I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 120 The 4-meter Sword

Chapter 120 The 40-meter Sword (for collection)



Enter Asgard.

The purple thunder raged and fell straight down, tearing the void apart.

A cloud of black clouds landed, suspended above Qin Jun's head.

Thunder Tribulation?

Qin Jun followed the sound, raised his head and looked towards the void, with a look of wariness on his face.

Jin Dan breaks Nascent Soul, is he going to suffer thunder calamity?
Never heard of it.

As the saying goes: Don't pretend to be a man, or you will be struck by lightning.

this moment.

Qin Jun couldn't help being a little suspicious, is it because the pretense during this period of time is too dazzling, and God can't stand it anymore?

"Ding, congratulations to Juggernaut, who has successfully broken through the Golden Core Realm and triggered the baptism of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation."

"Ding, remind the master that there is only one thunder calamity in the sky. Whether the master is using it to temper the body, a warm reminder, there is a risk in tempering the veins with thunder, and the master needs to be cautious."

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Qin Jun's face lost all gloom. It turned out that there was only one lightning calamity, so the danger was greatly reduced.

Thunder pulse tempering is a rare opportunity, absolutely not to be missed.

Wealth is in danger.

If you want strength, you must be struck by lightning.

Mind this.

Qin Jun's mind and spirit were united, and he circulated the Secret Code of the Great Dao in his body. At the same time, the thunder dragon king's fire arm appeared on his figure.


He was going to use Thunder Dragon Fire Arm to introduce Nine Heavens Thunder into his body.

After completing the fusion of the second Thunder Dragon King bone that day, Qin Jun obtained the Thunder Dragon Fire Arm, which he never had a chance to use.

Now, it will come in handy.


The loud explosion spread, and a purple sky shattered into the air, and with endless power, it hit Qin Jun's arm directly.

The thunder and the fire cord wrapped around the thunder dragon's fire arm, and instantly passed into the body through the arm, and the power of the thunder began to quench the pulse.

Qin Jun shouted.

This sound is a bit miserable.

Obviously, he was suffering endless pain.

Thunder pulse quenching is equivalent to using the power of thunder to forge meridians over and over again.

Under this kind of torture, the pain of devouring God will make people crazy.

At this moment.

A huge hole suddenly opened in the void, and the endless purple sky radiance slanted down.

As if, a waterfall of thunder hung horizontally in the air.


Through Qin Jun's arm, all of them were submerged into his body.

Thunder lingers, purple light is bright.

The moment the thunder waterfall disappeared, Qin Jun was directly bombarded and passed out.

He leaned forward and fell headfirst to the ground.

"Thunder Tempering Pulse, why don't you go to heaven?"

"In order to become stronger, you are not afraid of death? What a stunned young man!"

The voice of the Chaos Emperor Beast came, and a spiritual energy appeared on Qin Jun's figure. If you look carefully, you will find that this spiritual energy is wrapped in thunder and is swimming in Qin Jun's body.

The next day.

Inside Asgard.

Qin Jun woke up, sat up, and with a twitch of his mind, he quickly checked the meridians in his body.


The power of thunder is hidden in the meridians, and the toughness is at least ten times that of before.

This time.

Thunder pulse quenching, good harvest.

"Boy, how are you going to thank me?" came the voice of the Chaos Emperor Beast.

Qin Jun frowned slightly, and seemed to think of something in his heart, "Senior, did you help me?"

"Of course, or you're all dead."

Qin Jun said: "I have to work."

Chaos Emperor Beast: "No indication?"

Qin Jun said indifferently: "I don't have anything to do if I'm poor. Even if I tell my seniors, I'm afraid the seniors won't look down on me, so I thought about it and let it go."

"Keep your kindness in your heart, that's enough!"


The Chaos Emperor Beast was displeased, "Boy, I have never seen such a brazen person like you."

"Shameless, there must be a bottom line!"

Qin Jun smiled lightly and said, "Senior, you can't say that. Helping me will be of great benefit to you, isn't it?"

