I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 113 Can I admit defeat?

Chapter 113 Can I admit defeat? (Favorites)

Return to Jiujiang Internet City.

Standing on the top of the city, Qin Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

The witches, demons, and Shura clans retreated, and the only enemies left were the human races outside the city.

After the battle just now, I believe that many people have been shocked.


Those who dare to attack will probably not be weaker than Li Bai.

At this time.

Someone moved in the void.

A chariot fell from Jiuxiao and appeared in the sky above Jiujiang City.

Get on the chariot.

The dragon pattern is intertwined, a flag is flying, and a big "Tang" character is painted on the flag.

Qin Jun looked up, his eyes stayed on the chariot, showing a look of guard, "Tang? Great Tang fairyland!"

At this time.

A figure stepped out of the chariot.

He is a young man in brocade clothes.

The instrument is magnificent, and the jade tree faces the wind.

The moment Qin Jun looked at the young man, the young man also looked at him again, and the two eyes collided in the void, the needle pointed at the wheat light.

Sensing Qin Jun's strong guard, the young man slowly said: "Qin Jun, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to take the blood of the ancestor dragon!"

Qin Jun said in a deep voice, "Then Your Excellency is here to see the fun?"

Everyone embraces the blood of the ancestral dragon.

Qin Jun doesn't trust anyone, especially the young man in front of him is from the Tang Dynasty.

The corner of the young man's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Jun Qin, the Great Qin Dynasty can no longer accommodate you, and I came here hoping that you can follow Gu to the Great Tang."

"Go to Datang?"

"This place is the hometown of the emperor, why go to Datang!"

"If your Excellency has nothing to do, leave quickly, the emperor is very busy and has no time to entertain you!"

Qin Jun was fearless and spoke forcefully.

at this time.

on the void.

Xing Wanli suddenly said: "The Great Tang Immortal Kingdom actually sent someone to win him over. I'm afraid it's trying to trick him into entering the Tang Dynasty and then take his blood."

Xing Weiyang shook his head, "If he agrees to go to the Great Tang, if he doesn't live to the Great Tang, he will be dead."

"Grandpa, don't forget, what kind of bloodline is King Qin of the Tang Dynasty!"

Xing Wanli's eyes flickered, and he looked at the young man on the chariot, "Weiyang, you said he is the King of Qin in the Tang Dynasty."

Xing Weiyang said: "Aside from King Qin of the Tang Dynasty, who else has a dragon chariot that can make bad people appear with six doors?"

"Grandpa, I have lived away from the world for many years, and I don't know much about the rising stars of other countries, but the name of King Qin is like thunder."

Xing Wanli said in a deep voice.

"King Qin of the Tang Dynasty, the top three of the Tianjiao list exist, and the top evildoers of the younger generation exist, and this person is ambitious and very difficult to deal with."

Xing Weiyang's soft voice spread, and he looked sideways at Dugulian.

At this time, Dugu and Dugu Tianheng stepped out in one step, and after a few strokes, they came to King Qin's side.

"I didn't expect this Dugu family to submit to King Qin of the Tang Dynasty. The relationship between them is not shallow!" Xing Wanli said in surprise.

Saying that, Xing Wanli looked away, "Wei Young, let's go down and have a look!"

Xing Weiyang said: "Grandpa, let's go to Jiujiang King City and meet Qin Jun in a while."

A soft sound fell, and the figures of the two disappeared into the void.

this moment.

Qin Jun's eyes still stayed on Qin Wang, seeing Dugulian appearing, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He discovered the existence of Dugulian very early on, and the opponent was very powerful, but he never made a move.

Unexpectedly, he had something to do with the young man in brocade clothes in front of him.

The King of Qin waved his hand, and Dugu Lian retreated to one side. He raised his head and looked at Qin Jun, "You have the blood of the ancestor dragon, and the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom is destined not to tolerate you. It is your best choice to leave with Gu!"


Qin Jun sneered and said: "Your Excellency doesn't understand the words, I won't leave because of my past, I have to act quickly, or I will get out of Great Qin Immortal Kingdom."

Hearing Qin Jun's voice, King Qin's face was extremely gloomy, and a strong murderous aura rose from his body. Dugulian felt the murderous aura on one side, knowing that King Qin was angry, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Your Highness, Qin Jun doesn't know how to flatter, so this subordinate will go and arrest him and hand him over to His Highness for disposal!"

King Qin looked sideways, "Dugulian, the sword cultivator beside Qin Jun is not weak, so be careful!"

