Chapter 145 Mecha Storm ([-])

The three of Wukong stopped after walking 50 meters, and only Yun Xuanling continued to move forward for another 30 meters before stopping.

"Hey, I said that there are so many of you bullying one person, is it embarrassing?" Yun Xuanling made a shameful gesture while talking.

"You are looking for death, catch him for me, I will make his life worse than death." The cyan mecha man said angrily.

"Yes, sir."

In an instant, twelve mecha men surrounded Yun Xuanling.

"Hey, it's because you fight more and fight less. It seems that I have to teach you guys a good lesson." Yun Xuanling said jokingly, not afraid of the opponent's crowd at all.

"Hoo." A rainbow light circled in the air in an instant.

"Haha, boy, what are you doing? You only have such little ability?" One of the mech men laughed out loud when he saw that he was fine.

"Haha." All of a sudden, the other mecha men also laughed out loud. They were really startled just now when a rainbow light suddenly appeared in front of them, but now they are fine.

Yun Xuanling looked at the mecha man in front of him like an idiot, "You said it."

As soon as Yun Xuanling finished speaking, countless fine lines appeared on the chests of the twelve mecha men, forming a net and spreading out in all directions.

"This, this, what's going on?" the mech men said in horror.

'Hiss, hiss, hiss. "

After the silk screen spread all over the bodies of the mechamen, twelve aurora lights shot up into the sky in an instant.

"Crack." The twelve mecha men exploded instantly like the one before, and twelve middle-aged men manifested immediately.

"You bunch of trash." The cyan mech man cursed immediately.

"They're trash, so what are you?" Yun Xuanling walked slowly towards the blue mech man.

"You, what do you want to do?" The cyan mecha man saw Yun Xuanling walking towards him, and immediately backed away. His strength was not much stronger than those of his subordinates, and he was only at the level of a two-star mecha god.

The division of levels in the three major worlds of technological civilization is somewhat different. People in Mecha God Realm mainly fight with armed mechas, and their armed mechas are integrated with themselves.

Speaking of people from Mecha God Realm, their way of cultivation is a bit special. They are all fused with mechas since they were young. The mechas they fused with at the beginning were all the lowest level, only steel mechas (in one-star mechas) Under the gods there are amethyst mechas, golden mechas,
Silver Mecha, Bronze Mecha, Steel Mecha).

After that, after they practiced their own physical strength and comprehended high-tech knowledge, they upgraded the mecha chips.Of course, those high-tech high-tech knowledge becomes more and more difficult to understand as they go up. As for the fighting skills, of course they have to figure it out by themselves.

High-level mechs can be purchased directly or equipped later, but the fit cannot be [-]% perfect. High-level mechas also require you to have enough physical endurance to equip them, otherwise you will just explode and die.

The mecha levels in Mecha God Realm are divided into one-star Mecha God, two-star Mecha God, three-star Mecha God, four-star Mecha God, five-star Mecha God, six-star Mecha God, and seven-star Mecha God.

Among them, the one-star Mecha God and the two-star Mecha God are also known as the Mecha God Soldier, the three-star Mecha God and the four-star Mecha God are also called the Mecha God General, and the five-star Mecha God and the six-star Mecha God are also called Mecha Gods. Known as the Mecha God King, the highest seven-star Mecha God is also called the Mecha God Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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