Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 131 Star Disillusionment

Chapter 131 Star Disillusionment ([-])

However, 20 years is not a long time for a monk. After one retreat, 20 years will pass.

"Boss, I need to recuperate for a while now. As for the holy body for you, I can help you create the holy body after I recover." Good fortune said to Wukong.

"Hehe, then you should hurry up to cultivate, and we can talk about creating the Holy Body later." Wukong said with a smile.

"Yeah." Good Fortune responded and didn't make another sound.

After that, Wukong thought about the mystery of the disillusionment of the stars again.

"Which point is wrong?" Wukong was rehearsing the stick technique in his mind at this time. There is no exact move for the Mieshi Nine Sticks. Shijiu's stick is that there is no trick to win and there is a trick, as long as you use that
Once you have a thorough comprehension of a style, any stick will be that style of staff.So as long as Wukong comprehends the mysteries in this space of stars, the stars will be disillusioned with a random blow, of course, the power of a random blow is not particularly great.

Time passed little by little.

Suddenly, a golden stick shadow appeared.

"Bang." "Boom."

The star space was instantly defeated by this stick and turned into nothingness.

In the secret room of the Black Spirit Mansion, Wukong, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, suddenly opened his eyes, shining golden light like stars.

"Haha, I finally realized the disillusionment of the stars." Wukong suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, but the secret room is relatively hidden, and Wukong is also under the enchantment, so people outside can't hear Wukong laughing.

"It turns out that the disillusionment of the stars is not sending out nine sticks that fluctuate from one to nine, but one stick, but this stick contains nine fluctuations, and nine nines return to one, that is nine nines in one, haha." Wukong's mood at this time is Incomparably comfortable.

"Well, I didn't expect that the realm has been improved so much. It is equivalent to the strength of the first body when it just reached the first-level immortal, and it is completely comparable to the second-level immortal. After the first comprehension, it has reached such a state. Then I As long as I understand everything, I can imagine when the time comes
How strong it should be, it really deserves to be one of the four top skills. "Wukong said emotionally.

"Congratulations, Boss, you have comprehended the first move of the Mieshi Nine Sticks, you really deserve to be my boss." Mieshi's voice sounded suddenly.

"Haha." Wukong smiled heartily.

"But boss, I really didn't expect you to comprehend this first move so quickly. You must know that the law contained in the nine sticks of destroying the world is the most advanced law in the law of destruction. Even in the Primordial Realm, only my master has comprehended this The law of annihilation. In the primordial world, within a thousand years,
There are too many peerless geniuses who have reached the level of saints. Even if they reach the level of saints within a hundred years, there are many people, but those people can at most comprehend laws that are one level lower than the law of extinction, and no one else can comprehend the highest three levels. □□, except three □□ to

Respect, as for Yuanxin Daozu, what he comprehended was the original power, not the power of the law.The master and the others also have disciples, and they are all peerless geniuses in the primordial world, but even if the master taught them the Nine Cudgels, they would not be able to understand it. " Mie Shi eloquently said, sighing endlessly

"What? According to your tone, you don't have any hope for me to comprehend the Nine Cudgels?" Wukong said speechlessly.

"Hey, we didn't have much hope at first, but now we have full confidence in you." Mie Shi smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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