I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 155 Xiang Yu, Confused

Chapter 155 Xiang Yu, Confused (Subscribe)

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Bai in unison, their eyes were full of fear, and their figure trembled lightly.

These people don't know fools, but they are extremely smart.

Xie Jianjun suddenly faltered.

There is only one reason, that is, he is afraid of the people beside Qin Jun in front of him.

They can't even defeat Lord Xiejian, how can they face the strong men under Lord Qin?
this moment.

Everyone regretted so much that they would not have come to compete for the blood of the ancestor dragon if they had known earlier.

Now that I haven't seen the blood of the ancestral dragon, my life will be gone at any time.

This feeling that life and death are in the hands of others is really hopeless.

At this time.

Xie Jianjun said in a deep voice: "Qin Emperor, how do you want to make up for it?"

Qin Jun's eyes flickered, "I am very pragmatic. I will offer some substantial compensation, such as an equivalent exchange."

Lord Xiejian said: "What do you mean?"

Qin Jun shook his head and said with a smile, "Why do you have to let me speak so bluntly?"

After speaking, he paused, and continued: "It's very simple, buy your life with money, hand over your spirit ring and all the treasures on your body, and get out immediately!"


Xie Jianjun's face was cloudy and uncertain, his eyes were full of anger, he was silent for a moment, and with a flick of his finger, the spirit ring on his finger flew towards Qin Jun.

"Can we leave now?"

Qin Jun held the spirit ring in his palm, looked at Lord Xiejian and said, "Wait, keep your sword too."

Xie Jianjun said angrily: "Qin Jun, don't bully people too much!"

Qin Jun's face darkened, "Did I deceive you? Didn't you do it voluntarily?"




Lord Xiejian has never been so heartbroken in his entire life.

As the deputy head of the Divine Sword Sect, he has cultivated swords all his life, and the sword in his palm is his natal weapon. If he abandons the sword and hands it to Qin Jun, what kind of swordsman is he?
Mind this.

Xie Jianjun stepped into the sky with one step, the aura on his figure soared, a silver halo shrouded his body, and a sea of ​​swords of ten thousand feet appeared, and fell towards Qin Jun head-on.

"Qin Jun, you are too deceitful, you can kill a soldier but not humiliate!"

Who hasn't lost their temper yet?
It is a good thing to have a temper, but it must be used in the right place.

It is obviously not wise to lose your temper with Qin Jun right now, because you will lose your life.

Seeing the violent looting and killing of the evil sword lord, Qin Jun said in a deep voice: "It's still a temper tantrum!"


Qin Jun looked at Bu Jingyun to one side, "Jingyun, go and kill him!"

Bu Jingyun nodded, his figure jumped out, and with a wave of his arm, the sword light flew out, flying across the nine heavens.

One sword, transforms ten thousand ways.

At the moment when the sword flew out, the sky was dimmed and turned into darkness.

The sword light runs through the nine heavens, like thunder and lightning.

A sword flew out, but it didn't fly directly towards Lord Xiejian in front of him.

Instead, they shuttled in the void, criss-crossing, and at this time, the swords in the hands of everyone in the palace were out of their control.

Jianming hissed angrily, buzzing and trembling slightly.

It seems that there is an invisible force calling these swords.



Wan Jian returned to the sky and stood suspended in the air, as if surrendering to Bu Jingyun.

See the scene in front of you.

Xie Jianjun turned pale with shock, his pupils suddenly dilated, he couldn't believe it, "What kind of sword technique is this?"

Words fall.

The suspended sword moved again, roaring continuously, as if it wanted to destroy this world.

next second.

Wan Dao Jian Qi and Fei Jian condensed together.


Suddenly a word appeared.

When the word "Ba" comes out, Wan Jian dares not to accept it.

Xie Jianjun's soul trembled, and his figure was on the verge of falling, as if he would fall from the void at any moment.


The word 'Ba' flew out, meeting the sea of ​​swords released by the evil sword lord, and there was a loud explosion in the sky, and under the collision of the ten judgments of the clouds, the sea of ​​swords was vulnerable.



