I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 111 The emperor doesn't want face

Chapter 111 The emperor doesn't want face (please collect)

on the wilderness.

Li Yuanba, Bai Qi, and Fu Sheng followed the sound, and their figures flashed towards Qianqing and others in the field to attack.

at this time.

A cold voice came, "Human Race, are you arrogant?"

Accompanied by the sound, a silver light fell straight down from the sky.


A silver gun was stuck in the ground.

Under the tip of the spear, there were traces of cracks, like spider webs, spreading to the feet of Li Yuanba and the others.

at the same time.

above the sky.

A figure fell down, tiptoed lightly, and stood on the silver spear with his hands behind his back.

This person is immortal and elegant, lonely and cold, with long hair like waterfalls, eyes like stars, and a peerless demeanor.

She looks more beautiful than a woman.

Qin Jun glanced at the man, and whispered in his heart, how can you let a woman live when a man looks like this, it's too much!

Lian Wanling looked happy when he saw the person coming, "Brother, you are finally here, he is the owner of the blood of the ancestor dragon."


Lian Mutian looked at Qin Jun, "The Golden Core cultivation is too weak, but the people around him are much stronger than him."

Then, he looked at Lian Wanling, and continued: "The blood of the ancestral dragon, we Shura clan give up, Wan Ling follow me back."

Lian Wanling's expression changed, and he asked in confusion, "Brother, why did you give up?"

Lian Mutian said: "The patriarch's decision, come back with me!"

Hearing that it was the decision of Patriarch Shura, Lian Wanling stopped talking for a moment, turned around and glanced at Qin Jun, "Today is a good day for you."

The sound fell.

Lian Wanling pulled Lian Mutian and prepared to leave.

Qin Jun said in a deep voice, "Wait!"

Lian Mutian turned to look at Qin Jun, "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Qin Jun's face was slightly cold, "I have an opinion!"

"The person who killed the emperor, just leave. Do you think this is your back garden?"

Lian Mutian narrowed his eyes slightly, and murderous intent appeared on his figure, "If I want to leave, none of you can stop me, it would be very kind not to kill you, don't go too far."

at this time.

Lian Wanling looked at Qin Jun arrogantly, as if saying, if you dare to mess with my brother, I can't beat you to death.

In inch?

Qin Jun muttered to himself, put his feet on the ground, leaped into the air, and flew out of the palm of his hand with the god-killing gun, and the sharp spear shot towards Lian Mutian.

The gun was as fast as lightning, pointing directly at Lian Mutian's eyebrows.

A shot flew out, Lian Mutian sneered, flexed his fingers, and a wisp of spiritual energy flew out.

moving forward.

The aura turned into a long spear and collided with the God Killing Spear.


The violent impact sound spread, and the shock wave dispersed, and Qin Jun's figure flew backwards.

This flight was a hundred feet away.

On the other hand, Lian Mutian still stood on top of the silver spear, motionless as a mountain.

"Your gun is good, but your marksmanship is too weak!"

"I won't kill you today, don't make fun of yourself!"

Even Mutian said in disdain.

"Weak marksmanship?"

"Come on, fight again!"

Qin Jun didn't think that his marksmanship was weak, he stepped forward with one step, his figure rushed forward, and the god-killing spear shot across the void, wrapped in infinite momentum, and shot at Lian Mutian again.

hold head high!
A shot was fired, and there seemed to be a dragon chant spreading.

The gun is like a dragon, piercing the sky.

This blow is exactly the second form of the nine strikes, the spear breaks!

Seeing the spear technique released by Qin Jun in front of him, even Mutian Weiwei's eyes became serious, knowing that this spear technique was not easy.

Qin Jun is only weak in realm, if he is in the same realm as him, he may not be able to block the power of this spear.


Lian Mutian's figure rose into the air, and the silver spear under his feet neighed and flew up, turning into a silver light and flying towards Qin Jun.

