Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 102 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender

Chapter 102 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender ([-])

'laugh. Wukong opened his eyes suddenly, and shot two black lasers from them, shooting straight ahead, everything they passed turned into nothingness, fortunately, they just hit the trees, and the lasers disappeared after flying a thousand meters away .

"Haha, my realm has broken through." Wukong's previous state of the new body, the World-Exterminating Saint Physique, was only in the fusion stage. Now that the epiphany has directly broken through the two major levels and directly entered the Mahayana stage, even if Wukong is up to the second-order angel How can you not be happy if you work hard.

"Big brother, have you made a breakthrough? It's really too strong." At this moment, the air around Wukong's body has disappeared, and the destructive aura has also disappeared without a trace. Bo Luo, Robert and Xiao Ling suddenly felt their bodies lighten up, and they can move. .Yun Xuanling reacted first, and flew to Wukong at top speed.

"Yes, Xiaoling." Wukong said to Yunxuanling with a smile.

"Yeah, that's great, big brother has become stronger." Yun Xuanling cheered.

At this time Polo and Robert also flew towards Wukong.

"Wukong, congratulations." Bo Luo congratulated Wukong, in fact he was secretly happy: "Sure enough, I made the right choice. Following Wukong is definitely the wisest choice I have made in my life. I can't fall behind, and I can't be Wukong's It’s cumbersome, and the most important thing is to seize the time to improve your own strength.”

"Wukong, I've made up my mind. I've decided to follow you." Robert had already decided to follow Wukong. Coupled with Wukong's performance just now and the current breakthrough, he believed in his choice even more.Robert learned from Boluo that Wukong would not let them call him an adult, so he also followed the name of Wukong.

"Okay, then my next step is to control the beasts, haha." Wukong said proudly.

"Control all beasts?" Bo Luo and Robert looked at each other, each in shock.

"Yes, we want to establish a powerful force of our own." Wukong looked at the void and said loudly.

"Shout, it's fun and fun to control all beasts and establish power." Yun Xuanling booed, he could make a fuss more than anyone else.

"Haha." Bo Luo and Robert laughed loudly, and they were also imagining the glorious scene where they and others followed Wukong across the God of War Realm, the Six Great God Realms, and even the four major civilizations in the future. Just thinking about it makes people's blood boil.

"Robert, you have already decided to follow me, so now you are in charge of leading Boluo to subdue the beasts on this mountain that you know are weaker than you. As for the beasts that are stronger than you, I will surrender them." , do you have any opinions?" Wukong said to Robert after assigning the task.

"No problem." Robert and Burrow replied in unison.

"it is good."

"Me? What am I doing?" Before Wukong finished speaking, Yun Xuanling interrupted Wukong's speech.

"You, you just go with them." Wukong said to Yunxuanling with a smile. He knew that Yunxuanling's speed is faster than Bo Luo's now, but his strength is far behind, so he didn't count Yunxuanling .

"No, I want to be with big brother." Yun Xuanling said coquettishly.

"No, the beast I will deal with will be stronger than Robert. You are still too weak. If you are stronger, I will let you fight with me in the future." Wukong politely refused.

"Okay, that's what you said, if I'm stronger, you can let me fight with you." Yun Xuanling said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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