Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 260 Mysterious Level Task

Chapter 260 Mysterious-level Task ([-])

"'Xingji' is a very large organization that spreads across the entire source world, and specially releases some difficult tasks. Whoever completes that task can get a lot of rewards. The tasks of 'Xingji' are divided into days, Earth, Xuan and Huang
Levels, each level is divided into nine ranks, the ninth rank of the heavenly rank is the most difficult task, and the first rank of the yellow rank is the easiest task. Although it is the simplest, it must be a task that can only be completed by a strong person above the saint rank. "Qi Yanfeng explained immediately.

"All over the source world? Do you mean that the power of 'Xingji' exists in other places in the source world besides the plain of death. There are even the simplest tasks that require a strong person above a saint to complete?" Goku said in shock.

"That's right, 'Xingji' was originally developed from the outside." Qi Yanfeng nodded affirmatively.

"It developed from the outside, and like Xuan Xi and the others, selected the first disciples to deliberately suppress their power and enter the Death Plain, and then slowly develop the power of 'Xingji' in the Death Plain? Or is it that 'Xingji' has the ability to enter and exit death at will? Plain?" Wukong didn't
He didn't speak any more, but fell into deep thought.

"How is it? Your heart is moved, then let's go to accept the task of 'Xingji'." Qi Yanfeng saw that Wukong was thinking, and then bewitched.

"Where is the power of 'Xingji'?" Wukong raised his head suddenly and asked Qi Yanfeng.

At the same time, Wukong thought in his heart: "It seems that we need to understand 'Xingji' in depth first, so let's start by accepting the task."

"This Moonscar City already exists, and the power of 'Xingji' spreads across every city in the Death Plain." Qi Yanfeng replied.

"Let's go, let's enter the city." After Wukong finished speaking, he went straight to Moonscar City.

"Hey, just leave as you say, it's really meaningless, and you don't wait for me." Qi Yanfeng said strangely from behind, and then followed Wukong closely.

"Hey, it's finally something fun, this time we must have a good time, haha." Qi Yanfeng laughed wildly in his heart.

After Wukong and Qi Yanfeng paid another [-] origin stone coins, they walked directly to the location of 'Xingji' in the city.

Soon Wukong and the two came to a huge palace exuding a mysterious and ancient atmosphere, and then they walked into the hall of the palace.

After entering the hall of the palace, the first thing Wukong saw were four huge silver light curtains, densely packed with golden characters, and there were two staff members beside each huge light curtain.

"Sun Wukong, what is your cultivation level now? I can't see through your cultivation level." Qi Yanfeng said to Wukong when he just entered the hall of 'Xingji'.

"What's the problem?" Wukong didn't answer but asked rhetorically.

"I just want to know which level of mission we are suitable for. For the sake of fairness, I will first talk about my cultivation base. I have now perfectly evolved three heavenly universes." Qi Yanfeng echoed.

"Three universes of heaven? What level is that?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"Huh? You don't even know this. I'll explain it to you later. Tell me about your cultivation level first." Qi Yanfeng replied.

"I have now attained Dzogchen Dzogchen." Wukong replied.

"Uh, you haven't certified the Heavenly Dao Fruit Status yet, huh? It's nerve-wracking. I thought you had reached the Heavenly Dao level, so let's choose the first-rank Xuan-level mission first." Qi Yanfeng echoed after a moment of contemplation.

(End of this chapter)

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