Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 306 9 Turns to Mysterious Art

Chapter 306 Nine Transformations Mysterious Art ([-])

Sitting cross-legged in the air, he said to Shi Han with a look of disdain.

"It's so fast, and it's a fatal blow. If he attacked me just now, I wouldn't have the power to backhand it. It seems that he has the strength by no means lower than mine. At least the speed is much faster than me. Could it be that I am I'm going to be planted here, no, I can't die here, I must escape." Shi Han's mood at this moment was like the sea, and the waves were turbulent.

Shi Han can't control so much at this time, even if today's incident gets out, he still chooses to escape, even if he didn't fight Wukong, life is more important to him than reputation, so today he has to risk everything The price is to escape.

"Hmph, you're just relying on your speed. If I'm not wrong, you should have used a magic weapon of the grandmist level to kill them in such a short period of time." Shihan saw When Qi Yanfeng owned the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, the Immortal Bell, he was worried about the big shots behind Wukong and the others.

Therefore, he hid in secret and didn't make a move until the last moment, because if the opponent almost destroyed Purple Wing Mountain, it would be reasonable for him to make a move at this time. Even if there is a big person behind the opponent, he still has to consider offending the Qiyun Mountain Range After following the rules, the serious consequences of being regarded as a public enemy by the entire Qiyun Mountains.

In the past, there was a peak powerhouse of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao who broke the rules of the Qiyun Mountain Range. As a result, the powerhouse of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao disappeared mysteriously after a few days.

And his territory was also mysteriously destroyed. Only a few of his subordinates survived the catastrophe, but they were already crazy, and they could only say one sentence: those who break the rules of the Qiyun Mountains will die.

However, Lie Yan did not shy away from launching a powerful attack before, simply ignoring the rules of the Qiyun Mountain Range. As for Shi Yiyi, it can be said that he is defending the rules of the Qiyun Mountain Range.

Therefore, Shi Han no longer hid in the dark, but took action to bring Lie Yan and Shi Yiyi and their powerful attacks into a different dimension.

The speed that Wukong showed earlier made Shihan think that Wukong might also have a primordial magic weapon, although Shihan really wanted to seize Wukong and Qi Yanfeng's primordial magic weapon.

But he still thinks that his life is more important, and he doesn't want to risk his own life. If Wukong is as powerful as him, and he has a magic weapon of the Hongmeng level, then there is only one end for him to fight against Wukong. It is death.

Of course, Lie Yan's Lie Yan Star Fragment is the original treasure of Wukong's previous Yuanxin Dao ancestor. Shi Han didn't know it, and didn't see its level.If he knew of the existence of Lie Yan Xing Sui, he didn't know how he should feel, and he might try his best to snatch it, after all, it was the magic weapon of Yuan Xin Dao Zu, the head of the Four Great Sovereigns.

Although Shi Han didn't know that the magic weapon of Daoist Yuanxin was higher than the Supreme Treasure of Grandmist, he also knew that the magic weapon of Daoist Yuanxin was definitely much stronger than the immortal bell of Hongmeng. In their cognition, The magic weapons of the four supreme beings are definitely the top magic weapons among the primordial treasures.

"Haha, old lion, then you come and see if my old grandson killed them with a magic weapon of the grandmist level." Wukong laughed loudly after hearing this.

"If you want to escape, you have a good idea." Suddenly Wukong turned the phone, and then disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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