gourmet restaurant

Chapter 690 An Unusual Gathering

Chapter 690 An Unusual Gathering
Yu Zhiyu found that his master had become a little weird these two days.

They all began to study some expensive ingredients.

Before Yu Zhiyu saw her master reading a book, Yu Zhiyu raised her head curiously to take a look, which frightened Yu Zhiyu a lot.

Good guy, this book is all about the introduction of various expensive ingredients.

As a rich second generation, Yu Zhiyu knows very well how much the dishes cooked with these ingredients are worth.

He was thinking, could it be that Master is going to start earning money?

However, this idea was quickly dismissed by Yu Zhiyu.

Although Jiang Yang reads books about expensive ingredients, Jiang Yang is still so...lazy when it comes to opening a shop!You can even say a word more.

Yu Zhiyu carefully observed his master.

"Yu Zhiyu, I'm going out for a while," Jiang Yang said.

"Ah?" Yu Zhiyu responded.

"Ah what, I said I'm going out for a while." Jiang Yang said.

"I heard it." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang didn't bother to complain, he took the car keys and walked out the door, leaving a sentence: "I'm not sure when I'll be back today, you cook your own lunch."

Jiang Yang drove the car towards the Sichuan Chefs Association.

Today, he went to attend Lin Yong's previous invitation.


As for what kind of gathering it was, Jiang Yang didn't know.Lin Yong didn't go into details, but only said that it was a gathering of culinary masters from Sichuan Province to exchange culinary skills.

It was probably of the same nature as that kind of exchange meeting.

Jiang Yang thought.

He actually doesn't have much interest in this kind of gathering, not because he is pretending to be noble, but because he really thinks so.

But he didn't want to go, life is alive, you can't all depend on your own preferences.

Even if Jiang Yang is a culinary master, he still has to respect his predecessors.


Coming to the Chefs Association, Jiang Yang got out of the car.

Under the guidance of the staff, he came to a room.

Jiang Yang just pushed open the door, and before he walked in, he saw many people in the room.

Jiang Yang thought he came early, but he didn't expect to arrive late.

Naturally, there were acquaintances in the room.

Masters like Liao Xiezuo, Chen Quanzhou, and Xu Zhi were all there.There are also some master chefs that Jiang Yang is familiar with.It's just that the relationship is not as good as a few relatives.

Jiang Yang greeted them one by one before sitting down.

The room is not big, and it doesn't look like a meeting room, but like a tea room.

Aromatherapy curls up, and the fragrance of tea fills the room.The antique room has a bit of meaning.

As soon as Jiang Yang sat down, someone brought a cup of tea.

Jiang Yang thanked him with a smile, and then sat quietly.

There was a lot of noise around, which was caused by chatting among familiar chefs.

A group of culinary masters, with an average age of 60, can be regarded as a group of old men.

Jiang Yang, a young man in his thirties, had nothing to talk to a group of old men.

If you talk about cooking, Jiang Yang can still add a few words, but when people chat, recalling the past, Jiang Yang can't get in at all.

That being the case, why don't you just be quiet and pretend that you are here to drink tea, which is actually pretty good.

Jiang Yang sat quietly, but no one came to disturb him.

Similar to Jiang Yang's thoughts, a group of old men really have nothing to say to a young man like Jiang Yang, what they say is not on the same channel as what Jiang Yang thinks.

Lin Yong was still in the office at this time.

He called a staff member and asked, "Is everyone here?"

The staff member said: "Chef Jiang Yang was the last one to arrive, and they are all here now."

Hearing this, Lin Yong waved his hand to let the staff go down.

After the staff members walked out of the office, Lin Yongcai cursed in a low voice: "A group of people are slow to separate, but they are fast to divide up the benefits."

But Lin Yong has no choice, this is an agreement between the chef association and the master chef.

Otherwise, why should other master chefs listen to your Chefs Association?It's not official, but a semi-official non-governmental organization.

Such gatherings do not happen every year.

Generally speaking, there is a meeting every three years.

This usually refers to the situation where no new master chef is born, but if a new master chef is born, within a year, there must be a gathering.

This party was only held the year before last, and it stands to reason that the next party would have to wait until next year, but Jiang Yang became a master chef this year, so the party was brought forward to this year.

It can be said that this gathering was mostly due to Jiang Yang becoming a culinary master.

Jiang Yang didn't know the meaning of this gathering, and Lin Yong didn't explain it to Jiang Yang in detail.

In fact, it was Lin Yong's private decision.

It stands to reason that for new master chefs, the president of the chef association must explain the purpose and significance of the gathering to the new master chefs.

However, Lin Yong had some selfish intentions this time. He made the decision without making it clear to Jiang Yang.

His purpose was not to harm Jiang Yang, on the contrary... Lin Yong did it for Jiang Yang's good.

He didn't want Jiang Yang to be distracted by these things. In Lin Yong's view, Jiang Yang is so young, he still has a lot of room for improvement in cooking.

However, Jiang Yang's desire to seek Tao was not strong enough, or Ren Pengcheng's. If Jiang Yang's desire to seek Tao was like Ren Pengcheng's, then Lin Yong would not have to do these unnecessary things.

Before, the former president Yang Kaizhong called Lin Yong, hoping that Lin Yong would give up the position of president of the Sichuan Provincial Chefs Association to Jiang Yang, so as to prevent Jiang Yang from becoming the second Ren Pengcheng.

Lin Yong did not agree.

As a former genius, Lin Yong also had a heart of seeking Tao when he was young, and he also thought about what it would be like to be above a master.

It's a pity... He was so involved in his ideals that his current cooking skills are not as good as some chefs who were not as talented as him before.

But Jiang Yang was different. Although he wanted Jiang Yang to inherit his will, it was just a will!After he passed away, this time has to be postponed for more than ten years.

Maybe in a few years, Lin Yong will try to let Jiang Yang take over his ideal, but definitely not now.

If Jiang Yang's talent is generally fine, but Jiang Yang's talent is too good.Especially after Jiang Yang became a culinary master, he also made rapid progress, and Lin Yong's thoughts were also wavering almost before Lin Yong.

He decided to give Jiang Yang a few years, and also give himself a few years.

Maybe... this young man can reach a height he once dreamed of in the end?
In any case, in the past few years, he didn't want Jiang Yang to be dazzled by too many interests.

Lin Yong pressed his temples, feeling a little headache.

Although he didn't tell Jiang Yang, Jiang Yang is not a fool, so he should be able to tell.As for Jiang Yang's choice after seeing it, Lin Yong can only look at it when the time comes.

What really caused Lin Yong a headache was not Jiang Yang's problem, but those old men.

Every time we get together, Lin Yong suffers unspeakably.

If he could, he wouldn't even want to throw a party or something.

After rubbing his temples for a while, Lin Yong walked towards the room.

 Thank you for your monthly pass!I really didn't expect that during the period of double monthly tickets, there are still book friends voting for this book!
  No matter what time it is, it's great to have such a lovely group of you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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