Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 186 Entering the Origin Realm

Chapter 186 First Entry into the Source Realm ([-])

"Huh? I don't want to take those two bodies to the source world yet. One is that the two bodies are too weak, so they can just practice here. The other is that Huanyu and Xiaoling are still here, and they are not suitable to go now." The source world, here is suitable for their cultivation, go to the source world

It won't work for me to help them in the source world, it will affect their cultivation, and it won't work if I don't help them. After all, their strength should not be able to walk in the source world, and it is impossible to talk about getting better experience. " Wukong thought.

In fact, Wukong mainly wants to rule this universe so that he can train some highly talented subordinates, not to mention that he knows his identity now, even if he doesn't know, he still wants to help Mieshi fight against that existence.Although the main thing is to improve your own

strength, but the enemy does not fight against himself alone, but has a large group of subordinates who are loyal to him, so he must train a group of subordinates who are loyal to him. on your own, from low
Starting from the starting point, cultivate a group of powerful subordinates who are loyal to themselves and partners who advance and retreat together.

"Haha, even if you want to take your clone away, I won't let you take it away." Xiao Hanyu laughed.

"Uh, why is that?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"Wukong, you don't know about this. In fact, there are three people who have been watching you secretly since you came. One of these three people is the creator of this universe." Xiao Hanyu laughed.

"Brother Xiao, you will also..." Wukong said in surprise.

"That's right, they are also pinned down by me. Not only are they pinned down, but all the universes they control are also pinned down by me and stop running." Xiao Hanyu knew what Wukong wanted to say, so he interrupted.

"I said that your avatar needs to stay because it has something to do with them." Xiao Hanyu continued.

"Brother Xiao, please tell me." Wukong said.

"Let me make a long story short. In fact, there is also a primordial dimension above this universe, but it can only be regarded as a pseudo-primordial dimension. Those three people are now in a pseudo-primordial dimension. This Hongmeng to
The treasure is called the Hongmeng Gold List, and this Hongmeng Gold List is the original treasure of gold, one of the eight original treasures in your previous life. "Xiao Hanyu explained.

"Eight treasures of origin?" Wukong asked doubtfully.

"That's right, in fact, your eight primordial treasures, your master's primordial world-destroying stick, the primordial creation fossil of the Holy Lord Creation, and the man's magic weapon are not primordial treasures, but existences beyond primordial treasures. Only a few people know that , after all, for most people

It is said that the primordial treasure is the highest level of magic weapon, and the four supreme beings generally will not make a move, even if they do, with their strength, even ordinary magic weapons have the power to destroy heaven and earth in their hands. "

"So only a very small number of people who are close friends of the Four Supreme Supremes will know the existence of these transcendent treasures. However, they do not have a unified name, that is, they are named according to the ability of their masters. For example, your previous Yuanxin Daozu used the origin power comparable to
The beauty is in the power of nothingness, so your magic weapon is called the original treasure. "Xiao Hanyu was very excited when he said these words, obviously longing for those magic weapons that transcended the primordial treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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