Dugu even smiled and said: "Your Highness, the Dugu family came to take the blood of the ancestor dragon for His Highness, how can I be the only one here?"

The voice fell.

Dugu Lian Takong rushed towards the top of the city.

at the same time.

Three figures in black robes appeared in the air, driving alongside Dugu Company, approaching the top of the city together.

Dugu Three Devils?

Qin Wang watched the backs of the four people and muttered to himself.

At this time.

A figure appeared beside the King of Qin, and bowed, "Your Highness, the Yinyang family of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom, Luo Wang and Ying Miwei are coming soon."

King Qin nodded, "It's a bit late, Dugulian will take him down soon."

The man stepped back and stood aside, looking over the city.

at this time.

Only to hear Dugulian yelling loudly: "Jun Qin, let's capture him without a fight!"

Qin Jun glanced at Dugulian, "Get lost!"

The angry shout spread, and Li Bai flew out beside him, with a sword in his hand.


The sword cuts nine days and falls like a galaxy.

Directly hit the four members of Dugu Company.


Dugu Lian said in a loud voice: "Dugu Three Devils, stop him, I'll go and arrest Qin Jun!"

Hearing the sound, the three Dugu three demons rushed forward, one after another drew out their swords to meet Li Bai's slashing sword.

Three sword lights blocked Li Bai's long sword, and the infinite sword energy instantly shattered.

Stirring and spreading in the void, a powerful shock wave swept across the world.

Li Bai's figure was suspended there, still peerless, his pupils shrank slightly, and when he raised his hand, another sword flew out.

The sound of the sword resounded across the sky.


In the universe, suddenly thousands of sword lights raged.

The Dugu Three Demons obviously didn't expect that Li Bai's sword was stronger than one sword. Looking at the sword light flying around and raging around, the figures of the three leaned together.

"Golden Light Shield, seal it!"

The ten thousand zhang golden light shot straight into the sky, and wrapped around the figures of the three people, forming a beam of light to envelop them, and the strange lines of spells on the beam of light flickered.

Bang bang bang!
A streak of sword light pierced the beam of light, and sparks splashed and stirred, but they couldn't break through the beam's defense at all.

At this time.

Dugulian's figure appeared above the city, and walked towards Qin Jun.

Swish swish!
Three figures flew out in succession, it was Li Yuanba, Fu Sheng and Bai Qi.

Bai Qi pointed his halberd across the sky, pointed directly at Dugu Lian and said, "Get out of Jiujiang King City, go wherever you want!"

Dugulian's complexion changed, "Just the three of you, do you want to stop this old man?"

Li Yuanba's face sank like water, his eyes were cold, "What are you talking about, fuck him!"

The sound of angry shouting fell, the two hammers pointed to the sky, and with a huge force of ten thousand jin, the hammer hit Dugulian in front of him.

One hammer decides everything.


As the giant hammer fell, Fu Sheng and Bai Qi attacked from the left and right sides.

Fentian Ruler and Potianhalberd set off a wave of air, like a stormy sea, it fell towards Dugu Company.

Facing the attack of the three, Dugu's face remained unchanged, he raised his arms, a violent aura rose from his body, he struck out with both palms, and two powerful waves of air shattered the void.

The air wave was like a hammer, blowing Bai Qi and Fu Sheng away.

this moment.

Li Yuanba's sky-shattering double hammers fell and hit Dugulian on the head.

But when the giant hammer was only a short distance away from Dugu, an amazing scene happened.

Li Yuanba's figure stopped suddenly, and the sledgehammer also stopped. At this moment, Dugu even looked up, and there was a playful look in his eyes.


As the sound spread, the space around Li Yuanba instantly collapsed and annihilated, and a powerful aura crushed him.

Li Yuanba's figure fell into the sky.

Dugulian turned into an afterimage, appeared above the city, raised his hand and slapped Qin Jun.

"and many more!"

Qin Jun looked at Dugulian and said in a deep voice.

Dugu Lian's complexion turned pale, his eyes showed alertness, "What kind of trick do you want to play!"

Qin Jun chuckled and said: "You are really strong, I can't beat this emperor, can you admit defeat!"

After the voice fell, Dugulian: "."

He didn't expect that the domineering Qin Jun would be so cowardly at this moment.

But at the moment when Dugulian was surprised.

Qin Jun's mind moved, and he directly activated the King-level Temporary Summoning Card.

"Ding, congratulations to Juggernaut, you have successfully activated the king-level temporary summon card"

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(End of this chapter)

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