Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 287 Purple Winged Lion

Chapter 287 Purple Winged Lion ([-])

"Chi Chi." Qi Yanfeng's right hand was immediately on fire.

However, Qi Yanfeng made a judgment in an instant. First, a layer of silver-white halo gushed out of his body. After Qi Yanfeng forced the purple flame away from his right hand, he swung his right hand to the rear right, and the purple flame was thrown out immediately.

Hearing the sound of '嗤', a huge rock at the right rear was instantly turned into nothingness by purple flames, not even a speck of dust remained.

"Not good, there is a strong enemy." Qi Yanfeng sensed that the other party was a strong enemy the first time the purple flame appeared, but all this happened very fast, from the appearance of the purple flame to the bombardment of the huge rock, not even scum The remaining time is less than one second in total.

Without Qi Yanfeng reminding, Wukong has already found out.

"It seems that there is going to be a fierce battle, let's all come out." Wukong also circulated the holy power of Douzhuan throughout his body, and took good measures to deal with the enemy.

"Shu, shu, shu." Only a dozen or so sounds of breaking through the air sounded at the same time, and Wukong and Wukong were immediately surrounded by eighteen middle-aged men, and there was no room for them to escape.

"Little guy, you are really bold. In this extraordinary period, since you dared to go up to the top of my Purple Wing Mountain and hurt my people. Since you just went up the mountain, I have noticed you. You really think that there is no one on my Purple Wing Mountain!" Is it? Haha, it seems that you two

You guys don't know the current situation in the Death Plain, otherwise how dare you break into the Qiyun Mountains so boldly. "An old and vigorous voice came from above, but only the voice was heard but no person was seen.

"Hide your head and tail, come out if you have the ability, don't hide in the dark and talk." Qi Yanfeng ignored the eighteen middle-aged men around him, and shouted loudly towards the top of the mountain.

"To deal with you two little fellows, they are enough, Shi Yaoyi, you bring back Shi Cheng and Shi Zhen, these two ignorant little fellows, just leave them to Shi Xiao and the others to deal with." The voice sounded again.

"Yes, patriarch." After hearing these words, I saw a purple afterimage rushing upwards. It was the purple afterimage that attacked Qi Yanfeng earlier, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master Xiao, you guys quickly get rid of them, take them to fight in a different dimension, and don't damage the mountains, rocks, vegetation here." The mysterious and old and powerful voice instructed again.

"Of order, patriarch." The middle-aged man in purple-gold armor standing opposite Wukong said respectfully.

"Brother Wukong, fierce battles are inevitable. It seems that you don't have to wait for more difficult tasks in the future. You can go through life and death trials now. I don't know if it's luck or bad luck. I can't see through the realm of the eighteen of them. , indicating that they either have special
Magic weapons or supernatural powers are covered up, or they are at least on the same level as me. "Qi Yanfeng hastily transmitted a sound transmission to Wukong when the mysterious man and the others were talking.

When Wukong heard Qi Yanfeng say this, he was also shocked. If all of these [-] people had the same strength as Qi Yanfeng, and Wukong's strength was far inferior to Qi Yanfeng, if they really wanted to fight, wouldn't the two of them hit a stone with an egg?What's more, it seems that on the top of the mountain
There are more than one or two strong men who are stronger than them.

"Second brother, then we can only think of a way to retreat. The cub of the Purple Winged Lion seems to have to give up." Wukong said to Qi Yanfeng through voice transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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