Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 289 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 289 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

Legend has it that the owners of the Qiyun Mountain Range are the masters of the Death Plain, Tunyu Shengqi and Zhou Zilin. It was conveyed by the four guardians under their seats.

These four guardians are all well-known figures in the Death Plain, and they are all super strong who have already proved the Dzogchen fruit status.No one is weaker than the city lords of the three major cities including Zhendong City. It is conceivable how powerful the master of Qiyun Mountain Range is, mysterious and powerful. No wonder some people rumor that the master of Qiyun Mountain Range is the two masters of Death Plain .

"Do it." At this moment, Wukong suddenly shouted, and at the same time, Wukong quickly turned around and rushed down the mountain, while Qi Yanfeng quickly retreated back to back with Wukong, and at the same time moved forward with both hands. With a push, a surge of surging energy burst out instantly, directly attacking Shi Xiao and the people on both sides of him.

"Drink." Wukong waved his right fist, and a golden dragon came out impressively. Since the distance between Wukong and the people blocking the passage leading to the bottom was only more than 20 meters, the head of the dragon had just transformed out, and Wukong violently The attack has reached in front of everyone.

"Roar." The golden dragon opened its mouth wide, roaring and rushed towards the five people guarding below.

Shi Xiao and other 18 people stood in the positions of five people on the top and bottom, and three people on the left and right.

"If you want to escape, there's no way, you go on, I'll stop them. Drink." The middle-aged man in the blue robe who was now standing between the five people in front of Wukong sneered, and then shouted loudly.

Suddenly, an invisible sound wave hit the oncoming golden dragon head.

"Hiss." The dragon's head was instantly smashed by the voice of the middle-aged man in blue robe, and immediately disintegrated into the most primitive energy and returned to the world. The surrounding rocks and trees were basically undamaged.

The golden dragon's head disappeared, but the sonic attack of the middle-aged man in the blue robe has not disappeared. When the sonic wave touched Wukong's right hand, Wukong suddenly felt dizzy. The body directly attacked his soul.

"Not good." Wukong cried out inwardly, and then circulated part of the Douzhuan Saint Power to protect his soul, and at the same time circulated part of the Douzhuan Saint Power to resist and weaken the weird sonic energy.

At this time, Qi Yanfeng, who was in the rear, was in a better situation than Wukong. The person who fought against him was also the same person. This person was Shi Xiao, the strongest among the 18 people. Although Shi Xiao broke Qi Yanfeng's explosive attack before, and did not How to damage the surrounding environment, but he himself has suffered.

Although Qi Yanfeng's attack was turned invisible with the method of thunderbolt, Shi Xiao also suffered some flesh injuries because of it, but this injury was nothing to Shi Xiao at all.

What he cares most now is Qi Yanfeng's strength, which is not weaker than him at all. Although he only passed one move, but Qi Yanfeng easily displayed such a strong attack, Shi Xiao had to find a new position for Qi Yanfeng.

Originally, he learned from the patriarch that both Wukong and Wukong were only at the early stage of the Heavenly Dao. The man in white who was fighting him was the stronger of the two, and his cultivation level was similar to that of the other 17 people. Just the patriarch's judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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