Chapter 174 The Scar of the Sky ([-])
But she knew that she couldn't stop Zhuge Huanyu from going to Tianzhihen, so she could only give more instructions.

"Don't worry, Ruoxi, we will definitely come back alive." Zhuge Huanyu comforted.

"Brother Wukong, brother Huanyu, you can't let me down, you found some treasure inside this time, you have to give it to me." Yun Xuanling said.

"Haha, okay, I will give you the treasure once I get it, but that's it." Zhuge Huanyu joked.

"But what?" Yun Xuanling asked nervously.

"But it's not all for you. If there is a treasure suitable for us, of course it will be ours." Zhuge Huanyu continued.

"Hey, it's okay, just give me a treasure, even one." Yun Xuanling laughed.

"Don't worry, Xiaoling, you also have to practice hard. I hope that when we come back, you will become much stronger again." Wukong said.

"Haha, no problem." Yun Xuanling smiled.

"Little Xing, you have to practice hard too." Zhuge Huanyu instructed.

"Yes, master." Tang Huanxing replied respectfully.

"Okay, let's go." After Wukong finished speaking, he flew into the air.

"Okay, big brother." Zhuge Huanyu turned his head and said, "Ruoxi, take care of yourself, let's go first." Then he flew into the air.

"Huanyu, take care, you must come back quickly." Shangguan Ruoxi said.

"Okay." "Hush." ​​The two figures pierced the sky and flew towards the extreme north at a very high speed, disappearing from the horizon in an instant, but Zhuge Huanyu's voice was still in the air, showing that the speed was extremely fast.

The distance between Tianxuan Palace and the extreme north is very far, as high as 7000 billion miles. Although it is not longer than the distance between Wukong and others from Tianhan Star to Kia Peak on Jingyu Star, it is almost one-tenth of the distance.

But this time Wukong and Wukong arrived in less than ten seconds.The reason why the time was so short this time was because Wukong was flying at full speed with Zhuge Huanyu, and this speed was almost teleportation.

This time, Wukong and Wukong were in a hurry, unlike before, they were not in a hurry.Before, Zhuge Huanyu only used the speed of the peak level of the Immortal Emperor, and Wukong only used the speed comparable to him.

The reason why Zhuge Huanyu didn't use his maximum speed was because he was restricted from crossing the catastrophe in the upper realms of the four major civilizations. As long as he exerted a little bit of strength beyond the peak of the Immortal Emperor, the holy catastrophe would be lowered and he would be forced to cross the catastrophe.

As for Wukong, he is not restricted by the rules of this world, so Wukong brought Zhuge Huanyu to the extreme north at the fastest speed.

"Wow." Wukong and Zhuge Huanyu had just touched the surface of the huge crack, and the crack was like water, rippling a layer of white light, but it didn't spread, and then Wukong and the two were sucked in.

After that, the white circle of light disappeared, and the surface of the crack returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

After Wukong and the others were sucked into the crack, their eyes lit up, and the first thing they saw was a green grass field, which was endless.

Then Wukong instantly revealed his consciousness, covering the entire grassland in an instant.

"Strange? Why is there no life?" Wukong muttered to himself.

"What? Brother, there is no life?" Zhuge Huanyu said in surprise.

"Well, I reached out with my consciousness and covered the entire space, but I didn't find a living body." Wukong nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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