Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 114 A Strong Enemy Strikes

Chapter 114 The Strong Enemy Attacks ([-])

Just when the realm of the gods of the two was about to attack him, he woke up,

Instantly propped up the domain of the gods to block the attacks of the two.

"I didn't do anything? I just saw that you were upset, and I wanted to teach you a lesson. If you are sensible, you should leave quickly, otherwise you will never come back." Wukong said as if nothing happened.

"You, you are courting death."


With a stern face, Britt rushed towards Wukong with a scream in the air, and directly slashed at Wukong viciously with a dark blue saber in his hand.

But what greeted him was the flank attack of Po Luo's blood-red spear and Robert's black broadsword.


The sword, the long spear, and the broadsword collided, and a terrible shock wave suddenly spread downward. The shock wave swooped down, and the entire lake sank suddenly, and immediately burst open, countless water splashed in all directions, like sharp arrows. , splashing on
Thousands of beasts, tens of thousands of beasts immediately set up their defenses, but the first few beasts still had no time to defend, and their clothes were wiped off by the spray.

Immediately, the tens of thousands of gods and beasts below quickly retreated to the distance to prevent being hurt by the aftermath of the battle between Bo Luo and the others. After all, they are a few middle gods fighting, but the strongest ones below are only the mid-stage gods. .

After one round, Boluo and Robert were forced to retreat.

"Hmph, you guys still want to stop me." Britt snorted coldly.

In an instant, countless cyan sword lights slashed towards the two of Bo Luo, and cracks appeared in the space immediately.

I saw Robert suddenly turned into two Roberts, one was wearing a blue robe and holding a staff, and the other was wearing a black robe and holding a black broadsword.

Regardless of whether it was the two Roberts or Bo Luo, they tried their best to resist the blue sword light, and they couldn't fight back at all.

"There is actually a god-spirit clone in the middle, but it's useless." Britt glanced at Robert and said.

"Not good!" Wukong knew it was not good.

A golden figure rushed in suddenly.

Countless golden stick shadows light up, and countless space cracks are born. It is Wukong who holds the Hongmeng World Exterminating Stick and performs the Great Sage Stick Technique Yuyu Clarification!Countless golden stick shadows were hacked out together, and they were still using the Primordial World Destroyer Stick. No matter how strong Britt's offensive was,

Also stagnate for it.

"It's so weird." Wukong's heart trembled.

He felt that Britt's sword seemed to be swept by waves, and he was like a small boat in the waves, which could be submerged at any moment.Moreover, this wave of swords contains a strange death energy, which constantly affects one's own soul.if the soul

Weak, I am afraid that the influence of this death energy alone will make the head dizzy and the whole body has no strength to resist.

"My soul is still a little weak. It seems that I have to seize the time to improve my strength. If I reach the level of a fairy now, his level of death will definitely not affect me. In addition, I use the Hongmeng World Destroyer Stick , can definitely compete with him. It seems that only the
Disillusioned with the stars, this move is too powerful, I wonder if I can control it? "Wukong thought instantly in his heart.

"Your artifact, I want it." Of course, Britt can see that the golden stick in Wukong's hand is not simple, it is definitely not inferior to the upper artifact, it may be the main artifact, of course, in his cognition, the strongest is the The main artifact.

"If you have the ability, you can take it." Wukong poured the world-destroying holy power from his whole body into the Hongmeng world-destroying stick continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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