Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 354 Expansion of Forces

Chapter 354 Expansion of Forces ([-])

"Okay, master." Kakarot was also very excited at this time, because he was about to return to the race, and he was still returning to the race of the holy world.

When you get there, you can shape yourself to increase your strength, and you can also challenge more and stronger powerhouses to increase your combat experience. How can Kakarot not be excited? Similarly, Vegeta and others are also very excited, showing Yearning look.

"Don't be too happy, we can't go to the clan in the Holy Realm for the time being, I'll take you to the clan in this world for shaping." Just when Kakarot was excited, Ye Mingxuan's words made him Their excitement subsided.

"Master Ye, why is this?" Wukong asked.

"The strength of the few of them has not yet reached the blue level. According to the regulations of the holy world, practitioners who are less than the blue level are not allowed to go to the holy world. Even the local residents born in the holy world have not broken through to the blue level. They are not allowed to leave the place where they live even half a step.

And if I take them to the holy world, I need to go through the entrance of the holy world, where there are people sent by the four major civilizations to guard, and each boundary has a first-generation holy god refined A special magic weapon designed to break all hidden secrets, illusions, etc., even if it is

It is useless to hide them in the special space magic weapon, so they cannot pass there, let alone return to the holy world.

So we need to go to the clan in this world to shape them at the yellow level, the mysterious level and the earth level, and only after they have all broken through to the blue level can we take them to the holy world for the shaping.

Celestial shaping. "Ye Mingxuan explained, and showed a very helpless expression.

"So that's the case, then that's fine, Kakarot, you guys will first shape the upper world of biological civilization. I just have something to do, and I will continue to stay in the upper world of the four major civilizations. Wait. After you finish shaping, go directly to the Warcraft Mountains in the God of War Realm in the Upper Realm of Magic Civilization to find me

okay.When you break through to the blue level, I will take you to the holy world to carry out the shaping of the sky level. "Wukong instructed Kakarot.

"Okay." Kakarot nodded.

"Then, Great Holy Lord, I will take them to the clan first, and we will meet at the headquarters of the Sacred World Creature Alliance tomorrow." Ye Mingxuan bid farewell to Wukong.

"Okay, I will definitely visit when the time comes, see you in the future." Wukong responded.

Afterwards, Ye Mingxuan and Kakarot and others disappeared into the sky in a stream of light.

"Brother Wukong, what are we going to do next? Why don't we go to the Holy Realm?" After Ye Mingxuan and the others left, Yun Xuanling asked curiously.

"Unify the upper realms of the four major civilizations and expand the 'Hongmeng'." Wukong simply said what to do next.

"To unify the upper realms of the four major civilizations, so to speak, there is a fight to fight, hehe, brother Wukong, you must let me be the striker." Yun Xuanling said excitedly as soon as he heard that there was a fight.

"Haha, don't worry, you are indispensable for fighting, let's go, let's go back to deploy and start my journey to dominate." Wukong said with a smile.

Then Wukong and Yunxuanling also turned into streamers and disappeared into the sky.

Three hours later, Wukong and the two returned to the Great Sage Palace in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains in the God of War Realm at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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