I am the strongest ruler of the world

Chapter 171 In fact, I like to rely on myself

Chapter 171 In fact, I like to rely on myself (please collect, please subscribe)
a while.

over nine days.

A wisp of green clothes fell, suspended in the void.

The visitor glanced at Tianwailou, and his eyes finally fell on Qin Jun's figure.

"As expected of the owner of the ancestor dragon's bloodline, you are really domineering enough to dare to fight against Tianwailou. You are really surprising."

The visitor looked at Qin Jun and spoke slowly.

The voice was not loud, but it was sonorous and powerful, like thunder, spreading across the top of the sky.

At this time.

Qin Jun's figure appeared in the air, expressionless, quietly looking at the people who came.

The leader is a middle-aged man, dressed in black brocade clothes, with firm cheeks and sharp edges and corners.

Very strong.

Strong, strong kind.

This was Qin Jun's only feeling when he saw the middle-aged man.


Two old men stood upright, one was wearing a white robe and the other was wearing a black robe.

It is also unreasonable to be strong.

Qin Jun just devoured the protective formation of Tianwailou, released the metallic aura, made another breakthrough in his cultivation, and reached the peak of distraction.

Because of the original power of chaos and the golden body of the Dharma, he is also invincible under the true Dharma, but the aura released by the three figures in front of him made him feel deep fear.

This fear comes from the depths of the soul.

Qin Jun narrowed his eyes, and secretly said in his heart that his training time is still too short.

Even with the help of a system and such heaven-defying gods and beasts as the Emperor Beast, it can't compare with the rich heritage of Tianwailou.

At this time.

Emperor Beast said: "Boy, you don't have to favor one person over another. Give you enough time. They are scum in front of you. There is no end to the journey of martial arts."

Qin Jundao: "I think so too."

Emperor Beast said: "."

"You pretend I didn't say anything, but I still want to remind you that these three are very, very powerful, and there is no one around you who can compete with them right now."

"Bless yourself!"

The Emperor Beast's voice disappeared, Qin Jun nodded, "It is indeed very strong, but I am prepared."

Mind this.

He shouted like thunder: "Back!"

The loud sound spread, resounding through the sky.

One command.

Lu Bu, Xiaotiangou, Bu Jingyun, Juexin, Xiaolongnv, Buxiaoxiao, Fusheng, Baiqi, Li Yuanba and others retreated momentarily and appeared on the left and right sides of Qin Jun's figure.

at the same time.

Upstairs outside the sky.

The figures of Xuan Tian and others flashed, and they appeared in front of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

"Subordinates are incompetent, please respect and punish!"

Xuantian and the others bowed and said in a trembling voice.

"It's very incompetent. The eight great lords are sitting in the town, and they let Qin Jun destroy the protective formation. Looking at your distressed appearance, you are really old."

"Back off, you only know where you should go, and you want to escape in delusion, otherwise, you all know the consequences."


The seven people showed despair, and their figures were trembling, Xuantian suppressed the panic in his heart, "Master, for the sake of our loyalty and loyalty to the seven people, give us another chance."


"Okay, then I will give you a chance. Except for Qin Jun who is left for me, everyone else will be killed, no matter what the cost."

"Remember, this is your last chance!"

Di Tianzhu said in a low voice.

The Xuantian seven nodded frequently, turned around and looked at the people beside Qin Jun, and the murderous intent shot out, sweeping the world, penetrating everywhere.

The reason why they chose to stay and make amends was that they didn't want to go to the place that Di Tianzhu said.

Where is purgatory.

Where is the land of death.

There are only two kinds of people in the Tianwailou who will go to the Minglou, where everyone is equal, but in order to survive, there are endless killings every day.

You don't kill me, I kill you.

Anyone who enters the Ming Tower is a sinner of the Tianwailou, but if they can survive in the Ming Tower, they will be reactivated.

And the rights will be infinitely improved.

