gourmet restaurant

Chapter 671 Teaching

Chapter 671 Teaching
Yu Zhiyu wiped the sweat from his brow, and brought up the fried rice with eggs in the pot.

Jiang Yang looked at it and said with a smile, "Is this the egg fried rice you scrambled?"

Yu Zhiyu looked at his fried rice with eggs, and said with some embarrassment: "Master, don't think it looks bad, maybe it tastes good."

Jiang Yang glanced at him, his tone a little playful: "Maybe?"

"Ahem...don't worry about that, master, please try it first." Yu Zhiyu said.

"If you eat this, you won't have diarrhea, right?" Jiang Yang asked suddenly.

Yu Zhiyu frowned, and immediately said: "That definitely can't be done! Master, this is all about Chen Zhima's rotten millet. I am no longer who I used to be."

"Really?" Jiang Yang said with a half-smile.

"Master, why don't you believe me?" Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang smiled and said: "I believe you, then... I tasted it?"

Yu Zhiyu said: "Taste it, Master."

Jiang Yang looked at the plate with a dark color, it didn't look like fried rice with eggs, but fried rice with soy sauce, Jiang Yang felt apprehensive for a while.

After taking a small sip, Jiang Yang savored it slowly.

"Master, how is it?" Yu Zhiyu's eyes were full of expectation.

Jiang Yang also became serious and said: "The eggs are not fried, the rice and eggs are just mixed together and not fried together. There is too much soy sauce, which takes away the umami taste of the eggs. The rice is not steamed well, some are too soft. You can see that they are all sticky together. The time of sprinkling the chopped green onion is not right, and the fragrance of the green onion is too exciting, and it has already faded."

When Yu Zhiyu heard the words, his face became bitter immediately, and he said, "Master, why are there all shortcomings and no advantages at all?"

Jiang Yang rubbed his chin, and said: "There are advantages, you put the salt very well, neither salty nor bland."

When Yu Zhiyu heard what Jiang Yang said, his face finally looked better.

"Master, your requirements are too high. I feel that I am not bad at cooking this egg fried rice. How can it be an advantage?" Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "Then you have to try it yourself."

"Just try it, anyway, I think it's pretty good." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang smiled without saying a word, watching Yu Zhiyu taste it.

Yu Zhiyu took a bite of the egg fried rice that he cooked, chewed it a few times, and his face changed a bit.He realized that what his master said was not wrong, and even the only advantage was not outstanding.

"How?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yu Zhiyu was a little depressed, he thought he did a good job, why is he still like this?Yu Zhiyu couldn't figure it out, he wondered if he didn't have the talent to be a chef.

"Master, do you think I'm not suitable to be a chef? I've been studying with you for so long, but I can't even cook fried rice with eggs." Yu Zhiyu's tone was a little frustrated and lost.

"Of course it's not that you don't have talent." Jiang Yang said immediately, he just wanted to beat Yu Zhiyu so that he wouldn't be so carefree all day long, but Jiang Yang never thought of dampening Yu Zhiyu's enthusiasm for learning to cook.

Hearing what Jiang Yang said, Yu Zhiyu suddenly raised his head, looked at Jiang Yang seriously, and waited for what Jiang Yang would say next.

I just heard Jiang Yang say: "Culinary skills are not born with you. You have to practice and learn. No one is born to cook. They all learn from scratch bit by bit."

Yu Zhiyu nodded and was about to agree, but Jiang Yang's tone suddenly became severe: "But you, you have not learned how to walk, you want to run. Well, even if you want to run, you should learn how to run first anyway, yes Whether the left leg runs first or the right leg runs first, you have to learn! But you, you don’t learn, you just say that you will run when you see how others run, and you learn something different.”

Yu Zhiyu was so reprimanded by Jiang Yang that he couldn't lift his head, so he could only listen silently.

"Now, do you still think egg fried rice is easy?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yu Zhiyu quickly shook his head and said, "It's not simple, it's not simple at all!"

"Then you still want to learn?" Jiang Yang asked again.

Yu Zhiyu nodded quickly and said, "I must learn! I must learn!"

"Don't you dislike the simplicity of this dish?" Jiang Yang asked.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!" Yu Zhiyu said.

Hearing this, Jiang Yang smiled triumphantly, and he had to hit the south wall by himself before he knew how to turn around.

Jiang Yang didn't suddenly become arrogant and say something you want to learn that I don't want to teach now.

Jiang Yang has seen Yu Zhiyu's efforts during this period of time, and Jiang Yang is embarrassed not to teach the master he has called for so long.

It's just that Yu Zhiyu has never been in touch with cooking before, and the time he has been in contact with it is too short now. Even if Jiang Yang wants to teach him more things, Yu Zhiyu can't accept it.

Jiang Yang paused, and said to Yu Zhiyu, "Go get a small bowl of rice."

When Yu Zhiyu heard this, he immediately scooped up a small bowl of rice.

Jiang Yang washed the rice in the rice cooker and said: "To learn egg fried rice, you must first learn how to steam rice. In fact, not only egg fried rice, but also other fried rice. Most people can steam rice, but how? The rice is suitable for fried rice, and the knowledge in this is great.”

Yu Zhiyu nodded and listened carefully.

"I told you before that many people like to use overnight rice for fried rice, because the moisture in the overnight rice evaporates, and the softness and firmness left is very suitable for fried rice. Of course, in addition to moisture control, the choice of rice is also important. There are many kinds of rice in Huaguo, and the taste and taste are also different. For example, pearl rice has a softer taste, and the steamed rice is more sticky. This kind of rice is not suitable for fried rice. When we make fried rice, we should choose long-grain rice. The taste is harder, so the fried rice will have distinct grains." Jiang Yang said in one breath.

Yu Zhiyu quickly jotted it down, it was the first time he had heard these words, it turned out that an egg fried rice was so much about the rice.

Before Jiang Yang finished speaking, he continued to preach: "Choose the rice and control the water to steam the rice. First, we need to break the rice and let it cool. Do you know why?"

Yu Zhiyu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Jiang Yang turned the rice cooker to steaming rice, wiped the water on his hands and said: "When the rice is steamed, the upper layer of rice is different from the lower layer of rice. The upper layer is softer, while the lower layer is harder. Breaking up the two Mix the layers of rice, and wait for a period of time before they all become the same. Of course, this is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is that after the rice is broken up, the water evaporates faster and more evenly.”

Yu Zhiyu nodded, and meticulously wrote down what Jiang Yang said.

Taking advantage of the steaming rice, Jiang Yang said to Yu Zhiyu again: "Go and get two eggs."

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhiyu hurried to get two eggs.

Jiang Yang took it, and quickly cracked two eggs into the bowl with one hand.

"Actually, the ratio of eggs to rice in egg fried rice is not so strict, as long as it is not too unbalanced. For the rest, it depends on your favorite taste. If you like to eat eggs, put one more egg, and if you don't like it, put one less. It will affect the taste. Not big." Jiang Yang said.

(End of this chapter)

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