Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 197 The Secret History of the Great Desolation

Chapter 197 The Secret History of the Great Desolation ([-])

Suddenly, a very domineering invisible coercion burst out from Wukong's body, breaking through Ouyang Han's coercion in an instant, and pressing down on Ouyang Han fiercely.

"Pfft." Ouyang Han suddenly spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and looked at Wukong with horror.

"It's so strong, at least a late-stage saint." The man in black behind Ouyang Han thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Liulan, what should we do? Are you sure you can win him?" Although Ouyang Han was shocked, he reacted instantly, and then sent a voice transmission to the man in black.

"Fellow Daoist Ouyang Han, this person is at least a late saint-level powerhouse, and we are going to die together. I think we should retreat first, and we can only come to revenge next time." Liu Lan echoed.

"Hateful, who is this person?" Ouyang Han thought fiercely in his heart.

At the same time, he calmed down his injuries, and said, "Who is Your Excellency? What kind of hatred do you have with us?"

No matter what, I have to ask the name, otherwise I don’t even know the name of the person in the future, so where can I find him, and how can I get revenge?

"You talk too much nonsense, get out." Wukong said coldly, and at the same time exuded a strong coercion to press down on the saints on Ouyang Han's side.

"Let's go." Ouyang Han gritted his teeth and said fiercely, then turned around and flew to the east, and the others quickly followed.

Seeing Ouyang Han and others leave, the people in the tribe were very happy, but at this time they did not cheer, but looked nervously at Wukong.Of course, except for Zixia, she looked at Wukong in surprise.

"Brother Dao, don't know how to call brother Dao? Thank you for saving us all, and I, Xuan Xi, thank you here." Xuan Xi thanked Wukong.

"You don't need to thank me, I also want to thank you for protecting Zixia just now." Wukong said bluntly.

"Zixia? You know Zixia?" Xuan Xi asked in surprise.

"Wukong, it's really you, woo woo." Zixia couldn't bear it anymore when Wukong heard her name, she flew directly to Wukong, hugged Wukong and cried.

"Uh." Wukong was overwhelmed by this sudden situation.

"Zixia, don't cry. Although I don't know how you got here, I know you must have suffered a lot here. Now that I'm here, you don't have to be afraid." Wukong quickly comforted.

At this moment, Xuan Xi and other people in the tribe avoided them knowingly.

"Yeah." Zixia nodded and said, then stopped crying.

"Zixia, why are you here?" Wukong and Zixia asked after standing apart from each other.

"Do you know the rules of this plain of death?" Zixia asked without answering.

"I know, but what does it have to do with you?" Wukong nodded and said.

"Actually, I'm considered a half-origin person, mainly because my two grandfathers and fathers took refuge in people in the source world, so I'm also considered a half-origin person. Half-origin people like us, if we practice 1 If you don't reach quasi-sage in ten thousand years, you will be brought into this

a plain of death.I didn't meet the requirements and was brought in. " Zixia replied.

Wukong suddenly remembered what Xiao Hanyu said to him at this time, the people in the source world have attracted many people from other universes, including Taoist Lu Ya, but what Wukong didn't expect was that there would be the ancient demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

As a prehistoric man, Wukong knew that Zixia's two grandfathers, the father and uncle of Daoist Lu Ya, were the two kings of the monster clan during the Lich War and the founders of the Heavenly Court.

(End of this chapter)

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