Chaos Emperor Beast said: "The advantage, the advantage is that the power of this emperor has weakened again."

Qin Jundao: "Senior Emperor Beast, let's recover properly in the God Killing Spear."

Chaos Emperor Beast: "."

"Boy, I want this emperor to help you and find a powerful beast soul to absorb for this emperor, otherwise don't let this emperor do it again in the future."

Beast soul?

Senior, is this going to devour the beast soul?
Qin Jun knew that the Chaos Emperor Beast was just a soul body, and helping him twice in a row cost a lot of money. He didn't want to completely destroy his body and spirit, so he could only nourish his soul with his soul.

"You're smart, kid, find the beast soul as soon as possible, otherwise, this emperor will fall into a deep sleep." Chaos Emperor Beast said in a deep voice.

Qin Jun nodded, "Understood!"

Just then.

The system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding, congratulations to Juggernaut, you have successfully broken through to the First Realm of Nascent Soul, you will be rewarded with 10000 experience points from the system, and you will be given a special summon once. Do you want to activate it immediately?"

Special call?

Qin Jun raised his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

next second.

He said directly: "Yes, open it immediately."

"Ding, congratulations to Master, successfully activated the special summon, and obtained a 40-meter-long sword, permanently."

40 meters big sword?

Qin Jun has heard of a 40-meter sword. What is this 40-meter sword?
"Name: Killing Sword."

"Grade: Xuan-rank spiritual weapon."

"Length: 40 meters."

"With supernatural powers: one sword cuts the soul!"

Looking at the information displayed by the system in front of him, Qin Jun smiled lightly, and summoned a killing sword?


In the system storage bar, there is indeed a big sword.

Qin Jun's mind moved, and the killing sword flew out, suspended in the fairy palace in the sky.

With a sword out, the world is sad.

The ten thousand zhang sword light is about to come out, it is so terrifying, as if it wants to choose someone and devour it.

This is a good baby.

It is believed that it will have unexpected effects if it is used to release the supernatural sword.

It seems that there is a chance, we must try it.

Mind this.

Qin Jun brought the Killing Sword into the system, and began to get familiar with the power of the first stage of the Nascent Soul.

At this time.

Dugu Qiubai brought Kunlun to Qin Jun's side, and the two bowed and saluted with fists.

Qin Jun got up suddenly, he knew that Dugu Qiubai was about to leave.

Dugu Qiubai said in a deep voice: "I tell my lord, my subordinate's cultivation base is about to break through, and I need to leave for a while, so I'm here to ask my lord to resign!"

Qin Jun nodded, "Go, I look forward to seeing you again!"

Dugu Qiubai said: "Yes, I believe we will meet again soon."

As he said that, he looked sideways at Kunlun, and continued: "Kunlun has good aptitude. In just one day, he has mastered the Xuantian epee proficiently and learned the first three moves of the Dugu Nine Swords."

"I believe that having him by my emperor's side can protect my emperor's safety!"

The sound fell.

Dugu Qiubai turned around and jumped into the air, disappearing in the Immortal Palace in an instant.

Qin Jun looked at Kunlun and said, "Go to the Bing Pagoda to find Fu Sheng and Yuan Ba, and practice with them. If you don't understand, you can ask them for advice."

Kunlun nodded, turned and left.


During the three days, Qin Jun has been immersed in the refining of spells after getting familiar with the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm.

Until the Xiaotian dog appeared.

After the roaring dog entered the fairy palace, Qin Jun ordered it to look for the beast with the soul of the beast.

Now that he has agreed to the Chaos Emperor Beast, Qin Jun will naturally not break his promise.

After all, the Chaos Emperor Beast can be regarded as his trump card. If it becomes stronger, it will also have an extra layer of protection.

After Xiao Tiangou took the order to leave, Qin Jun began to retreat again.

Asgard has no armor.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Xiao Tiangou and Cao Zhengchun appeared in the Immortal Palace and quickly came to the foot of Xianmiao Mountain, obviously they had something important to report.

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(End of this chapter)

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