Chapter 686

The two left alone, and both Meng Wanqiu and Jiang Yang drove.

But this time, the two of them were in the car driven by Meng Wanqiu.And Jiang Yang's car was left for Yu Zhiyu to drive back.

After all, he also brought some kitchen utensils with him, and if he didn't give Yu Zhiyu a cart, he wouldn't be able to take the kitchen utensils back.

Jiang Yang still remembered Yu Zhiyu's bewildered expression when he was holding the car keys, his eyes were clear, besides, Master, you just left me like this?
Thinking of this, Jiang Yang smiled.

"What did you think of? So happy?" Meng Wanqiu asked.

Jiang Yang said: "I was thinking about Yu Zhiyu's expression when I left."

Meng Wanqiu also smiled knowingly when she heard the words.

To be fair, Yu Zhiyu's expression was really interesting.Feeling aggrieved in a daze, he wanted to say something but dared not speak.

"That apprentice of yours is really interesting." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang shook his head, but did not speak.

Time passed slowly, and the two also drove to the city.

"Jiang Yang, what movie do you want to watch?" Meng Wanqiu asked.

"I don't watch movies much, is there anything you want to see?" Jiang Yang asked back.

"I'm too busy with work during this time, and I haven't watched a movie for a long time. Let's go to the movie theater and see it first." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang naturally agreed.

There are quite a few movie theaters in Rongcheng, ranging in size from big to small.

What the two of them came to was a rather large movie theater, which had some of the largest screens in Rongcheng, which could bring the most extreme enjoyment.

But relatively, the price will be more expensive.

There are not many good-looking movies recently, but the genre is quite complete, including horror, romance, science fiction, and suspense, and the choice space is not small.

"What do you want to see?" Meng Wanqiu asked.

Jiang Yang rubbed his chin, and said seriously: "Why don't you just watch a light-hearted comedy."

Meng Wanqiu wanted to watch horror movies, not because she liked them, but on the contrary, she was actually a little scared.It's just that when I'm with Jiang Yang, I always want to try something I haven't tried before.

Jiang Yang didn't know what was going on in her heart, otherwise he would definitely say, you are afraid of me, too!

"Then let's watch a comedy, this one looks pretty good, it's an hour and a half later." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang didn't care about waiting, he said: "Then let's just sit and wait for a while."

When Meng Wanqiu heard the words, she nodded in agreement.

After buying tickets, the two sat on chairs and waited boredly.

Suddenly, Meng Wanqiu saw the claw machine beside him.

She pulled Jiang Yang excitedly and said, "Let's go catch the doll!"

Jiang Yang was dragged to the claw machine by Meng Wanqiu.

In the waiting area of ​​the movie theater, there are many machines for catching dolls.And it's not just the old-fashioned claw machines, there are many online celebrity models here.

Dolls are also strange, big and small.There are even things that are not dolls, such as lipsticks and key chains.

There is no place to exchange coins here. These claw machines are paid by scanning codes, and can be used directly.

Meng Wanqiu excitedly scanned the QR code to pay, and then started grabbing the doll.

Jiang Yang said curiously: "I didn't expect you to like to catch dolls."

Meng Wanqiu said with a smile: "I used to have a friend who liked to catch dolls, and she was influenced by her."

As Meng Wanqiu said, the first doll didn't grab it, and suddenly fell down when it was caught in the air.

"Oh! What a pity!" Meng Wanqiu said, with a regretful expression on her face.

Immediately, Meng Wanqiu scanned the QR code again and started grabbing the dolls.

Unfortunately, Meng Wanqiu failed to catch one thing several times.

Meng Wanqiu pulled Jiang Yang to the front and said, "Jiang Yang, come and arrest him. You must arrest him today."

Jiang Yang took over and said, "Okay, look, I'll catch it today."

Meng Wanqiu nodded again and again, "Yeah!"

Jiang Yang made a move, and the first time he lowered his claws, the claws were sideways and missed.

Jiang Yang looked embarrassed. He had sworn to it just now, but now he missed it the first time he did it.

Meng Wanqiu didn't grab it, it wasn't because she couldn't grasp it correctly, but because her claws couldn't grasp it steadily.

Jiang Yang simply didn't catch it, and the nature was different.

"It's okay, come on!" Meng Wanqiu encouraged from the side.

Facing Jiang Yang's embarrassment, Meng Wanqiu didn't say anything sarcastic, but encouraged Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang nodded, this time he took aim and hooked again.

The hook held the doll firmly, but when it was in the air, the doll suddenly fell down.

"Jiang Yang, you are amazing, you are only a little away from success." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang's confidence also increased greatly at this moment, and he began to take the hook for the third time.

This time, the doll miraculously did not fall off, and was firmly caught to the exit and released.

Meng Wanqiu clapped her hands and said, "It's amazing."

Jiang Yang smiled and said with pride: "That is!"

This kind of dialogue, maybe only two people will not feel awkward.

Jiang Yang grabbed the first doll, and his confidence immediately doubled, and he started his own way of catching dolls.

As a result... Jiang Yang didn't grab the second doll until the movie started.

"It's a pity that it almost succeeded just now." Jiang Yang said.

The two bought popcorn and drinks and walked towards the screening room.

Meng Wanqiu smiled and said, "This is not your technical problem."

Jiang Yang: "Why?"

"This claw machine has actually been adjusted by someone. Only when the specified number of times is reached, the claws will not be released in mid-air." Meng Wanqiu explained.

Jiang Yang had never caught a doll before, so he didn't know there was such an inside story.

"Isn't that cheating?" Jiang Yang said.

Meng Wanqiu smiled and said: "It's not enough to cheat, this is an open secret, and many people know it."

Jiang Yang was even more surprised when he heard the words, and asked: "Then you still go to catch it?"

Meng Wanqiu said with a smile: "Who told you that catching dolls is for dolls, and catching dolls is for the process of catching dolls, as long as you are happy, as for whether you can catch dolls or not, that's secondary."

Jiang Yang nodded. There seemed to be nothing wrong with his words.

The two walked into the screening room, ready to watch a movie sweetly.

On the other side, in the villa.

The reception has just started, with exquisite snacks and bottles of good red wine.

The reception is a very good place to communicate, and it is a unique exchange meeting for the so-called upper class.

In fact, it is no different from the old men sitting in the park playing chess and exercising.

Zhang Tingzhou prepared the check in his hand, and he just waited to find Jiang Yang and humiliate him for a while.

However, Zhang Tingzhou searched everywhere for a reception, but he didn't see Jiang Yang.Not only that, even Meng Wanqiu didn't see it.

After questioning, I found out that the two of them did not attend the reception.

Zhang Tingzhou instantly felt that he was being tricked. He had been preparing for so long and was about to humiliate Jiang Yang in public, but was told that Jiang Yang hadn't come.

He could even imagine how those people would laugh at him!

Zhang Tingzhou thought, his face turned livid.

"Jiang Yang, just wait for me, I will find this place sooner or later." Zhang Tingzhou whispered through gritted teeth.

Some people are very strange, just like Zhang Tingzhou, whose brain circuits are different from ordinary people...

(End of this chapter)

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