Chapter 143 Mecha Storm ([-])

"Oh, since we are going to the upper realm of technological civilization, we will choose the space-time shuttle, and I want to see it too." Wukong said, looking at the cylindrical object in front of him.

"Okay, everyone, please come in." As soon as the teleporter finished speaking, a two-meter-long crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the cylinder, and then moved to both sides, and the crack became larger.

Then Wukong and others walked in, and just as Wukong and others entered, the crack slowly closed again.

"It's so big inside, it's not as small as it looks outside, it's obviously a small independent space." Wukong thought to himself.

But just a few seconds later, the crack opened slowly.

"What's going on?" Yun Xuanling asked puzzled.

"Here we are." Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

"That's it?" Yun Xuanling asked in surprise.

"Yeah, are you going to stay there for a few years before coming back? Hehe." Zhuge Huanyu joked.

"Uh, it's here without feeling anything, it's amazing." Yun Xuanling said in surprise.

"The law of space is really mysterious." Of course, Wukong knew that this was the use of the law of space. No matter the yin and yang shuttle array, the magic teleportation array, the space-time shuttle or the natural converter, they should all have used the law of space.

"It seems that I still need to practice a lot." Wukong said with emotion in his heart.

Then everyone walked out of the space-time shuttle. This time, Wukong arrived at a similar place as before. There was also a teleporter, and several people were also in a small space with a radius of one kilometer.

Then several people walked out of this small space and out of the interface teleportation hall.

"Wow, what are those?" As soon as he left the hall, Yun Xuanling saw many strange beings walking around outside, and these lives seemed to be metal people.

"Those are metal mech men." Zhuge Huanyu introduced to Yun Xuanling, "Let's go directly to the envoy of the holy world. He lives about a month away from here." Zhuge Huanyu said immediately.

"Okay, let's go." Wukong nodded.

Then everyone walked out of the city. The mecha people in this city were not at all curious about the arrival of Wukong and others. After all, there were many people coming to them from other civilizations, so there was no fuss.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."

A loud bang came to Wukong and others flying in the air.

"There is a battle ahead, wow, what a big mecha man, that one is so cool." Yun Xuanling saw a dozen mecha men with a height of tens of meters fighting ten thousand meters ahead, and more than a dozen mecha men A man besieging a mech man, the besieged mech man's body is mostly

It is white, a small part is gold, and it holds a giant lightsaber with a very cool shape.

"Let's go and have a look." Wukong has never seen a mech man's battle, so he went to have a look.

"Whoosh, whoosh." The four figures stopped within a hundred meters from the group of mech men in an instant.

"If you don't want to cause trouble, leave quickly." This group of mech men also noticed Wu Kong and the others approaching. Although there were other people nearby who stopped to watch, those people were far away and no one came to intervene.Suddenly a mecha man withdrew from the battle and ran to Wukong and others.
Said from more than ten meters in front of the person.

"Tch, what's wrong with us here to see? Could this be your family's territory? You don't look like a good person, so many people beat one of you." Yun Xuanling said dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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