Right now, Emperor Tianzhu had walked out of the Nether Tower, and it was rumored that he beheaded [-] strong men, survived in the end, and became one of the ten great commanders of the Tianwailou.

Sensing the killing intent all over the sky, Qin Jun said in a deep voice: "Tianwailou is probably going to die, so don't be careless."

Everyone nodded one after another, looking alert.


The moment Qin Jun's voice fell, Xuantian's seven people stepped into the air and plundered like sharp swords, piercing through the nine heavens.

Bu Jingyun, Molong, Xiaotiangou, Buxiaoxiao, Xiaolongnv and the others glanced at Qin Jun, and walked up to him in a flash.

They could feel the changes in the auras of the figures of the seven people. It was obvious that they were going to die.

Right now, for the Xuantian seven, completing the tasks set by the commander in chief is their only hope for survival.

Don't work hard, no way.

They are all very old, but they don't have the confidence to get out of the Hades.


Under the collision of one blow, Bu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Longnv were sent flying. It has to be said that Xuantian and the seven fought for their lives, it was not ordinary scary.

After all, they are all genuine Separation and Reunion Realm monks, and now they have no scruples in order to survive, and they have played all their cards.


Xiao Longnv and Bu Xiaoxiao's figure landed a hundred feet away, blood arrows spewed from the mouths of the two girls, their pretty faces were as pale as paper, it seemed that the situation was very bad.

Bu Xiaoxiao threw out the Silver Moon Spear in her palm, raised her arms slightly, and the silver gun spun crazily above her head, and in the next second, it turned into a silver light and entered between her eyebrows.

Qin Jun knew that Bu Xiaoxiao was devouring the Silver Moon Spear in order to improve his own strength.

The moment the Silver Moon Spear sank between her eyebrows, the Xiuling Sword appeared and suddenly expanded and magnified, like a pillar supporting the sky, shining with silver light, enveloping Xiaoxiao.

"This little girl is very smart. She devours the silver spear and protects her body with a long sword. No one can do anything to her now. After she devours the silver spear, her cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds again."

"Boy, you are very lucky to have such an invincible thug by your side."

"Hey, sometimes a good life is also a manifestation of strength!"

When the voice of the emperor beast came, Qin Jun smiled lightly, "Actually, I still like to rely on myself."

The Emperor Beast said in a deep voice: "It's extremely shameless, accept it!"

At this time.

over nine days.

Di Tianzhu looked at Qin Jun, and then he took a step forward.

It was just a simple step, and when he reappeared, he was already a stone's throw away from Qin Jun.

Obviously, the constraints of space have no effect on him.


Qin Jun held the God-killing Spear tightly in his palm, his face extremely alert. At this moment, Di Tianzhu said in a deep voice, "The peak of distraction is too weak."

"If you think about me when I was your age, I would already be invincible at the Liaison Realm."

"With such a cultivation level, it's really daring to dare to compete with Tianwailou!"

This voice was full of disdain and indifference.

In the eyes of Emperor Tianzhu, Qin Jun is as weak as an ant, who can be killed with a raised hand.


Qin Jun's heart moved, "Senior, what cultivation level is this person in front of you?"

The emperor beast was silent for a moment, "It's only one level stronger than that dragon."

Qin Jun nodded, "That's the realm of extinction."

There is only a difference of one realm from the separation and reunion state to the nirvana state, but it took a whole ten years, and I had the nerve to pretend to be aggressive in front of me.

I don't know.

After reaching the Kongming Realm, it is very difficult to improve one's cultivation base. Let alone breaking through a realm for decades, some people have stagnated for a hundred years, and some people can't reach the Kongming Realm for a lifetime.


Di Tianzhu rushed towards Qin Jun and landed, raised his arm slightly, and pressed down with his palm, "I, I will send you on your way!"

Qin Jun only felt a mountain rolling down towards him, before he had time to think about it, he raised his hand, and the God-killing Spear swept across the void.

(End of this chapter)

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