Chapter 330 Wuxiang Spring ([-])
Therefore, they were very curious about Wukong's identity. Even the seven blue-level powerhouses who were planning to leave and not stay to continue watching the show stopped immediately after hearing Chen Han's words, and turned to look at Wukong curiously. , looking at Wukong.

Wukong was also very surprised by Chen Han's attitude towards him, but Wukong's facial expression did not change, and he said calmly: "Why did I just stay in a small white space for an hour just now? This is considered a test pass. , or failed?"

"What? What kind of test is this? Holy envoy, are you being unfair?" The one who dared to question Chen Han was of course one of the seven blue-level powerhouses.

"Yes, Holy Messenger, I hope you can give us a satisfactory reason." Another blue-level powerhouse also echoed, and the other five blue-level powerhouses also nodded, their attitude was very clear, and they also wanted Chen Han Give them a satisfactory answer.

"We also hope that the Holy Envoy will give you a satisfactory answer." Not only were the seven eliminated blue-level powerhouses dissatisfied, but the other [-] blue-level powerhouses who passed were also dissatisfied with Chen Han's unfair test.

After all, this test was decided by the headquarters of the Sacred World Biological Civilization Alliance. Even if people from other big families in the alliance come, they cannot be treated without the test. Besides, Wukong's face is very unfamiliar, and he is not a member of the six major families of the Biological Civilization Alliance. Therefore, they dare to openly ask Chen Han to give an explanation, although they are not members of any of the six major families, and they do not have a big backer behind them.

But Chen Han obviously violated the rules. As for this, if Chen Han dared to take revenge on them, he would have to accept the sanctions of the alliance, and the family behind him could not save him, so they were not afraid of Chen Han's revenge on them.

But those green-level and blue-level people are not so bold, they can only shout in their hearts that it is unfair, but they dare not say it outright.

"What? They are united and want to threaten me. Do I need to explain to you that I am unfair?" Of course, Chen Han knew what they meant, so Chen Han said coldly.

"You, you." The first person who spoke was so angry that he couldn't speak, but he couldn't continue talking, he didn't want to be a bird, his strength was not as good as Chen Han, don't go yet Reported, but was killed by the other party first, then the gain outweighs the loss.

What Chen Han said was beyond the expectation of those who wanted a satisfactory answer just now. They didn't expect that Chen Han would dare to violate the rules and be so presumptuous.

As a result, some of them felt a little guilty and didn't dare to continue to offend Chen Han. They were afraid that Wukong was some kind of powerful figure, or that he had a very powerful backer behind him, so Chen Han got a special permission from the alliance headquarters. Wukong was not assessed.

If so, if they offend Chen Han, it will be difficult for them to get along in the holy world in the future. Unless they can find a powerful force that can compete with the family behind Chen Han or be stronger, they will not know how they will die in the future.

"Chen Han, they are afraid of your revenge, but I, Du Gan, am not afraid of your revenge. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will report all your actions today to the alliance headquarters." The blue square A brocade-clothed man in the formation said righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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