gourmet restaurant

Chapter 678 Master, Here Comes My Chapter

Chapter 678 Master, I'm Back

It is now July.

Some students just after the college entrance examination are in a state of excitement, traveling and playing around.

Some students are also facing the problem of employment after graduation.

Pan Jun is one of the graduates and one who is struggling to find a job.

It is really hard to find a job nowadays, to be precise, it should be hard to find a job I like.

After Pan Jun graduated from university, he despises himself for the job he likes, but there are a lot of jobs he doesn't like.

He has the shortcomings of most college students, that is, he is too arrogant, thinking that he has outstanding abilities and is a great horse, but he suffers from the lack of Bole.

Pan Jun searched a lot, but couldn't find a suitable job. Seeing his classmates got offices one by one, he felt a little anxious.

In desperation, Pan Jun lowered his job requirements, but found that the jobs he didn't like before are now full of people.

Until the campus recruitment passed, Pan Jun still did not find a suitable job.

Today is the third day that Pan Jun has been out looking for a job. For two days in a row, he has not found anything.

Today, I searched for a long time, but suitable companies rejected Pan Jun one after another.

Reason Well, all sorts of strange things.

In fact, Pan Jun knew that there were so many reasons, it was just that he was not outstanding enough.He didn't feel that he was not capable enough, but that he didn't have enough honor in the university.

In this regard, Pan Jun is also very helpless.

When he was in college, he didn't like to participate in any activities, and he didn't care about the selection of outstanding students.Therefore, until Pan Jun graduated, he did not have a single honor.

Among college students, he is really too ordinary, too inconspicuous.

Pan Jun felt a little unwilling, but what can he do if he is unwilling?

At this time, he suddenly regretted that he should not have wasted his time in college, he should study hard and get more honors.Perhaps the situation is very different now.

Pan Jun, who is in college, has only two hobbies, one is playing games, and the other is eating.

He is a gourmet lover. He is very familiar with the delicacies of Rongcheng. Basically, he has eaten all the famous ones.

When he came here, Pan Jun suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a famous restaurant nearby.

Pan Jun walked over according to his memory, and sure enough, he saw this restaurant that was very popular on the Internet.

At this time, the restaurant seemed to have just opened, and there seemed to be no guests.

Pan Jun didn't find it strange at all.

According to his understanding, this store is like this, the opening time is never fixed, and of course the closing time is the same.

As soon as he came, he saw the door open, and he couldn't help but rejoice that his luck seemed to be good.

Pan Jun didn't think much, and walked towards the store.

He needs to comfort his wounded heart with delicious food, which is what he always does when things go wrong.

Pan Jun walked into the store.

"Boss, I want a mapo tofu." Pan Jun walked to the restaurant and sat down.

Jiang Yang responded and went to the shop to cook.

Not long after, a mapo tofu was ready, and Jiang Yang brought it out and placed it in front of Pan Jun.

As Pan Jun ate, he felt an indescribable sense of happiness in his heart. Although it was not the first time he ate food from this store, every time he ate it, he was so amazing.

Pan Jun's unhappiness that he had encountered continuously these days disappeared instantly, and his mood became smoother.

After eating delicious food, Pan Jun and Jiang Yang chatted.

"Boss, are you recruiting here? How about I come to work with you, and you don't need a salary, just take care of my meals." Pan Jun said.

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "I have no shortage of people here."

Pan Jun smiled indifferently. He was joking too. Is it really possible that he can do without salary?
"Aren't you working?" Jiang Yang asked.

Pan Jun was saddened by the smell. He shook his head and said, "I haven't found it yet."

"Just graduated?" Jiang Yang looked at Pan Jun's attire and guessed.

"The boss has sharp eyes." Pan Jun said.

"It's hard to find a job now." Jiang Yang sighed.

Pan Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then continued: "Yeah, it's hard to find. Graduating is the same as being unemployed."

When Jiang Yang heard the words, he felt a little empathy. Wasn't it the same for him back then?

"Actually, I didn't find a job, so I opened the store." Jiang Yang said.

"Really, boss, you didn't find a job back then?" Pan Jun was a little surprised.

Jiang Yang nodded. He failed to apply for a job when he was looking for a job. Later, he started to be a chef under Zhou Wei's suggestion.It can be regarded as a coincidence.

Jiang Yang never said these words to Pan Jun.

"But boss, you are much better than me. At least you can open a store without finding a job. If I can't find a job, I can only go home and eat my old age." Pan Jun said.

Jiang Yang said: "Try hard to find, there must be a suitable one."

Pan Jun was lamenting Jiang Yang's good luck, but he didn't know that Jiang Yang would rather not have this good luck.Pan Jun had no idea how this store in Jiangyang opened.

The two had their own concerns and did not continue chatting for a while.

Pan Jun was eating, and suddenly said with emotion: "Boss, it would be great if you have takeaway in your store."

Jiang Yang smiled but didn't speak.

And Pan Jun seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and he thought of some idea, and he said excitedly: "Boss, how about I help you deliver food, I guarantee that you will buy your food in various universities in Rongcheng. You just need to give me a little boost."

Pan Jun was thinking, the food in this restaurant tastes so good, if he specially delivers the food from this restaurant, he will surely earn a lot of money.And he and the boss are just a cooperative relationship, which is better than working for others!

The more Pan Jun thought about it, the more excited he became.

However, Jiang Yang poured cold water on it and said, "The store is too busy every day, so we won't deliver any takeaways."

Jiang Yang was telling the truth. If he really wanted to deliver food, he would have already had various food delivery platforms here.Pan Jun didn't know that all the food delivery platforms on the market, large and small, had come to Jiangyang, hoping that their platforms could settle in.

Jiang Yang refused. As he said, the customers in the store were too busy to deliver any takeaway.

Pan Jun also wanted to persuade Jiang Yang.

"Sorry, excuse me," Jiang Yang said.

Seeing Jiang Yang go to the kitchen, Pan Jun felt helpless.He could tell that Jiang Yang didn't want to deliver food so much.

It's just that he was a little unwilling. He felt that his plan would definitely make a lot of money.

After eating, Pan Jun waited for Jiang Yang for a while, but he didn't come out.Knowing Jiang Yang's determination in his heart, Pan Jun paid the money and left with helplessness and regret.

Jiang Yang came out of the kitchen, heaved a sigh of relief, he finally left!He is not used to pestering people, so he can only hide, after all, he can't make Pan Jun leave with his fists.

At this time, there was a sudden sound at the door: "Welcome!"

A figure rushed into the shop and shouted loudly: "Master, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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