Chapter 660
With the approach of the exchange meeting, all the high-end restaurants in Sichuan Province showed a tense state.

Only Jiang Yang was not nervous at all, and even wanted to be lazy.

Yes, Jiangyang doesn't want to open again today.

It's not that Jiang Yang has become lazy since he became a culinary master, nor is he a person who likes to be lazy.

It's just that the realm of a culinary master requires thinking and comprehension, which is really not that important for a lot of practice.

Unlike chefs below masters, chefs below masters only account for one-third of their talent, and the remaining seven points are all due to hard work.That is to say, relying on a lot of practice, you can also become a good cook.

However, master chefs need to think about it. It is difficult to improve this realm just by practicing a lot.

Therefore, Jiang Yang didn't really want to open a shop.In fact, it can't be regarded as not wanting, but I just don't want to open from morning to night, and I want to open randomly.

However, Jiang Yang never expected to meet this guy Yu Zhiyu!
Jiang Yang couldn't figure out why Yu Zhiyu wanted to do business more than his boss.It's not linked to salary, cough... although there is no salary.

No, under Yu Zhiyu's endless calls, Jiang Yang had no choice but to open the door.

This time Jiangyang opened the door early in the morning.

In fact, there will not be too many customers when the door opens early in the morning. After all, Jiangyang is not a breakfast shop, nor does it sell breakfast.

If the door opens at ten o'clock, there will be more customers.

Sure enough, Jiang Yang and Yu Zhiyu waited until nine o'clock, but no guests came to the door.They opened the door at seven o'clock in the morning and waited for two hours, but there was no customer.

This is actually quite normal, Jiang Yang is not in a hurry.But Yu Zhiyu didn't think much of it. He kept trying to persuade Jiang Yang to go out and promote it.Jiang Yang naturally ignored it.

At ten past nine, the first customer came in.

With a welcome, Jiang Yang and Yu Zhiyu saw a middle-aged man whose hairline moved back a lot.

"Huh? When did a restaurant open here?" The middle-aged man muttered.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" Jiang Yang stepped forward and asked.

"Ah? Me, just eat whatever you want." The middle-aged man came back to his senses after being called out by Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang nodded. He had seen many customers who could eat whatever they wanted, so he wasn't surprised.

"Okay." Jiang Yang replied and was about to go to the kitchen.

Suddenly, the guest behind him stopped him.

"I see shredded pork with green peppers is pretty good, why don't you have some shredded pork with green peppers." The middle-aged man said.

Jiang Yang was stunned when he heard the words. Although he didn't expect the guests to order again, Jiang Yang was not surprised for too long.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Jiang Yang turned around and greeted Yu Zhiyu to the kitchen.

Green pepper shredded pork is a very basic dish. Although the steps are simple, it is not easy to make it delicious.

The middle-aged man looked a little tired, and he seemed to be dozing off while sitting on the table.

Jiang Yang didn't linger too long in the kitchen, so he cooked a portion of shredded pork with green peppers.

The processing of the ingredients for this dish is not complicated, and Jiang Yang naturally cooks it very quickly.

As soon as the shredded pork with green pepper came out, the aroma made the middle-aged man shake.

"Boss, your skills are good!" The middle-aged man laughed.

Jiang Yang smiled modestly and said, "It's okay, okay."

The middle-aged man heard the words, smiled and did not speak.

If the green pepper shredded pork is served with a large bowl of white rice, it is a wonderful match.With a chopstick of shredded pork with green peppers and a bite of white rice, even a god would not change the taste.

As soon as the shredded pork with green peppers was in the mouth, the eyes of the middle-aged man lit up, and he praised again: "Boss, your fried shredded pork with green peppers is really good!"

Jiang Yang smiled. He had heard too many similar words, and he became immune to it.

After taking two bites, the middle-aged man suddenly remembered something and asked, "Boss, do you want to deliver this green pepper shredded pork?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yang smiled wryly.

He is actually not against the idea of ​​food delivery. He also thought about this problem when he first opened the store, but at that time there were no customers in the store, and even if he delivered food, he didn't know who to send it to.Later, when the business got better, Jiangyang's thoughts on takeaways faded away. After all, the store was too busy, let alone takeaways.

Now, Jiang Yang is not very busy, but his business hours are not fixed. It is impossible to open randomly online as well as offline, right?

So Jiang Yang has no intention of doing takeaway.

Hearing the customer's question at this moment, Jiang Yang could only say: "Sorry, our store does not provide takeaway service for the time being."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was a little disappointed and said: "It's a pity, and said that in the future, I will order your shredded pork with green peppers."

Jiang Yang smiled, not paying much attention to this business.

"What does eldest brother do?" Jiang Yang asked.

The middle-aged man didn't hide anything either, saying, "I work in a hospital."

"Oh! Doctor!" Jiang Yang said.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded.

Jiang Yang couldn't help thinking of a former customer of this store——Liang Hanqing!He is also a doctor, but he hasn't been to the store for a long time, and Jiang Yang doesn't know how he is now.

"Doctor is a great profession." Jiang Yang sighed.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "There is nothing great about being a doctor. In fact, every doctor just regards being a doctor as a job, just like a programmer or a cleaner. It's just that the job of a doctor is a bit special. What they care about is patients with illnesses, so they have an extra responsibility. Doctors are also ordinary people, and they also have to earn money to support their families, but now... well, let’s not talk about it.”

Jiang Yang nodded. These words subverted his perception of doctors.Liang Hanqing had fantasies about the profession of a doctor, but this middle-aged doctor seemed more realistic.

Who is the real doctor?

Maybe they are all, whether it is a young doctor who is full of yearning and ambition for the doctor industry, or a middle-aged doctor who is tired of this industry, they are all real doctors.It's just that the age stage is different, and the idea has changed.

It's like the young us and the middle-aged us.

Is the profession of doctors sacred?Maybe it looks like it to outsiders, but to insiders it's just a job.People endow it with a sacred meaning, so are insiders really always proud of it?Is the heart of a doctor's parents the best compliment for curing diseases and saving lives?Perhaps not all, these so-called sacred meanings may be just a shackle on the medical staff!Restrict them from carrying these sacred meanings on their backs!

Jiang Yang thought a lot for a while, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He looked at the middle-aged man, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Brother, are you just off work?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Jiang Yang in surprise, and said without concealment: "Late last night, there were several emergency surgeries, and they didn't step down until now."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man wiped his mouth and said, "Boss, how much is the bill!"

Looking at the distant figure, Jiang Yang thought a lot more.

Perhaps, they are forced to carry heavy loads, but they are also willing to move forward!

(End of this chapter)

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