Under the collision, the void spear light shattered and annihilated.

The silver spear was like a silver dragon, unabated, piercing Qin Jun like a shooting star.


Qin Jun's face paled, and he murmured to himself in a low voice, the realm is too low, no matter how strong a martial skill is, it cannot release its true power.


His figure flew backwards, looking at the silver gun just a short distance away from his chest, two clusters of rich aura appeared in his palm.


The silver spear pierced through, Qin Jun's figure tilted downwards, the gun body brushed against his nose, and after flying a hundred feet, turned around and pierced again.

Qin Jun didn't dare to be careless, when the silver spear pierced through again, his figure rushed straight up, and lightly tapped the spear with his toes.

The stars are moving!palm
Accompanied by the sound of violent shouting, two streams of spiritual energy flew out from the palm, transforming into two crystal clear white dragons.

The white dragon devours the sky, and the space is reversed.

The void is like an ocean wave, setting off waves of ripples.

The silver spear was wrapped around two white dragon ropes, turned around, and hit Lian Mutian directly.

Ang Ang!

Dragon chants spread one after another, and the silver spear was like a flying dragon, extremely fast.

see this scene.

Lian Mutian's pupils dilated, he looked at Qin Jun in disbelief, and muttered to himself: "He actually possesses such incredible supernatural powers."

"As expected of a person of the blood of the ancestral dragon, he can take two shots from me without losing, and he can be passive and active. There is hope for the revival of the human race."


Lian Mutian took a step forward, raised his hand, and a barrier of mysterious light appeared, directly breaking Qin Jun's movement.


Clutching the silver spear tightly in his hand, Lian Mutian looked at Qin Jun, "You are very good. I look forward to seeing you again on the battlefield in the future."

As the sound spread, he pulled Lian Wanling and flew backwards, disappearing into the void.

Lian Mutian just left.


Several figures came down and stood beside Qianqing and Ming Wudi.

Don't guess.

We all know their identities.

Qin Jun stabilized his figure, looked up at the four of them, hit the younger one, and the older one?

at this time.

Qianqing pulled up the woman beside her, "Sister An, you are here!"

An Xuezhen's face was cold, and she scolded lightly: "Qianqing, who told you to act without authorization!"

Qianqing's face changed, and she said coquettishly: "Sister An, don't you want to come earlier and take the blood of the ancestor dragon, so as not to be caught by others?"

An Xuezhen said: "Go back and settle the score with you!"

The sound fell.

She looked at Qin Jun, "Man, I took it away, you have no objection!"

Qin Jun sneered and said, "Are you bullying me?"

"You come to take one away, and he comes to take one away, just to tease me?"

An Xuezhen frowned slightly, and said coldly, "Are you not agreeing?"

Qin Jun shook his head, looked at Fu Sheng, Li Yuanba, and Bai Qi, "Kill, don't go to anyone!"

"Since you're here, save your life!"

One command.

Fu Sheng, Li Yuanba, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, and Guan Yu rushed forward.

An Xuezhen's complexion changed drastically, "You, don't give me face!"

Qin Jun laughed grimly, and said angrily: "I don't know you, why should I give you face? You have a big face, what's the matter!"

"Besides, I don't want to lose face?"

"Aren't you a little, too serious about yourself!"

"Since we want to fight, let's kill him until he dies."

this moment.

An Xuezhen's face was as cold as frost, and her clothes flew up all over her body. She said in a deep voice, "Mr. Wu, beat him up and bring him back to the Demon Realm."


The old man beside An Xuezhen said in a deep voice, and flew out in a flash, attacking Qin Jun.

Under the powerful air waves, Qin Jun only felt an invisible force restraining him, and it was difficult to break free.

This person is too scary!
Qin Jun knew that the Yaozu old man in front of him was definitely not something he could compete with.

Mind this.

He whispered in his heart: "Qinglian Sword Fairy Li Bai, show up!"

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(End of this chapter)

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