gourmet restaurant

Chapter 665 Secret Meeting

Chapter 665 Secret Meeting
Several days have passed since the exchange meeting.

It was the day when Jiang Yang was teaching at school again, and Jiang Yang came to the school.

The current Jiang Yang is not the kind of teacher that almost no one cares about before.If it was said that Jiang Yang only relied on his status as a culinary master to let so many students attend the lectures, then now Jiang Yang is deeply loved by the students because of the content of his lectures.

Jiang Yang's class is not boring, and even very interesting.More importantly, what Jiang Yang said was something that he couldn't learn in ordinary times and was very practical.

There is actually no particularly advanced theory in the chef industry, the most important thing is to practice hard.Jiang Yang didn't bring any advanced theories, he talked about some problems encountered in cooking, and then he talked about how to solve these problems.

In addition to the theory, Jiang Yang also taught some special skills in the practical class.As soon as the students learned, they found that their culinary skills had improved to varying degrees.

In this way, Jiang Yang's reputation in the school is getting bigger and bigger, and almost all the students are looking forward to Jiang Yang's class.In addition to the students, some teachers would also find opportunities to attend Jiang Yang's class.

Jiang Yang came to the school, walked into the familiar classroom, and started today's lecture.


Somewhere in the imperial capital.

Ren Pengcheng dressed very low-key, with a hat on his head, and walked into a teahouse with his head down.

This is an old teahouse, Ren Pengcheng went straight in and sat opposite a person who was drinking tea.

This is an old man in a Tang suit, thin, with piercing eyes.

"It's better to drink domestic tea and have a taste." The old man seemed to be talking to himself.

Ren Pengcheng was sitting, looking at the old man calmly.

"Would you like a drink?" the old man asked.

Ren Pengcheng shook his head: "No drink."

The old man smiled and said, "Pengcheng, you are still the same."

Ren Pengcheng didn't answer the old man's words, but said: "I did what I did."

The old man sipped his tea slowly, and said with a light smile, "Then the next step is to wait. You don't need to do anything during this time, just wait for things to ferment."

Ren Pengcheng asked: "Is it really useful to do this?"

The old man smiled confidently and said: "Then Yang Kaizhong does everything for the Chefs Association, so it must be useful."

Ren Pengcheng frowned secretly and said, "Even if this is the case, there is no need to do that, right?"

The old man smiled disdainfully and said: "Then what do you say? You have asked Yang Kaizhong so many times, has he ever told you the way to the master?"

Ren Pengcheng kept his mouth shut, Yang Kaizhong was indeed unwilling to tell him the way to the Grandmaster, and tried to hide it.

"Okay, I see." Ren Pengcheng said.

The old man smiled gently: "Pengcheng, why do you think the Chefs Association kept that thing a secret? It's not because he was afraid that a culinary master would appear and threaten his status in the Chefs Association. An extremely small person! Putting it in his hand is a waste!"

After saying this, the old man took another sip of tea.

"Pengcheng, you should go back." The old man said with a chuckle.

Ren Pengcheng nodded, stood up and left the teahouse.

Ren Pengcheng, who returned to the Chefs Association, showed nothing unusual, and was still dealing with various matters of the Chefs Association.


Jiang Yang finished class.

There were many students around him, both male and female, all asking Jiang Yang questions.

Jiang Yang quite enjoyed this feeling.

"Teacher, do you have a girlfriend?" Such an inappropriate question suddenly inserted into the normal painting style, which made Jiang Yang stunned for a moment.

This was asked by a brave girl.

When the girl asked, the other students also had gossip fire in their eyes.

"The teacher has a girlfriend." Jiang Yang said with a smile.

"Oh!" The girl's tone was a little disappointed.

"Xiao Li, why do you still look disappointed?" A good classmate next to the girl directly teased.

"Oh~ I was just thinking, why do good men have their own masters. A young and outstanding man like Teacher shouldn't have a girlfriend!" said the girl named Xiaoli.

Jiang Yang didn't understand, and said: "How do you hear what you mean, teacher, I shouldn't have a girlfriend?"

"That's right, teacher, you have a girlfriend. The girls in our support group are very sad, that is, they don't know the news yet. Once they know, I don't know how many hearts will be broken." Xiaoli said.

Jiang Yang: "Uh...It's useless to think about these at a young age."

Lily stuck out her tongue.

In fact, this is because fans like a certain idol and don't want this idol to have a girlfriend (boy) friend.

Jiang Yang and these students are like friends on weekdays, so he didn't get angry about these words.

Smiling, Jiang Yang opened up the topic and continued to answer their questions about cooking.

In this way, Jiang Yang was not able to leave until noon.

Just as Jiang Yang returned to the store, Yu Zhiyu seemed to know that Jiang Yang was back, and soon appeared in Jiang Yang's sight.

"Master, have you eaten yet? I brought you lunch." Yu Zhiyu shouted from afar.

Jiang Yang rubbed his stomach. Although he is a chef, there are times when he doesn't want to cook. For example, he just came back from a lecture and he doesn't want to move.

When Yu Zhiyu walked up to him, Jiang Yang asked, "What did you bring?"

"I packed this at other restaurants in Rongcheng. It's too expensive. I don't think it's as delicious as yours, Master." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment, usually Yu Zhiyu relied on him to cook, why did he suddenly go to another restaurant to pack dishes today?

Yu Zhiyu didn't really eat and drink here in Jiangyang, he would bring some rather precious ingredients over from time to time, um... let Jiangyang cook.

"Why did you remember to go to another restaurant to pack?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yu Zhiyu said: "I think you are right, Master. If you want to be a good chef, you must first learn to eat. How can a chef who can't even eat be considered a good chef?"

Jiang Yang:? ? ?
Did I say that?But maybe, maybe I mentioned a sentence or two during the chat with Yu Zhiyu, but I didn't care.

"Really, then you continue to work hard." Jiang Yang encouraged.

Yu Zhiyu nodded fiercely and said: "Master, I will work hard. I will try to eat all the restaurants in Rongcheng within three months!"

Jiang Yang was speechless secretly: Really rich!

Although the restaurants in Rongcheng are not considered luxurious, they are not considered cheap either.It costs a lot of money to eat them all.

"Which restaurant is this?" Jiang Yang asked after eating two bites.

"It's from Peony Garden." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang nodded and said nothing.To be honest, the dishes in Peony Garden are pretty good, although the price is a little bit expensive.

After taking two bites, Jiang Yang suddenly stopped.

If there is nothing to show courtesy, there must be something strange!

(End of this chapter)

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