Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 152 The Holy Messenger

Chapter 152 The Messenger of the Holy World ([-])
"Chi Chi." The air around Zhuge Huanyu's body was scorched by the flames.

"Whew." Zhuge Huanyu moved at an extremely fast speed, and a fiery red afterimage appeared in the sky, and the next moment Zhuge Huanyu was ten meters in front of Guo Huaiyu.

"Swipe." Guo Huaiyu shook the purple lightsaber forward.

In an instant, thousands of purple lights burst out, like blooming flowers, beautiful and magnificent.

"Roar." A huge fiery red tiger instantly appeared in front of Zhuge Huanyu, roaring and rushing forward.

All of this happened too quickly, in less than a second, the first round of attacks of the two had already collided.

"Pfft, puff, puff." The fiery red tiger opened its mouth wide and sucked in suddenly, a strong suction instantly swallowed ten thousand purple lights into its mouth.But it was also pierced by purple light in an instant, and the purple light that came out was less than a hundred, and shot directly at Zhuge Huanyu behind.

And the body of the tiger in front that was pierced recovered in an instant, but its size was slightly smaller, not too obvious. The tiger also continued to rush forward, heading straight for Guo Huaiyu in front.

I saw Zhuge Huanyu waved his left hand, and the less than a hundred purple lights were instantly annihilated, and Guo Huaiyu on the other side was not in a hurry to dodge, and was there to meet the huge tiger.

"Boom boom boom." The tiger roared and rushed towards Guo Huaiyu, every step made the space turbulent, and there were circles of transparent ripples scattered under the tiger's feet.

"Buzz buzz buzz." Just when the tiger was less than ten meters away from Guo Huaiyu, a misty ripple appeared in front of Guo Huaiyu in a spiral shape.

"Pfft." As soon as the tiger touched the misty spiral ripples, it gradually disappeared from the beginning to the end in an instant.

"Not bad, let's see my next move." Zhuge Huanyu quickly changed his hands, then pushed them out, and said silently: "Disease."

A [-]-meter radius instantly turned into a fiery red space, including Guo Huaiyu.

"Not good." Guo Huaiyu's body was immediately covered by a layer of film, but the film couldn't resist at all, and was squeezed and shrunk by the fiery red substance.

The misty spiral ripples on the other side have also arrived in front of Zhuge Huanyu at this time. Zhuge Huanyu didn't care at all. He stretched out his hand and drew a circle in front of him, and then tapped it, and a black spiral ripple immediately emitted from it, which was similar to Guo Huaiyu's misty spiral ripples. collide
, the two cancel each other out and disappear in the air.

Looking at Guo Huaiyu again, the film around his body is squeezed by the fiery red substance until it clings to the surface of his body.make it immobile.

"How about it? I said that you are not my opponent. In this lower realm, you can only display the strength of the seven-star Mecha God Emperor, which is far behind me. Unless you violate the holy rules, hehe, but I don't think you will Do that." Zhuge Huanyu was hanging in front of Guo Huaiyu at this moment.
Fang said ten meters away.

"I admit defeat, and it's not ashamed to lose to you. After all, those guys also lost to you, haha." Guo Huaiyu said with a smile.

As soon as Guo Huaiyu conceded defeat, he saw that the fiery red substance in the space was immediately recycled into Zhuge Huanyu's body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. At this time, Guo Huaiyu also disarmed and turned back into a human form.

"It's over so soon? They don't seem to be very strong? They haven't even created space cracks, and the range is still so small." Yun Xuanling said in surprise. In fact, the battle between Zhuge Huanyu and Guo Huaiyu has only passed for a few days. It's only a second, definitely not more than ten seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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