Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 322 Wukong accepts disciples

Chapter 322 Wukong accepts disciples ([-])

"Let go of my father quickly." Trunks shouted angrily. As soon as he finished speaking, Trunks immediately transformed into a super soldier with long silver-white hair like the previous Monkey King.

"Wait, Trunks." Sun Wukong suddenly stopped Trunks and said.

"But Dad?" Trunks said anxiously.

"I believe they have no malice, let them finish their sentence." Sun Wukong comforted Trunks.

Then Sun Wukong turned to Wukong and asked, "You two, I wonder if you can let Vegeta go first?"

"Okay." Wukong said with a faint smile, and then Vegeta continued to attack Yun Xuanling with a punch.

"Vegeta, no." Sun Wukong yelled immediately, and then his hair turned red instantly, and then his body quickly blurred, and the next moment he appeared in front of Vegeta.

"Bang." Sun Wukong blocked Vegeta's fist abruptly, "Vegeta, if you have something to say, don't hit me anymore."

"Kakarot, I don't need you to take care of my business, you get out of the way." Vegeta was blocked by Monkey King, and immediately stopped moving forward. After flying backwards for a few meters, he hung in the air coldly Said to Sun Wukong.

"Vegeta, when we finish the matter, I'll fight with you enough, now you stop and let me chat with them." Monkey King dissuaded.

After hearing what Monkey King said, Vegeta clenched his fists excitedly and said, "Is what you said true?" When Vegeta said this, he was very emotional, and even the air around him was shaking. Trembling, it can be seen how much he wants to fight Monkey King.

"What I said is true." Sun Wukong said affirmatively.

"Huh, Kakarot, this time you are not allowed to stop the battle or fail to do your best for other reasons. This time I must compete with you." Vegeta snorted coldly, because he had been thinking about it before Compete with Monkey King in a duel, until the end Monkey King
For various reasons, they stopped fighting or did not exert their full strength.

In order to prove that his pedigree as a Saiyan prince is higher than that of Monkey King, Vegeta must compete with Monkey King for his self-esteem, so he must defeat Monkey King with both efforts. Only then will he be satisfied.

"Don't worry, Vegeta, after we finish the matter, I will definitely accompany you to a good fight. This time, I will never stop or give up my full strength because of anything." Monkey King looked at Vegeta very sincerely Said.

"Okay, I'll trust you again this time, but if you go back on your word again, don't blame me for being rude." After finishing speaking, Vegeta released the combat form and returned to the previous black hair style, and the cyclone around him also Disappear.

"Dad, are you okay?" Trunks asked Vegeta who was on the way.

Vegeta folded his arms around his chest, and said proudly: "I'm fine, it's just a trick." At the same time, Vegeta showed extreme disdain for Goku's spell that pinned him just now, thinking that Goku has no real skills, only some weird little trick


The self-esteem of the Saiyan prince, a powerful fighting nation, makes Vegeta not easily admit that others are stronger than himself. Even Sun Wukong, who has experienced countless ups and downs with him, has always refused to admit that Sun Wukong is stronger than himself, even if Sun Wukong is true. better than him.

(End of this chapter)

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