Chapter 401 The Law of Gold ([-])

It goes without saying that these two people are Wukong and Shaotian.

"My subordinates see the Great Holy Lord." The gods and beasts immediately shouted loudly, and the momentum was equally astonishing.

"Well, Lucas, you take these two pills, you and the injured Azure Dragon Guard will have one each, and you will reward the others for their merits. Well, it's none of your business here. You guys go back." After Wukong finished speaking, he transformed into two silver pills and threw them to Lu.
Cass, when he came here just now, he saw an injured Azure Dragon Guard, and this injured Azure Dragon Guard was exactly the same Badas who had tried before.

"Of order, Great Holy Lord, thank you Great Holy Lord for your reward." Lucas said excitedly after taking the pill. At least you can break through to the Great Perfection of the upper god, and even reach the master level in one fell swoop.
God level, how can this kind of reward not make him excited.

Every member of 'Hongmeng' knows that the elixirs bestowed by the Great Sage are heaven-defying holy medicines, which can help you greatly improve your strength without any side effects.

"Thank you for the gift of the Great Holy Lord." Badas thanked him excitedly when he heard that he also had a pill.

Others did not get the reward of the elixir, some were just envious and made up their minds that they must make contributions in the future and strive to get one or more elixirs. No one was jealous or ruthless, they knew that others deserved it, I also know that in the 'Hongmeng',

As long as you are willing to work hard, you will have the opportunity to obtain the elixir, so they will not be jealous and ruthless, and will only work harder in the future.

"Let's go." Lucas then led the gods and beasts away, and they had to obey Wukong's order. Soon, all the gods and beasts entered the Warcraft Mountains and disappeared from the sight of Wukong and others.

"You are the Monkey King that the teacher mentioned?" The young man in white looked like he wanted to see through Wukong. what the teacher told them

Not long ago, the teacher of the Twelve Heavenly Saints gathered them together, first to warn the five great holy emperors not to go to the lower realms, and then said that there was an important matter to tell them.

"Teacher, why don't you let the Five Great Sage Emperors go to the lower realm? Is it just because of Zhuge Huanyu who got the Holy Armor of Earth?" The white-clothed youth asked suspiciously to the black-clothed boy who had previously frightened the Five Great Sage Emperors.

Only a few people in the holy world know that the treasure that was born not long ago is the holy armor of earth, and only a few people know that the holy armor of earth was obtained by Zhuge Huanyu who came to the fairy world. Some of this minority.

"Hehe, it's not for Zhuge Huanyu, but for someone else, Li Tian, ​​I have a task for you to complete now, and this task is related to him." The boy in black smiled mysteriously, don't look The boy in black looks very young, his actual age is older than Ye Li

Tian and other Twelve Heavenly Saints are much older, even if it is a fraction of his age, he is much older than Ye Jietian and other Twelve Heavenly Saints.

And his strength is also quite terrifying. Can a character who is so feared by the five holy emperors be weak?

"Teacher, what task do you want to give us? Who is 'he'? Is it the unknown person mentioned by the five great emperors?" Ye Litian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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