Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 112 A Strong Enemy Strikes

Chapter 112 The Strong Enemy Strikes ([-])

"Okay, Monroe is dead, now you only have two team leaders, they are Boluo and Robert, are you convinced now?" Wukong said loudly.

"Success, see Bo Luo and Robert, my subordinates." All the gods and beasts shouted in unison. Now that Bo Luo and Robert are much stronger than them, of course they are convinced.

"Then they will be assigned by the two of you." Wukong instructed the two of Boluo.

"There's me." The two of Bo Luo were about to answer, but before they could speak, they were interrupted by an immature voice.

Seeing a rainbow light appearing in front of them, the speed was very fast, and the three of Wukong were startled, "It's so fast."

After seeing who came, Wukong said with a smile: "Xiao Ling, what do you want to do?" It turned out that the person who came was Yun Xuanling who had gone to practice before, and now he has finished training and his strength has greatly increased.

"Hey, Wukong, now my strength has greatly increased, surpassing Robert, huh? Robert, why has your strength also improved?" Yun Xuanling said happily to Wukong, but he immediately found that Robert's strength was stronger than before too much.

"Well, my strength has greatly increased, thanks to Wukong's help, but now I have not used the domain of God and my power has leaked out, how do you see it?" Robert asked strangely.

"Our Rainbow Saint Cloud is born with this ability. Your strength is much stronger than before. I can see this. Although I don't know much about your division of realms, it can still be seen that your strength has increased." Yun Xuan Ling said braggingly.

"It's really strange." Robert said with emotion.

"Xiao Ling, Robert's strength has greatly increased now, you still need to work harder." Wukong said to Yun Xuanling with a smile.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. Although Robert's strength has increased a lot now, I will not be inferior to him. I have reached the middle stage of the red level now, and my strength has also increased significantly. In terms of strength, I am absolutely Not much worse than Robert, in terms of speed, I am much better than him." Yun Xuanling said with a stinky fart.

"Huh? Middle red level?" Wukong also guessed that this should be the level of the skills practiced by the Rainbow Saint Cloud family. "You mean that your current strength has reached the level of Robert's today?"

"That's right, that's the truth." Yun Xuanling said in a high voice.

"Well, it turned out to be so, you can fight with me in the future." Wukong laughed.

"I want to be the leader of whatever group they are divided into." Yun Xuanling cheered.

In fact, the conversation between Wukong and the others had already been heard by the beasts below, and they were very surprised and curious at this moment.

"Well, from now on you will be the team leader of the Qinglong team, Bo Luo, Robert, you will be the team leader of the White Tiger team and the Xuanwu team respectively." Wukong directly appointed the three of them.

"Alright, I'm Team Leader Qinglong." Yun Xuanling cheered.

"Yes, Great Sage." Po Luo and Robert respectfully said.

"Congratulations to Team Leader Qinglong, Team Leader White Tiger, and Team Leader Xuanwu." The beasts below shouted in unison.

"Huh?" At this moment, Wukong felt a person flying towards this side from the east, not only Wukong felt it, but Yun Xuanling and others also felt it.

"Wukong." Yun Xuanling and Wukong looked at each other.

"Wait and see." Wukong quietly looked to the east.

(End of this chapter)

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