Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 301 9 Turns to Mysterious Art

Chapter 301 Nine Transformations Mysterious Art ([-])

"Why haven't you come yet? It's been so long." Shi Yiyi was worried in his heart why his clansmen hadn't come yet. It has been 5 minutes since he notified the patriarch. Strength, coupled with being so close, it's time to arrive
, but none of his clansmen have yet appeared.

"It doesn't matter who is being rude, stop talking nonsense, and use your skills to fight me." Lie Yan shook the Lieyan Star Broken in his hand, which immediately caused a series of explosions, and even the space also followed. flutter.

"It's another primordial magic weapon. This time it's even more difficult. I can't advance or retreat now. Damn it, why haven't they come yet?" Shi Jiayi cursed secretly in his heart.

"Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude." Shi Yiyi secretly used the power of heaven to repair his injuries, and was ready to fight at any time.

But at this time, he was just trying to argue with his tongue, not daring to act rashly.

Of course, it is necessary to put on a show. I saw that Shi Yiyi transformed into a large long knife exuding a simple and simple atmosphere. He held it obliquely in his right hand, and a purple air flow surrounded his body. The rocks under his feet were instantly shattered, and suddenly appeared A diameter of ten meters, a depth of five

rice pit.

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life." Lie Yan shouted loudly, then picked up the tip of the spear, and sent it forward quickly. Suddenly, circles of circular golden light circles were derived forward, and wherever they passed, the ground below instantly appeared A long pit about two meters in diameter.

"Not good." Shi Yaoyi yelled secretly, then raised the long knife horizontally, slashed forward, and instantly a huge purple arc-shaped light cut out from the long knife.

The attacks of the two are very powerful. If the two collide, the energy generated can level the entire Purple Wing Mountain.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the two. This black hole instantly sucked the attacks of the two into it. Yi also covered it, and the two had no relationship at all.

Before he could escape, he was sucked into the black hole.

At the same time, six figures flashed into it instantly.

"Not good, let's go." Seeing the black hole appearing at an extremely fast speed, Lie Yan and the two were sucked into it, and it was about to shrink at an extremely fast speed.Wukong, who was [-] meters away, immediately pulled Qi Yanfeng to teleport to the black hole that was about to disappear.
speed into it.

From the appearance of the black hole to the disappearance of the black hole, the whole process does not exceed one second.

As soon as he entered the space inside the black hole, Wukong saw the huge energy cloud created by the collision of Lie Yan and Shi Yiyi's attack thousands of meters ahead, but what was surprising was that under such a huge energy explosion, the space was completely empty. damaged, empty at best

There was a jolt.

Wukong also saw Lie Yan confronting seven people [-] meters away on the right, and those seven people included Shi Jiayi.

So Wukong and Qi Yanfeng flashed to Lie Yan's side in an instant.

As soon as Wukong and Lie Yan arrived beside Lie Yan, they heard Lie Yan questioning: "Is this the ghost of you guys?"

"Haha, little guy, your strength is pretty good. If I'm not mistaken, your strength is definitely stronger than Shi Yiyi." One of the seven people, an old man in black and with a white beard, said with a smile.

"Is this the style of your Purple Winged Lions? You always fight more with less." Before Lie Yan could speak, Wukong suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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