I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 146 Choose a city as the capital

Chapter 146 Choose a city as the capital (for collection)
"The Jiangzuo League is headed by Mei Changsu, a unicorn talent known as Jiangzuo Meilang, the suzerain, followed by Feiliu, Gong Yu, and Zhen Ping, and 5000 Jiangzuo League disciples."

"The Huashan School is headed by the head of the school, Yue Buqun, followed by Lin Pingzhi, Yue Lingshan, and five thousand Huashan School disciples."

"Excalibur Villa, headed by the third young master Xie Xiaofeng, followed by [-] Excalibur disciples."

"The gang of beggars, headed by Xiao Feng, followed by [-] disciples of the gang of beggars."

"Tianshan School, headed by Huo Tiandu, followed by Seven Swords, has 1000 disciples."

Qin Jun looked at the five sects displayed on the system page, with a thoughtful look on his cheeks. These five sects have their own merits.

Choosing any one will be of great help to the current Qincheng.

There was a moment of silence.

Qin Jun finally chose Jiangzuo League.

Qin Jun also made a long-term plan for choosing the Jiangzuo League.

At present, there are Lu Bu, Li Yuanba, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Fan Kui, Bai Qi and others as the generals of Qin City, each of whom is an invincible existence who swept away thousands of troops.

There are also Li Bai, Bu Jingyun, Xuan Ming and others who are strong in the rivers and lakes. The only weak one is the strength of the court.

Mei Changsu, the leader of the Jiangzuo League, can enter the imperial court to rule the country, and can also sneak into the rivers and lakes, lead the Jiangzuo League disciples, and collect information for the Qin government.

Mei Changsu alone can be in any position, his writing can rule the world, and his martial arts can set the world.

In addition, the people accompanying him, Fei Liu, Gong Yu, and Zhen Ping, were also rare and strong.

So choose Jiangzuo League, the most cost-effective.

"Ding, congratulations to Master, you have successfully selected the Jiangzuo League, please continue to choose, Master, where is the Jiangzuo League established."

"Ding, please choose to build forces in the five great fairy kingdoms of Tang, Sui, Han, Moke, and Tianlong."


With a thought, Qin Jun entered the system page and quickly checked the locations of the five great fairy kingdoms.

According to their locations, the Jiangzuo League was chosen to be established in the most suitable place.

The Jiangzuo League is the first force of Qin Jun, and it must not be established at will, and it must be used to its maximum effect.

a while.

Qin Jun said: "Jiangzuo League was established in Moke Immortal Kingdom."

Moke Immortal Kingdom is located in the center of the Five Great Immortal Kingdoms. It has an excellent geographical location and extends in all directions. The Jiangzuo League was established here, and Mei Changsu can collect as much news as possible about the Five Great Immortal Kingdoms.

"Ding, congratulations to Juggernaut, you have successfully used the Jianzong Order to add a new force, the Jiangzuo Alliance, which was established in Moke Immortal Kingdom. The leader Mei Changsu is expected to arrive at Juggernaut's side in a month."


Qin Jun smiled lightly. The Jiangzuo League had just been established, and Mei Changsu must have a lot of things to arrange. It was a bit hasty for him to come here in a month.

Suddenly, Qin Jun entered the Immortal Palace, took the lead to go to the Immortal Grass Garden, and planted the Immortal Bodhi Tree.

Seeing that the celestial rice in the fairy grass yard was about to mature, his face changed slightly, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that there is time for Zhengchun to harvest the celestial rice."

"With Xiandao, the background of Qin City will be completely changed!"

This starts with the next generation of change.

Immortal rice allows everyone to practice. Once the promotion of immortal rice starts, all the people in Qincheng can join in the practice.

When the academy and sect are being established, Qin City will become a super empire in just a few years.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is skinny.

It will take some time to implement it, and the most important thing at the moment is to become emperor.

The generals have not yet returned, so Qin Jun can only wait.

For the next three days.

At the foot of Xianmiao Mountain.

