Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 398 Two Heavenly Saints

Chapter 398 Twelve Heavenly Saints ([-])

The five great saint emperors looked at each other, and the helpless expressions could be seen from their faces.

"Supreme has already said so, it is estimated that that person is related to the Supreme, if so, Mingsha should be innocent, as for whether the Heavenly Buddha has been cloned, or Zhiyuan sent to hide his cultivation, these are not important, Our original purpose is to
It is hopeless to compete for the Holy Armor of Earth, so let's disperse and do our part. "The Inorganic Sage Emperor came out to smooth things over at this time.

"Hmph, Tianfo old bald donkey, I will write down your account for today, everyone, so I can take care of myself." After finishing speaking, the figure of Mingsha Holy Emperor gradually blurred until it disappeared, and Mingsha Holy Emperor took the lead to leave.

"Everyone, take your leave." The man in the golden robe turned into a ray of light soaring into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Similarly, the black-robed man disappeared into the darkness and left without saying hello.

"Thank you, Fellow Inorganic Daoist, today's favor will be repaid in the future." The Heavenly Buddha Saint Emperor put his hands together and said to the Inorganic Saint Emperor.

"Hehe, fellow Taoist Heavenly Buddha, you are serious. Since we are allies, of course I support you. But then again, did Zhiyuan really hide his cultivation, or fellow Taoist, you are really in the lower realm." Inorganic The Holy Emperor smiled kindly and asked harmlessly.

"Zhiyuan has no hidden cultivation, and I don't have a clone in the lower realm. Don't fellow Taoists believe me?" The Heavenly Buddha Sage Emperor would not tell the truth even if he was killed. Tell the truth to the Inorganic Sage Emperor.

He and the Inorganic Sage Emperor are just partners in terms of interests. If it is for interests, even if it is possible to turn their faces, how can it be possible to tell him the truth.Even if the two are gentlemen like the Holy Emperor Mingsha and the man in the golden robe, and they are good friends, they may still be together for their own sake.
Because of the interests, they turned their faces, let alone just partners.

"Hehe, you don't need to get excited, buddhist buddhists. I'm just asking casually. You haven't done the best, lest you will be used as an excuse by Ming Sha and the others in the future to take the opportunity to start a war between dao, buddha, demons and demons." Inorganic Saint The emperor smiled and said.

Afterwards, the two casually exchanged a few insignificant words, and then left separately.

"Is that person really sent by the Supreme Being? If so, then it will be very difficult for me to get the Holy Armor of Earth. No, I can't force it clearly. I can snatch it secretly." Before leaving, the Heavenly Buddha Holy Emperor The last thought that popped into my mind.

In God of War Realm, outside the Warcraft Mountain Range, twelve young men and women in different clothes hang in the air, looking at one direction at the same time, that is the Warcraft Mountain Range.

"Sun Wukong, come out for me." A loud voice spread throughout the entire Warcraft Mountain Range, and suddenly the entire mountain range boiled.

"Who? He dared to call the Great Sage by his first name. I don't want to live anymore."

"It's so courageous to come to our Warcraft Mountains to make trouble. Brothers, come out with me and see who is here to play wild."

The gods and beasts on the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains heard that someone dared to come here to make trouble, and immediately rushed out, scrambling to go out and teach this ignorant guy a lesson.

"So strong, did the Holy Realm send someone here so soon?" Only Wukong felt the profound magic power contained in this loud voice, but the others didn't feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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