Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 317 True and False Wukong

Chapter 317 True and False Wukong ([-])

"Brother, didn't we want to kill them in a low-key manner? Why did you go to the arena with them? And you also exposed your identity." Taba's second brother Tucker asked Taba suspiciously.

Of course, Tucker communicates through the voice of the heart. Practitioners in the biological civilization world do not have spiritual consciousness, but they also have a special ability similar to the communication of spiritual consciousness, that is, the communication of the heart. What Tucker is saying now can only be heard by his brothers .

"That's right! Brother, why is that?" Taba's other brothers also asked suspiciously.

"I just want to be high-profile and let everyone know that I challenged their Saiyan warriors. When I kill them, I can make my name and bring honor to my family, and I can also avoid the Saiyan race's revenge on our family.

In the arena, we fought life and death with them aboveboard. Even if they died, the Saiyan race behind them would not be able to fight against our Lanbo family for them. This is the dignity of their fighting race. Don't allow them to do that.

If we kill them secretly, if we are found out by the Saiyan race behind them, then the fate of our Rambo family can be imagined.

Therefore, since they accepted our challenge, let's make the matter bigger and more high-profile, and let everyone know that we killed them through a regular fight, which is purely personal and has nothing to do with the family. ’” Taba explained to his four younger brothers.

"So that's the case, it's still the elder brother who is thoughtful." Tucker suddenly realized.

"Brother, just do as you say, we all listen to you." Taba's other three younger brothers also echoed.

"I don't agree." But the reality is not as they wished, at this moment, Wukong said.

"Who are you, dare to meddle in our affairs?" Taba hadn't spoken yet, but his fourth brother Tarou shouted loudly. Now they have decided to act in a high-profile manner, and of course no one is allowed to dare to refute them.

What's more, as the name suggests, Talu people act recklessly and never think about the consequences. At this time, outsiders refute them, and he, who has been flattered and flattered by others, is of course angry.

"Didn't you hear that just now? I'm Monkey King. You want to challenge me, but I don't agree. I don't have time to play with you clowns." Wukong said with a playful smile.

"You," Tarrou said angrily.

"Fourth brother, stop." Tarou was about to teach Wukong a lesson, but was stopped by his elder brother Taba.

"Brother, he dares to insult us." Tarrou said incomprehensibly.

"Back off." Taba shouted.

"Yes, big brother." Tarrou glared at Wukong unwillingly and retreated behind Taba.

Of course the chief of the city guard, Yael Khaki, dared not say anything at this time. He is not a fool. Anyone who dares to compete with the members of the Lanbo family is definitely not someone who can be offended by a small city guard. Therefore, he will not offend unknown powerful figures just to curry favor with Taba and others at this time.

Of course, how could Taba not be able to figure out things that City Guard Chief Yael Khaki could figure out. He was not as reckless and ignorant as his fourth brother, and he was also a little worried that Wukong was the son of a certain big family.

Because he had already revealed his identity just now, but the other party was not moved by it at all, so Taba had to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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