Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 308 9 Turns to Mysterious Art

Chapter 308 Nine Transformations Mysterious Art ([-])

"Brother, is this the end?" Qi Yanfeng flew towards Wukong first, of course Qi Yanfeng was full of doubts and anxious to ask.

"Yes, it's over." Wukong responded with a smile.

"Brother, why did you suddenly become so strong? And you haven't answered my previous questions." Qi Yanfeng asked directly as soon as he came up.

"There is still plenty of time now, you go and put away the magic weapons of those five people first, and then I will answer for you." Wukong did not answer immediately, but pointed to the corpses of Zhi Shiheng and others and said to Qi Yanfeng.

"Okay." Qi Yanfeng no longer refused as before, but flew to Shi Heng and the others, searched for their magic weapon, and then flew back to Wukong.

"Brother, there are a total of seven Chaos Treasures here. According to the previous division method, you have already obtained three Chaos Treasures just now, then you can choose two more, and we each have five pieces." Qi Yanfeng directly allocated them without pretentiousness. .

"Haha, okay, I want these two pieces." Then Wukong took two pieces of chaos treasures, and put them in the mustard space.

"Brother, then it's time for you to clear up my confusion." Qi Yanfeng said after putting away the other five Chaos Treasures.

"Okay, let's talk about the same situation even if we go to other mountains." Wukong nodded.

Then Wukong continued: "Answer me a question first. In the past, if one or two practitioners at the early stage of the Heavenly Dao entered the Qiyun Mountains, would they be immediately monitored by the leader of that mountain and send many strong men to kill them?"

"No, I have never heard of such a situation before. Generally speaking, even if we go to arrest the clansmen of the peak masters, they will not bother at all. This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. We won't go to war for one or two ordinary people, and we were personally monitored and tested by the peak master of Ziyi Mountain as soon as we went up the mountain, which was impossible to happen before." Qi Yanfeng said firmly.

"That's right, in fact this happened. We were monitored as soon as we entered Purple Wing Mountain." Wukong repeated.

"But what does this have to do with other peaks? It may be that something important happened in Purple Wing Mountain, which made them pay close attention to outsiders." Qi Yanfeng said sharply.

"Second Brother, do you still remember what the head of the Purple Wing Lion Clan said?" Wukong asked back.

"What?" Qi Yanfeng asked in confusion.

"He said, 'It seems that you two little guys don't know the current situation in the Death Plain, otherwise how dare you dare to break into the Qiyun Mountains so boldly'. As a result of the disappearance of the big hunting races, the death plains should be in a state of panic because of the disappearance of the six hunting races. Maybe they think that the strange disappearance of the six hunting races is the harbinger of their doom, so now not only Guangziyi Mountain is heavily guarded, and even the entire Qiyun Mountain Range and the entire Death Plain are likely to be on alert," Wukong explained.

"Yes, why didn't I expect that the disappearance of the six hunting races would cause panic in the people of the Death Plain. After all, the six hunting races were left by Yuanxin Daozu to maintain the rules of the Death Plain, and now they disappear inexplicably , will definitely cause panic and uneasiness in everyone." Qi Yanfeng suddenly realized.

Digression: These five chapters were written in the first seven days, and I wrote relatively little. I apologize here. I will try to write as much as possible in the second week.It’s almost Chinese New Year, I’m really busy, and I have to go back to my hometown by car soon, you can read it after I finish writing it, or read it after the year, if you say I cheated of your money.To tell you the truth, my manuscript fee for the first month, which is October, was only more than seven yuan, and it has not been paid yet. Now, in order to upload a book once a week, I have to go back from my hometown by car. The manuscript fee is even my car. I can’t even afford the bills, let alone the electricity bills. If very few of you still scold me, there’s nothing I can do about it.

(End of this chapter)

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