Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 313 True and False Wukong

Chapter 313 True and False Wukong ([-])

"Brother Wukong, why don't we go directly to the Holy Realm, but go to the Jedi Wuxiang Spring in the upper realm of biological civilization?" In a luxurious hotel in Zhuoyaxing, the upper realm of biological civilization in Qinmeng Universe, a The young man in brocade clothes is facing the young man in black sitting opposite

The voice transmission asked.

This young man is Yun Xuanling, and the young man in black is also Wukong's World-Destroying Saint Body. The purpose of the two of them coming here is to open Wuxiang Spring a month later.

"Since we have already been to the other three Jedi, isn't it a pity not to come to the last Jedi? And there is no rush to go to that holy world." The unique sound channel after drinking.

"But it's a little too early for us to come here. Wuxiang Spring will not be opened for another month." Yun Xuanling complained again through voice transmission.

"Why is it so early? We have never been to this upper realm of biological civilization before, and we are not familiar with it. Now it is good to come here for a while to understand the characteristics of practitioners of biological civilization." Wukong echoed.

"Uh, well, I just want to see the special abilities of these weird creatures." Yun Xuanling compromised.

After the two of them ate food and wine, they wandered around Zhuo Yaxing.

"Sun Wukong, I finally found you. This time I see where are you going to hide?" Wukong and Yun Xuanling were wandering around a street in Mailin City, Zhuoyaxing, when they suddenly heard a strange voice coming from behind. The voice shouted Goku's name.

So the two turned around curiously, and saw five weird blue people with very pointed ears walking towards them ten meters behind them, and shouted loudly: "Monkey King, this time you don't want to leave alive. "

"Hey, who are you? What a big tone." Yun Xuanling replied loudly after hearing these five weird people shout.

"Boy, we didn't talk to you again, why did you interrupt?" the leader of the five weird people retorted.

"Little brother, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's a grievance between me and them. You'd better leave." At this moment, a deep voice came from Yun Xuanling's left.

"Huh? Who said that it has nothing to do with me. They dare to trouble Brother Wukong because of me." Yun Xuanling turned to look to the left, and there were also five people with weird clothes and hairstyles standing on the left.

The appearance of these five people is similar to Wukong and the others, but they are dressed differently and have different hairstyles. Four of the five hairstyles are upside down, and the fifth person's hair is loose, and there is a sword on his back.

"You know me?" The young man in the red sweatshirt who talked to Yun Xuanling just now pointed at himself suspiciously.

"How could I know you, huh? Could it be that your name is also Monkey King?" Yun Xuanling asked suddenly.

From the beginning to the end, Wukong has not spoken, he has been observing the crowd, Wukong has long observed that the five strange blue people are directed at the five people with strange hairstyles and strange clothes beside them, So Wukong also guessed that one of the five people
Personally, he has the same name as Sun Wukong.

"Yes, my name is Sun Wukong. Could it be that the person next to you is also called Sun Wukong?" The young man in a red shirt pointed at Wukong in surprise and said, his expression was extremely exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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