Chapter 325 Wuxiang Spring ([-])
In the next month, many people came one after another. These people, those who know each other, greet each other and chat with each other.

Waiting for the opening of Wuxiangquan.

For the practitioners who came to participate in Wuxiang Spring, one month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, more than 5 people gathered in the huge hall of the palace. Compared with the other two Jedi Mecha Pavilions and the Holy Tomb that Wukong had been to, the number of people who came to Wuxiang Spring this time was much higher than before.

The entire hall is very large, and these 5 people only occupy a quarter of the entire hall.

While everyone was chatting and discussing, a person suddenly appeared in the open space inside the hall. As soon as this person appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, so the surroundings suddenly became very quiet. At this moment, even if a needle is dropped can also hear clearly


"See you, Lord Sage Envoy." At this moment, a green-level powerhouse who had participated in Wuxiang Spring before bowed to the people.

"Greetings, Lord Holy Envoy."

"See Lord Holy Envoy, Lord Holy Envoy Wanan."

One person takes the lead, and the others, no matter whether they recognize the envoy or not, immediately salute the person who comes, for fear that they will offend the envoy if they speak too late.

But there are two exceptions, Wukong and Yunxuanling.

"Well, be quiet." The envoy of Wuxiangquan waved his hand and said, although his voice was not loud, everyone in the hall could clearly hear it.

Afterwards, everyone quieted down, waiting for the holy envoy to speak.

"Cough." The envoy of Wuxiang Spring coughed twice, looked around and said, "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Chen Han, the envoy who guards Wuxiang Spring. Let's open the Wuxiang Spring next time, right to enter
The rules of Wuxiang Spring should also be clear. Of course, most of you have not participated in it. Now I will talk about the rules of entering Wuxiang Spring. "

Chen Han, the sage envoy of Wuxiang Spring, continued after a pause: "Wuxiang Spring is different from the other three great Jedi. Entering Wuxiang Spring is basically not life-threatening. Not only is there no danger, but there are great benefits. Of course, the sky is Don't just drop the pie, Wuxiangquan
Of course, it is a Jedi, so it is not so easy to enter.Before entering Wuxiang Spring, you need to pass a test. If you pass, you can enter Wuxiang Spring, otherwise, you have to leave here. "

"Next, please go to the green square on the right side of the hall at the peak green level, go to the cyan square on the left at the blue level, and enter the blue square in the center of the hall for the rest of the blue level." Within the formation." After Chen Han introduced the rules of the game,

arrange road.

The green-level peak in the upper realm of biological civilization is equivalent to the upper god peak in the upper realm of magic civilization, the blue-level is equivalent to the main god level, and the blue-level is equivalent to the holy spirit level in the holy world.

As soon as Chen Han finished speaking, he saw the vast majority of people walking towards the green square formation on the right, more than 300 people walking towards the blue square formation on the left, and the remaining 25 people walking into the blue square formation in the center. Including Wukong and Yun Xuanling.

"Now, the test begins." After everyone entered the designated square, Chen Han announced the start of the test.

As soon as Chen Han's words fell, he heard a few small friction sounds of 'chi chi chi chi'.

I saw four walls of light raised around the three phalanxes, enclosing everyone in the phalanxes.

(End of this chapter)

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