In the end, it turns into nothingness.


The word 'Ba' is unabated, like a monstrous sword glow, enveloping and devouring the evil sword lord.

this moment.

Lord Xiejian was in despair.

He has practiced swords all his life, but he has never seen such a dominating sword skill before his eyes.

The moment the sword light annihilated him, he finally understood that Qin Jun would not be offended.

Just the young sword cultivator in front of me, with his superb swordsmanship, how many people in the world can compete with him?
Xie Jianjun turned into blood mist and dissipated in the air.

Bu Jingyun stood proudly holding his sword, his black hair curled up, his red robe fluttering, the expression on his cheeks was still cold, his eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of fierce killing intent.


As soon as Xue Wuyan raised his hand, the spirit ring in his palm flew out towards Ling Xiao, he looked down at the blood dragon knife in his palm, gritted his teeth, and threw it out too.

This series of actions is smooth and flowing, without a trace of muddy water.

after that.

Glancing at Qin Jun in horror, he turned around and ran away at a very fast speed, which should be his limit.

Lord Evil Sword is dead.

Because of a sword.

Xue Wuyan fled and gave everything.

The rest of the people were trembling and fearful.

Qin Jun didn't open his mouth, and a series of spiritual rings flew towards the void, like a meteor shower.

Throwing out the spirit ring, no one stayed behind, stomping through the air, plundering, and fleeing with their lives.

Enter Qiyun Pavilion.

Xiang Yu was dumbfounded.

Qin Jun's strong men are more domineering than each other, but these people obey him. How did he do it?

Xiang Yu looked at the old man beside him and shouted.

At this time.

The old man was stunned, his pupils dilated, immersed in endless shock.

Hearing Xiang Yu's voice, his expression changed, and he said coldly: "Yu'er, no matter what the cost is, Qin Huang must not be allowed to leave Xianyang City."

"Otherwise, he will enter the nine heavens as a dragon, soaring upwards, and trying to kill him will be as difficult as ascending to the sky."

Xiang Yu nodded, "Master, if I kill Qin Jun, both sides will suffer, what should I do?"

The old man said: "Borrow your strength."


Xiang Yu looked dazed, and all the powerful people in front of him fled away, and no one dared to meet his sharp edge.

Leverage, whose strength?
The old man looked at Xiang Yu, "Tianwailou!"

"Tianwailou will never allow him to continue to grow with the talent shown by Jun Qin and the people under his command. I believe there will be strong ones coming soon."

"Jun Qin must die!"

Xiang Yu nodded, his face still solemn, "It's best like this, otherwise, he will be my strongest opponent."


In an instant.

The terrifying coercion of the sky swept over, as if an unrivaled god and demon had awakened.

The immeasurable coercion enveloped the sky above Xianyang City, making people terrified.

At this time.

Xiao Tiangou looked at Qin Jun and said respectfully: "My emperor, there is a super strong man coming."

Qin Jun's eyes flickered, and he said alertly: "You, have you been beaten?"

Xiao Tiangou blinked, "Judging from the breath, it should be between equals, but it's not just one person, it's a battle to the death."

Qin Jun said: "Understood."

Words fall.

With a thought, he entered the system page.

far away.

The people who fled felt the overwhelming coercion, and many people stopped walking suddenly.

All eyes turned towards the sky.

One person suddenly said: "Hurry up, you should be lucky to save your life!"

"In the future, where there is Lord Qin, please don't appear."

Another person echoed, "Yes, this time I can use the spirit ring to exchange for a life, but next time, I won't be so lucky."

Everyone is a little bit pained, but compared with their lives, a spirit ring is insignificant.

"Fairies fight, mortals suffer, don't want to die, escape from Xianyang City!"

An old man said, his voice full of helplessness.

There is no way, the strength is too weak, and they are not even qualified to observe the battle between the strong.

At the moment when everyone rushed out of the city, a wave of air flew like a dragon, soaring nine days above, and one person was proudly independent.

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(End of this chapter)

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