhiyu immediately laughed, a little taken aback.

Director: Is it really okay for you to say that?It's so embarrassing, then you let me go on like this?

"Haha...haha..." The director laughed awkwardly together.

At this time, Jiang Yang came out, and the director immediately went up to him as if seeing a savior and said, "Chef Jiang, hello, hello."

It is not surprising that the director knows Jiang Yang. After all, if he wants to shoot with Jiang Yang, he must know the basic situation of Jiang Yang in advance.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Yang. Please come inside, the sun is shining outside!" Jiang Yang said.

The director smiled and nodded, beckoning everyone and walking towards the store.

Yu Zhiyu was still very enthusiastic, and asked different staff members to ask questions.

For example, Yu Zhiyu insisted on going up to the elder brother who was carrying the camera and asked if the camera was heavy and how much it cost, and he also wanted to make a set for fun.

Another example is when she saw a little girl with a microphone, Yu Zhiyu went up and asked why the microphone was covered with a coat of fur.

In short, Yu Zhiyu asked all kinds of weird questions.

The staff felt bad for ignoring it, so let’s do it, and felt that Yu Zhiyu was too annoying.If you want to get angry, Yu Zhiyu is very polite, don't get angry, this guy keeps asking.It was really a dilemma, and the atmosphere was once very awkward.

Jiang Yang has a deep understanding of Yu Zhiyu's annoyingness, but apart from being a bit talkative, this guy is still very good in other aspects.None of the vices of the rich second generation.

At this moment, Jiang Yang and the director are very fortunate that they still have business to discuss, so they don't have to face Yu Zhiyu's weird questions.

What Jiang Yang talked with the director was about shooting.

Food documentaries like this one are not shot at will. For the sake of effect, many issues need to be communicated in advance.

For example, the shooting time, angle, and how Jiang Yang needs to cooperate at that time, they have to discuss it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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