Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 380 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 380 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

"Well, the other three major civilizations can't practice the skills of the cultivation line. I also heard Taylor and the others say that I planned to tell you about this after I saw you, but I didn't expect you to know it too, Xuan Ling Since you didn't get the pill, I do have a pill here

, will definitely be helpful to Magic Star. "After Wukong finished speaking, he took out a cyan elixir, and saw a layer of cyan halo lingering on the elixir, and at a glance, he knew that it was not comparable to ordinary elixir.

Before Wukong also asked Taylor and others why the practitioners of the other three major civilizations did not practice the cultivation methods of the cultivation civilization, and the other three civilizations did not lack talented people. The strong in the realm of generals are not without


However, Taylor and others said that the practitioners of their other three major civilizations cannot practice the techniques of the cultivation line at all, because they are people of different systems, even if they do not practice their own system of exercises, they can directly practice the cultivation methods Cultivation method, also can't

Yes, it may be the limitation of the rules of the universe.

If you practice forcefully, you will not see anything in the early stage. When you hit the realm of the holy general, you will be backlashed by force, and you will die. Countless people who do not believe in fate have tried it before. The Cultivation Method of the Birth Civilization System
, still haven't practiced the cultivation method of the civilization system born by the cultivator, and the result is that they all exploded and died when they hit the realm of the holy general.

Of course, these are practitioners of the three major civilizations of the holy world, and the cultivation methods they practice are all from the holy world. Although they are the lowest-end exercises in the holy world, they are not comparable to the cultivation methods of the upper realm of the cultivation civilization.And they are all practitioners who have not reached the level of holy generals

, A person who reached the level of a holy general once tried it, and the result immediately exploded and died.

And there are many practitioners from the upper realms of the three major civilizations to practice the cultivation method. They all exploded and died when they hit the realm of the immortal emperor. Immortal emperor-level powerhouses practiced the Cultivation Technique, and the result
It also immediately exploded and died.

That is to say, the practitioners of the three major civilizations in the holy world will explode and die in the realm of the holy generals when they practice the cultivation method, and the practitioners of the three major civilizations in the upper realm will explode and die in the realm of the immortal emperor.So now the practitioners of the other three major civilizations no longer dare to practice

The truth is settled, and the reason for the explosion has always been a mystery.

And when Zhuge Huanyu took Tang Huanxing as his apprentice, he didn't know about this situation, neither did Xiaoyao Demon Emperor Xu Tianxiao and Jijia Pavilion Guardian Guo Huaiyu, so they didn't tell Zhuge Huanyu. Zhuge Huanyu also
He heard from his master Xiao Hanyu.

Xiao Hanyu only told Zhuge Huanyu about the situation, he didn't say the reason, and Xiao Hanyu told Zhuge Huanyu about the Xuanling Pill, so he didn't say anything else, just asked Zhuge Huanyu to go to the holy world to find the Xuanling Pill.Tang Huanxing is now in the late stage of Xianjun,

It is not far from the realm of the immortal emperor. With his aptitude of the mysterious fire body, he will be able to hit the realm of the immortal emperor in a short time. Of course, he needs to find the mysterious pill quickly.

In fact, Xiao Hanyu could solve Tang Huanxing's problem, but he didn't do that, saying that it was a training for Zhuge Huanyu, and that was his responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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