Qin Jun has been studying the small shifting talisman. After three days of continuous refining, he is now able to seal the low-grade small shifting talisman.

Although the power is not as good as that rewarded by the system, it can still be used.

Within a kilometer, transfer casually.

It can be used to save life.

At this time.

Cao Zhengchun appeared at the foot of Xianmiao Mountain, stepped to Qin Jun's side, bowed and said, "My lord, all the generals are back."

Qin Jun nodded, restrained his mind, and stood up.

"Let's go, follow me to meet the generals."

The figures of the two flashed and appeared in the City Lord's Mansion.

little time.

Arrive at the lobby.

this moment.

Bai Qi, Li Yuanba, Fu Sheng, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Fan Kui, Dongfang Wuque, Gao Chong, Yang Zai and others were all in the front hall.

Seeing Qin Jun's arrival, everyone stood on both sides, with extremely respectful expressions, and bowed to salute one after another.

Qin Jun moved to the upper position, raised his wrist slightly, signaled everyone to stand up, and pressed his palms down, "All generals take their seats. Now the emperor summons all generals to return to Jiujiang King City. I have something to discuss with you."


The expressions of the crowd froze, and their eyes focused on Qin Jun. Bai Qi bowed and said, "If my emperor has any orders, just give them."

Qin Jun glanced at Bai Qi, then turned his gaze to Zhuge Liang, "This emperor wants to become emperor, I don't know what you think."

A word out.

In the front hall, there was silence.

In a flash.

Everyone knelt down and shouted in unison, "Congratulations to my emperor on proclaiming himself emperor, I will follow to the death."

The loud sound resounded, resounding through the sky.

Qin Jun signaled everyone to get up, looked at Zhuge Liang, and He Shen said: "The matter of proclaiming the emperor is of great importance. Now the emperor will discuss with you, and the enthronement will be left to Kong Ming and He Shen."

Zhuge Liang nodded lightly, and stepped out of the line, saying: "I will report to my emperor, to be enthroned and proclaimed emperor, and to be ordered by the heavens. This is a major event in the world. I think the first thing to do is to establish the capital."

"Secondly, choose a good day and an auspicious day to hold the enthronement ceremony. Since my emperor wants to be enthroned, he must be the emperor of the world, and it must not be taken lightly."

He Shen echoed his words: "Master Zhuge is right. The capital is the foundation of a country and the lifeblood of the world. When our emperor ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, how can there be no palace."

"Since you have become the emperor, you must be famous all over the world, and your power will shake all the countries in the world. This humble minister thinks that you can take a city first and designate it as the imperial capital."

Qin Jun nodded slightly, because he also felt that what the two of them said was reasonable. If they ascended the throne hastily, it would not be enough to deter the kings of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom, so how could they shock the world?

Since you want to do it, of course you have to do it to the extreme.

Choose a city as your capital?
Qin Jun fell into contemplation, the current imperial capital Xianyang is in the hands of King Xiang Yu of Chu, where is the most suitable place to build the capital.

Choosing any city will require extensive construction and palace building, which is a waste of money and time-consuming.

Only Xianyang is the most suitable choice.

Qin Jun nodded slightly, having made up his mind, and looked sideways at Zhuge Liang, who bowed and said, "My lord, the current strength of Qincheng has greatly increased, and I think I can take Xianyang directly."

"Xianyang was originally an imperial city. If we capture this city, my emperor's ascension to the throne is justified, and he can also inherit the original imperial fortune of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom."

"My emperor's blood is supreme, and he will definitely be able to rule the universe and lead us to the top."

Words fall.

Bai Qi, Li Yuanba, Fu Sheng, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Fan Kui, Gao Chong, and Yang Zaixing all came out one after another, saluting with fists:

"I am willing to seize the imperial capital Xianyang for my emperor, and ask my emperor to order troops to attack Xianyang."

"Please my emperor order to send troops to attack Xianyang!"

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(End of this chapter)

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